|!Punctuation|!Location|!Function|\n|{{{@@...@@}}}|surrounding text|@@highlighted text@@|\n|{{{//...//}}}|surrounding text|//italicized text//|\n|{{{==...==}}}|surrounding text|==strikethrough text==|\n|{{{''...''}}}|surrounding text|''boldfaced text''|\n|{{{__...__}}}|surrounding text|__underlined text__|\n|{{{[[text|url]]}}}|around text/url pair|[[text|http://gri.gallaudet.edu/]] link to url|\n|{{{ {...} }}}|''__tripled__'' surrounding text|{{{in-line literal text}}}|\n|{{{ {...} }}}|''__tripled__'' surrounding ''__lines__''|literal block|\n|{{{<<<}}}|surrounding ''__lines__''|blockquotes|\n|{{{!}}}|at start of line|subheading|\n|{{{|...|...|}}}|line sectioned by vertical bars|table row|\n|{{{!}}}|in a table|!table heading|\n|{{{----}}}|alone on line|horizontal rule|\n|{{{*}}}|at start of line|bulleted list item|\n|{{{#}}}|at start of line|numbered list item|\nsource: Kevin Cole, January 2007
TTiddlyWiki uses Wiki style markup, a way of lightly "tagging" plain text so it can be transformed into HTML. Edit this Tiddler to see samples.\n\n! Header Samples\n!Header 1\n!!Header 2\n!!!Header 3\n!!!!Header 4\n!!!!!Header 5\n\n! Unordered Lists:\n* Lists are where it's at\n* Just use an asterisk and you're set\n** To nest lists just add more asterisks...\n***...like this\n* The circle makes a great bullet because once you've printed a list you can mark off completed items\n* You can also nest mixed list types\n## Like this\n\n! Ordered Lists\n# Ordered lists are pretty neat too\n# If you're handy with HTML and CSS you could customize the [[numbering scheme|http://www.w3schools.com/css/pr_list-style-type.asp]]\n## To nest, just add more octothorpes (pound signs)...\n### Like this\n* You can also\n** Mix list types\n*** like this\n# Pretty neat don't you think?\n\n! Tiddler links\nTo create a Tiddler link, just use mixed-case WikiWord, or use [[brackets]] for NonWikiWordLinks. This is how the GTD style [[@Action]] lists are created. \n\nNote that existing Tiddlers are in bold and empty Tiddlers are in italics. See CreatingTiddlers for details.\n\n! External Links\nYou can link to [[external sites|http://google.com]] with brackets. You can also LinkToFolders on your machine or network shares.\n\n! Images\nEdit this tiddler to see how it's done.\n[img[http://img110.echo.cx/img110/139/gorilla8nw.jpg]]\n\n!Tables\n|!th1111111111|!th2222222222|\n|>| colspan |\n| rowspan |left|\n|~| right|\n|colored| center |\n|caption|c\n\nFor a complex table example, see PeriodicTable.\n\n! Horizontal Rules\nYou can divide a tiddler into\n----\nsections by typing four dashes on a line by themselves.\n\n! Blockquotes\n<<<\nThis is how you do an extended, wrapped blockquote so you don't have to put angle quotes on every line.\n<<<\n>level 1\n>level 1\n>>level 2\n>>level 2\n>>>level 3\n>>>level 3\n>>level 2\n>level 1\n\n! Other Formatting\n''Bold''\n==Strike==\n__Underline__\n//Italic//\nSuperscript: 2^^3^^=8\nSubscript: a~~ij~~ = -a~~ji~~\n@@highlight@@\n@@color(green):green colored@@\n@@bgcolor(#ff0000):color(#ffffff):red colored@@\n
Getting email to work on the flint domain
Looking for [[Mailman?|http://docbox.flint.com:8081/mailman]]\n\n\n! Platforms\nWe need a web based solution for the following systems:\n|! System |! IP Address |\n|[[mail.flint.com]] ||\n|[[docbox.flint.com]] | |\n\n# Here is the [[roundcube documentation | http://trac.roundcube.net/wiki/Howto_Install ]]\n\n! We need tool and test equipment to make this work\n# Test equipment is [[expect]]\n\n! We need to understand the web tool \n# The web tool is [[roundcube |RoundCube]]\n\nWe have a [[listserver called mailman we run|http://docbox.flint.com:8081/mailman]]
Working test manual script...\n\nmail.flint.com is the catcher\n{{{\ntelnet mail.flint.com 25\nhelo www.flint.com\nmail from: flint@docbox.flint.com\nrcpt to: flint@mail.flint.com\ndatatelnet mail.flint.com 25\nhelo www.flint.com\nmail from: flint@docbox.flint.com\nrcpt to: flint@mail.flint.com\ndata\nThis is test 4\n.\nquit\n\nThis is test 4\n.\nquit\n}}}\n\n\nDocbox is the catcher\n{{{\ntelnet docbox.flint.com 25\nhelo www.flint.com\nmail from: flint@mail.flint.com\nrcpt to: flint@docbox.flint.com\ndata\nThis is test 2\n.\nquit\n}}}
! Second Expect script\nOpens and closes the mail port and sends a message.\n\nPlace in a file and make executable...\n\n{{{\n#!/usr/bin/expect -f\n# Assume $test_number was read in earlier and nothing else \n# in the script.\n# Open a telnet session to a remote server, and wait for a username prompt.\nspawn telnet docbox.flint.com 25\nexpect "220"\n# Send the name of originator and wait prompt.\nsend "helo www.flint.com\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Send the name of sender and wait prompt.\nsend "mail from: flint@mail.flint.com\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Send the name of receiver and wait prompt.\nsend "rcpt to: flint@docbox.flint.com\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Send the data header and wait prompt.\nsend "data\sr"\nexpect "354"\nsend "This is test with expect 1\sr"\nsend ".\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Exit the telnet session, and wait for a special end-of-file character.\nsend "quit\sr"\nexpect eof\n}}}\n\n
! Set up test environment\n# Log on to docbox, this is the catcher...\n# Open a terminal this is the pitcher\n\n! Start test server\ndocbox has postfix,\n# cp rename_this_to-postfix-to_start_mta postfix\n# ./postfix start\n\n! Test script\nWorking test [[manual_script]]...\n\n! First Expect script\n\nMerely opens and closes the mail port.\n\nPlace in a file and make executable...\n\n{{{\n#!/usr/bin/expect -f\n# Assume $test_number was read in earlier and nothing else \n# in the script.\n# Open a telnet session to a remote server, and wait for a username prompt.\nspawn telnet docbox.flint.com 25\nexpect "220"\n# Exit the telnet session, and wait for a special end-of-file character.\nsend "quit\sr"\nexpect eof\n}}}\n\nThis test works!\n\n! Second Expect script\nPlace in a file and make executable...\n[[test2]] Opens and closes the mail port and sends a message.\n\n\n\n
! Second Expect script\nOpens and closes the mail port and sends a message.\n\nPlace in a file and make executable...\n\n{{{\n#!/usr/bin/expect -f\n# Assume $test_number was read in earlier and nothing else \n# in the script.\n# Open a telnet session to a remote server, and wait for a username prompt.\nspawn telnet docbox.flint.com 25\nexpect "220"\n# Send the name of originator and wait prompt.\nsend "helo www.flint.com\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Send the name of sender and wait prompt.\nsend "mail from: flint@mail.flint.com\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Send the name of receiver and wait prompt.\nsend "rcpt to: flint@docbox.flint.com\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Send the data header and wait prompt.\nsend "data\sr"\nexpect "354"\nsend "This is test with expect 1\sr"\nsend ".\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Exit the telnet session, and wait for a special end-of-file character.\nsend "quit\sr"\nexpect eof\n}}}\n\n
! Expect test script that uses command line variables\n\n{{{\n#!/usr/bin/expect -f\n# Evaluates $test_number\nset test_number $argv\nsend $test_number\sn\n# begins the script.\n# Open a telnet session to a remote server, and wait for a username prompt.\nspawn telnet mail.flint.com 25\nexpect "220"\n# Send the name of originator and wait prompt.\nsend "helo flint@flint.com\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Send the name of sender and wait prompt.\nsend "mail from: flint@flint.com\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Send the name of receiver and wait prompt.\nsend "rcpt to: flint@flint.com\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Send the data header and wait prompt.\nsend "data\sr"\nexpect "354"\n# From: flint@flint.com\nsend "To: flint@flint.com\sr"\nsend "Subject: Test Number $test_number\sr\sr"\nsend "This is test number $test_number with expect\sr"\nsend "Note this is flint@flint trying to figure out what is up with your email\sr"\nsend ".\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Exit the telnet session, and wait for a special end-of-file character.\nsend "quit\sr"\nexpect eof\n}}}\n\n\n{{{\n#!/usr/bin/expect -f\n# Evaluates $test_number\nset test_number $argv\nsend $test_number\sn\n# begins the script.\n# Open a telnet session to a remote server, and wait for a username prompt.\nspawn telnet docbox.flint.com 25\nexpect "220"\n# Send the name of originator and wait prompt.\nsend "helo www.flint.com\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Send the name of sender and wait prompt.\nsend "mail from: flint@mail.flint.com\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Send the name of receiver and wait prompt.\nsend "rcpt to: flint@docbox.flint.com\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Send the data header and wait prompt.\nsend "data\sr"\nexpect "354"\nsend "This is test number $test_number with expect\sr"\nsend ".\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Exit the telnet session, and wait for a special end-of-file character.\nsend "quit\sr"\nexpect eof\n}}}
! Tests data from docbox to mail.flint.com\n{{{\n#!/usr/bin/expect -f\n# Tue 27 May 2014 04:27:48 PM EDT pflint\n# version actually puts headers in the message...\n# Assume $test_number was read in as an argument\n# \n# in the script.\n# Open a telnet session to a remote server, and wait for a username prompt.\n# spawn telnet docbox.flint.com 25\nset test_number [lindex $argv 0]\nspawn telnet mail.flint.com 25\nexpect "220"\n# Send the name of originator and wait prompt.\nsend "helo docbox.flint.com\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Send the name of sender and wait prompt.\nsend "mail from: flint@docbox.flint.com\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Send the name of receiver and wait prompt.\nsend "rcpt to: flint@mail.flint.com\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Send the data header and wait prompt.\nsend "data\sr"\nexpect "354"\n# set DATE variable in expect script\nset DATE [exec date +%F]\nset MDAY [exec date +%A]\nset MDMY [exec date +%c]\n# send "This is test with expect on $DATE try 4\sr"\nsend "From: \s"test\s" <test@flint.com>\sr"\nsend "To: \s"flint@flint.com\s" <flint@flint.com>\sr"\nsend "Subject: test message number $test_number sent from manual telnet session\sr"\nsend "Date: $MDMY\sr"\nsend "This is test with expect on $DATE try $test_number\sr"\nsend ".\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Exit the telnet session, and wait for a special end-of-file character.\nsend "quit\sr"\nexpect eof\n\n}}]\n! Tests data to mail.flint.com\n\n{{{\n#!/usr/bin/expect -f\n# Evaluates $test_number\nset test_number $argv\nsend $test_number\sn\n# begins the script.\n# Open a telnet session to a remote server, and wait for a username prompt.\nspawn telnet mail.flint.com 25\nexpect "220"\n# Send the name of originator and wait prompt.\nsend "helo www.flint.com\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Send the name of sender and wait prompt.\nsend "mail from: flint@mail.flint.com\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Send the name of receiver and wait prompt.\nsend "rcpt to: flint@docbox.flint.com\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# This Send the data header and wait prompt.\nsend "data\sr"\nexpect "354"\nsend "This is test number $test_number with expect\sr"\nsend ".\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Exit the telnet session, and wait for a special end-of-file character.\nsend "quit\sr"\nexpect eof\n}}}
! Kill a specific message\n{{{\npostsuper -d <message number>\n}}}\n\n! Kill the queue\n\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash\n# pflint clears postfix queue\n# Sun Oct 7 08:49:54 EDT 2007\n#\necho "Begin Flush"\npostfix flush\necho "Begin Clear"\npostsuper -d ALL deferred\necho "Postfix queue cleared, see?"\nmailq\n\n}}}
! Monitoring the log files\n\n!! moitoring for incoming from script...\n{{{\nsudo tail -f /var/log/mail.log | grep flint@mail.flint.com\n}}}
Expect is a program that was written to do this kind of thing.\n\nWikipedia has information about [[expect | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expect ]]\n\nGit hub [[about expect|https://gist.github.com/Fluidbyte/6294378]]\n\nOur test programs evolve here:\n\n# [[test2]]\n# [[5test]]\n# [[test2]]\n# [[test_to_flint]]\n
! Overview\n\n# [[function]]\n# [[hardware]]\n# [[storage]]\n# [[network]]\n# [[software]]\n# [[operating system]]\n# [[clients]]\n# [[backup_script]]\n\n! Notes\n\n
transfering ziddlywiki\n\nThis file is the key...\n./var/lib/zope2.8/instance/plone-site/import/ZiddlyWiki-\n\n./var/lib/zope2.8/instance/plone-site/import/\n\nalways import into a local file.
RoundCube is the web based email we use.\n\nIt is based upon [[PHP]], and [[SQL]].\n\nIn our case the database is not [[MySQL]] but rather [[SQLlite]]\n\n# The web tool is [[roundcube | http://roundcube.net ]] \n# Here is the [[roundcube documentation | http://trac.roundcube.net/wiki/Howto_Install ]]\n# [[Troubleshooting information|TestingRoundcube]]\n# Notes on [[mail acquisition from sql database|RoundCubeSQL]]\n
! Notes\nhttp://libertyohana.com/\n\nZope\nhttp://\nuserid skydyv\n\nuserid flint
http://www.linuxdevices.com/articles/AT8047723203.html\n\nAll binary Debian packages consist of three basic things: \n# a text file called debian-binary, \n# a compressed tarball called control.tar.gz, and \n# another compressed tarball called data.tar.gz.\n\nar -t packagename.deb.
http://wiki.dovecot.org/QuickConfiguration\nhttp://jangestre.wordpress.com/2007/07/\nhttp://www.linux-mail.info/install-setup-dovecot-centos-5/\n\nFor this to work you must \n\nInstall Dovecot:\n\nWe need to install Dovecot on mail.flint.com\n\nroot@mail:~# dpkg -l | grep qpopper\nii qpopper 4.0.5-4sarge1 Enhanced Post Office Protocol server (POP3)\nroot@mail:~# apt-cache search dovecot\ncyrus2courier - converts Cyrus mailbox format to Maildir\nsylpheed-claws-maildir-plugin - Maildir++ support plugin for the Sylpheed Claws mail client\ndovecot-common - secure mail server that supports mbox and maildir mailboxes\ndovecot-imapd - secure IMAP server that supports mbox and maildir mailboxes\ndovecot-pop3d - secure POP3 server that supports mbox and maildir mailboxes\nroot@mail:~# \n\nWe are gonna practice on cart.
http://jangestre.wordpress.com/2007/07/\n\nyou must install postfix (somewhere)\n
Configure MySQL in the following fashion:\n\n# mysql roundcubemail < SQL/mysql.initial.sql\n\n# mysql roundcubemail < mysql.initial.sql\n\nmysql --user=root --password=\n\nFirst, if you haven't done this already, set the root password for MySQL. You can do this by typing:\n\n\n! Password Set\nmysqladmin -u root password 'passwordyouwant'\nused fruit.\n\n! Set Password on \nGRANT ALL ON employees.* TO manish@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "eagle"\n\nGRANT ALL ON roundcube.* TO roundcube@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "pass"\n\nroot@docbox:/usr/share/roundcube-webmail/config# mysql -u root -p\nEnter password: \nWelcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \sg.\nYour MySQL connection id is 30 to server version: 5.0.22-Debian_0ubuntu6.06.8-log\n\nType 'help;' or '\sh' for help. Type '\sc' to clear the buffer.\n\nmysql> GRANT ALL ON roundcube.* TO roundcube@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "pass"\n -> ;\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)\n\n\n\nNow that the root password is set, connect to your MySQL server:\n\nmysql -u root -p \n\nmysqladmin -u root -p create mydatabase\n\nshow databases;\n\nmysql> SHOW TABLES;\nDESCRIBE employee_data;\n\n
The difference between the Debian 4.0 and the Ubuntu 6.06 LTS turns out to be a difference in my /etc/apt/sources.list.\n\nThe trick is to set the database up. The newer version of this program does this automatically. To set up the database the following commands will come in useful...\n\nOn a clean mysql you do not need a password. This works:\n\n\nmysqladmin -u root -p create mydatabase\n\nmysql roundcube < SQL/mysql.initial.sql\n\n\nFirst, if you haven't done this already, set the root password for MySQL. You can do this by typing:\n\n\nPassword Set:\nmysqladmin -u root password 'passwordyouwant'\nor\nmysql -u root -p\n\n\nTo login try:\nmysql --user=root --password=passwordyouwant\n\nTry:\nshow databases;\nSHOW TABLES;\nDESCRIBE 'particular_table';\n\n\nAt the prompt set the roundcube database password:\nGRANT ALL ON roundcube.* TO roundcube@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "password4roundcube"\n\nthen go into the /config/db.inc.php and fix it to log in...\n\nThis should all be done automatically but hey
\n{{{\n#!/usr/bin/expect -f\n# Evaluates $test_number\nset test_number $argv\nsend $test_number\sn\n# begins the script.\n# Open a telnet session to a remote server, and wait for a username prompt.\nspawn telnet 25\nexpect "220"\n# Send the name of originator and wait prompt.\nsend "helo www.flint.com\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Send the name of sender and wait prompt.\nsend "mail from: flint@mail.flint.com\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Send the name of receiver and wait prompt.\nsend "rcpt to: flint@li16-241.members.linode.com\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# This Send the data header and wait prompt.\nsend "data\sr"\nexpect "354"\nsend "subject: Mail test number $test_number\sr"\nsend "to: flint@mail.flint.com\sr" \nsend "This is test number $test_number with expect\sr"\nsend ".\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Exit the telnet session, and wait for a special end-of-file character.\nsend "quit\sr"\nexpect eof\n}}}\n\n}}}\n
! This will test a pop 3 connection\n{{{\ntelnet mail.flint.com 110\nuser flint\npass xxx\nlist\nquit\n}}}
! Testing IMAP\n\nThis will test imap with password authentication off\nNote that all imap commands begin with a number...\n\n{{{\ntelnet mail.flint.com 143\n1 login flint banana\n2 select inbox\n2 list "" *\n}}}\n\n[[Excellent article on this subject |http://wiki.mediatemple.net/w/Email_via_IMAP_using_Telnet]]\n[[Another site worth studying |http://blog.sven.co.za/2010/04/25/testing-pop3-and-imap-servers-from-the-command-line-in-cmd-or-bash/]]\n\nWorks as far as it goes...\ntelnet 143\n\n01 LOGIN flint xxx\n02 LIST "" *\n03 SELECT mailbox\n\nIMAP as configured, needs openssl based authentication:\n\n\nMaybe the ticket here is to use [[fetchmail]] to test...\n\n{{{\n\nroot@fts60:~# telnet 143\nTrying\nConnected to\nEscape character is '^]'.\n* OK Dovecot ready.\n01 LOGIN flint xxxx\n* BAD [ALERT] Plaintext authentication is disabled, but your client sent password in plaintext anyway. If anyone was listening, the password was exposed.\n01 NO Plaintext authentication disallowed on non-secure connections.\n01 LOGIN flint\n01 BAD Error in IMAP command received by server.\n\n}}}
! Fetchmail Install\n\nRequires [[MySQL]] 5.0...\n\nAdditional package is [[fetchmailconf]] \n\n! Testing with fetchmail\n\nfetchmail -c mail.flint.com\n\nResult:\n\nfetchmail: Server CommonName mismatch: none !=\nfetchmail: Server certificate verification error: self signed certificate\nfetchmail: Server certificate verification error: certificate has expired\nfetchmail: No mail for flint at\n\n\n\n
!! fetchmailconf\n\nFetchmailconf is a GUI used to configure /etc/fetchmail.rc\n\nI set fetchmail conf to go to [[cart]] at and deliver my messages to to
! Function of docbox.flint.com\n\nThis development system is maintained in order to research the following functions:\n\n#[[bzr repository]]\n#[[webmail development]]\n#[[zope development]]\n#[[ziddlywiki research]]\n
! Jimp Drive Fun\n\nhttp://tldp.org/HOWTO/html_single/Flash-Memory-HOWTO/#options\n\n\nsystool -vb scsi | grep vendor.
Maildir\n\nThis format debuted with the qmail server in the mid-1990s. Each mailbox folder is a directory and each message a file. This improves efficiency because individual emails can be modified, deleted and added without affecting the mailbox or other emails, and makes it safer to use on networked file systems such as NFS.\n\n
\n\n\n{{{\n[Moved 1552 bytes of new mail to /home/flint/mbox from /var/spool/mail/flint]\n}}}\n\n{{{\nroot@mail:~# ./mmvt\n-rw------- 1 flint mail 0 Apr 28 16:13 /var/mail/flint\n-rw------- 1 flint flint 76150622 Apr 28 16:16 /home/flint/mbox\nroot@mail:~# less mmvt\nls -alt /var/mail/flint\nls -alt ~flint/mbox\n}}}\n\n\nhttp://www.washington.edu/imap/IMAP-FAQs/index.html#top\n\n
http://wiki.dovecot.org/TestInstallation\n\nset to "no" allow cleartext password\n\ntelnet mail.flint.com 143\n1 login flint banana\n2 select inbox\n2 list "" *\n\n{{{\nroot@docbox:/etc# telnet mail.flint.com 143\nTrying\nConnected to mail.flint.com.\nEscape character is '^]'.\n* OK Dovecot ready.\n1 login flint banana\n1 OK Logged in.\n2 select inbox\n* FLAGS (\sAnswered \sFlagged \sDeleted \sSeen \sDraft)\n* OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\sAnswered \sFlagged \sDeleted \sSeen \sDraft \s*)] Flags permitted.\n* 0 EXISTS\n* 0 RECENT\n* OK [UIDVALIDITY 1206902541] UIDs valid\n* OK [UIDNEXT 1] Predicted next UID\n2 OK [READ-WRITE] Select completed.\n2 list "" *\n* LIST (\sHasNoChildren) "." "Sent"\n* LIST (\sHasNoChildren) "." "Trash"\n* LIST (\sHasNoChildren) "." "Drafts"\n* LIST (\sHasNoChildren) "." "mail"\n* LIST (\sHasNoChildren) "." "mbox"\n* LIST (\sUnmarked) "." "INBOX"\n2 OK List completed.\n\n\n}}}\n\n\n{{{\nroot@docbox:/etc# telnet mail.flint.com 143\nTrying\nConnected to mail.flint.com.\nEscape character is '^]'.\n* OK Dovecot ready.\n1 login aaron banana\n1 OK Logged in.\n\n}}}\n\n{{{\nroot@docbox:/etc# telnet mail.flint.com 143\nTrying\nConnected to mail.flint.com.\nEscape character is '^]'.\n* OK Dovecot ready.\n1 login aaron banana\n1 OK Logged in.\n2 select inbox\n* FLAGS (\sAnswered \sFlagged \sDeleted \sSeen \sDraft)\n* OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\sAnswered \sFlagged \sDeleted \sSeen \sDraft \s*)] Flags permitted.\n* 4221 EXISTS\n* 0 RECENT\n* OK [UNSEEN 1] First unseen.\n* OK [UIDVALIDITY 1209415553] UIDs valid\n* OK [UIDNEXT 4222] Predicted next UID\n2 OK [READ-WRITE] Select completed.\n2 list "" *\n* LIST (\sNoInferiors \sUnMarked) "/" "INBOX"\n2 OK List completed.\n\n}}}
! TADA\n\nKill MailDir\n\n\n[[Read this |http://paulstamatiou.com/2005/10/29/how-to-setup-roundcube-webmail-on-your-server]]\n\nNote that if IP changes email stops working for the vermont office area, \n\ntrying \n[[[mail.charter.net]]] \non the IBM copy of evolution
The software on mail.flint.com used for moving mail around includes:\n\n!! Server\nPostfix is the Mail Transfer Agent\nDovecote is the service component which supports:\n* [[mbox format]]\n* [[impad]]\n* [[pop3]]\n\n!! Client\n* [[pine]]\n* [[mutt]]\n* [[web interface via docbox/roundcube]]
Try these:\n\n{{{\n 497 dig flint.com type MX\n 498 dig flint.com type MX\n 499 dig flint.com type MX | less -NS\n 500 dig mail.flint.com type MX | less -NS\n 501 dig yahoo.com MX +noall +answer\n 502 dig flint.com MX +noall +answer\n 503 dig mail.flint.com MX +noall +answer\n 505 dig mail.flint.com MX +noall +answer\n 506 dig flint.com MX +noall +answer\n 508 dig flint.com MX +noall +answer\n 509 dig flint.com MX\n 510 dig flint.com type MX\n 511 dig google.com MX +noall +answer\n 512 dig flint.com MX +noall +answer\n 513 dig flint.com MX +noall +answer\n}}}
2010-12-29\n\n 974 flint.com (500s) IN MX 10 flint.com.s8a1.psmtp.com\n 975 flint.com (500s) IN MX 20 flint.com.s8a2.psmtp.com\n 976 flint.com (500s) IN MX 30 flint.com.s8b1.psmtp.com\n 977 flint.com (500s) IN MX 40 flint.com.s8b2.psmtp.com\n
Log files are:\n\nhttp://docbox.flint.com/roundcube\n\n{{{\n/var/lib/roundcube/logs\n}}}\n\ncommand:\n{{{\nwatch 'tail -20 sendmail '\nwatch 'tail -20 errors '\n}}}\n
Friday, January 25 2013\n\nThe trick with the Galaxy is to have the following:\n1. [[IMAP to receive messages|testIMAP]]\n2. SMTP to send messages\n
I need to get roundcube's "Sent" mailbox into mbox form.\n\n[[SQLite "dot commands"|https://www.sqlite.org/sqlite.html]]
This is the main mail server for this domain.\n\nmail is handled by postfix.\npostgrey is part of the spam filtering\n\nSMTP Mail relay is handled by:\n{{{\n mynetworks =,,,,\nmydestination = mail.flint.com, flint.com, www.flint.com, localhost\n}}}\n\n[[Port Number |http://support.mailpoet.com/knowledgebase/default-ports-numbers-smtp-pop-imap/]] is "25"\n\n[[mail forwarding|ForwardEmail]]
How do I delete files in roundcube.\nWhere is the directory in roundcube\n\nDear Venkat,\n\nCan you check the status of the gmail based account "flint@flint.com"? \n\nWhen I try to log onto it
This is something we did and forgot how we die\n\n[[ATT Forward|ATTforwardEmail]]\n[[Google Forward|https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-google-s-smtp-server]]
\nEmail Server:\nOur SMTP is smtp.mail.att.net the port is 465 and the SSL should be on
\n[[Sender Policy Framework|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sender_Policy_Framework]]
\n{{{\n#!/usr/bin/expect -f\n# note this is different from bash...\nset test_number [lindex $argv 0];\nset domain [lindex $argv 1];\n# Evaluates $test_number\n# set test_number $1 \nsend $test_number\sn\nsend $domain\sn\n# begins the script.\n# Open a telnet session to a remote server, and wait for a username prompt.\nspawn telnet $domain 25\nexpect "220"\n# Send the name of originator and wait prompt.\nsend "helo www.flint.com\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Send the name of sender and wait prompt.\nsend "mail from: flint@mail.flint.com\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Send the name of receiver and wait prompt.\nsend "rcpt to: flint@$domain\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Send the data header and wait prompt.\nsend "data\sr"\nexpect "354"\n# From: test@$domain\nsend "To: flint@$domain\sr"\nsend "Subject: Test Number $test_number\sr\sr"\nsend "This is test number $test_number with expect\sr"\nsend "Note this is flint@flint trying to figure out what is up with your email\sr"\nsend ".\sr"\nexpect "250"\n# Exit the telnet session, and wait for a special end-of-file character.\nsend "quit\sr"\nexpect eof\n}}}
[[Inside Pine|https://www.washington.edu/pine/tech-notes/low-level.html]]\n\nAlso see [[alpine troubleshooting|http://docbox.flint.com:8081/geekland#alpine]]
Use IMAP:\n\nin .pinerc place:\n{{{\nInbox Path = {mail.flint.com/novalidate-cert/user=flint/IMAP}INBOX\n}}}\n\nok live with typing password twice...
18/06/2015 12:23:28 \n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[Searching Out this Problem |https://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=%22421-4.7.0+%5B75.134.91.166++++++15%5D+Our+system+has+detected+an+unusual+rate+of%22&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#channel=fs&q=%22Our+system+has+detected+an+unusual+rate+of%22]]||\n|[[Requesting Blacklist Removal |http://www.rackaid.com/blog/gmail-blacklist-removal/]]| Good Advice|\n|[[Google Report a Delivery Problem |https://support.google.com/mail/contact/msgdelivery]]| Very Slick |\n|[[Google Raise/Lower Email Security |https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps]]| Fixes Problem?|\n|[[intoDNS |http://www.intodns.com/mail.flint.com]]|Who cares?|\n|[[RFC 5321 SMTP |https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5321]]| SMTP|\n|[[RFC 5321 SMTP |https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5321#page-88]]| Typical Transaction|\n|[[Google Search |http1s://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=google+smtp+session&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8]]| google smtp session|\n|[[Postini |https://support.google.com/postini/answer/1385530?hl=en]]| SMTP mail flow test using telnet on port 25|\n|[[serverFault |http://serverfault.com/questions/392770/smtp-session-between-2-mail-servers-on-the-internet-without-authentication]]| SMTP session between 2 mail servers on the internet: Without authentication?|\n|[[LinuxMeerkat |https://linuxmeerkat.wordpress.com/2013/10/10/emailing-from-a-gmail-acount-via-telnet/]]| Good Step-by-step|\n|[[Base 64 Web Site |https://www.base64encode.org/]]| Encode to Base64 format|\n|[[Google Set Security Permissions |https://security.google.com/settings/security/permissions?pli=1]]| Login and use|\n|[[Google Reference |https://support.google.com/mail/answer/78754]]| My client isn't accepting my username and password|\n|[[Google Reference|https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185834?hl=en#ASPs]]|Common issues with 2-Step Verification|\n
''for Postfix''\n\n* {{{postconf | less -S}}}
[[Google Email Product Forum|https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topicsearchin/gmail/smtp$20test$20scripts]]\n[[Maybe Help|http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-use-gmail-as-a-smarthost.html]]\n\nNeed to fix the test so that google mail is supported.\nTada stop limiting inbound mail servers.
\nCould this be the simplest test available?\n\n{{{\necho "Test mail from postfix" | mail -s "Test Postfix" scanner\n}}}
gsmtp is tls based\n\nhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1472520\n\nhttps://www.howtoforge.com/postfix_relaying_through_another_mailserver
Type the text for '6 November 2017'\n\n[[Unbelievable |https://sender.office.com/Delist/HandleIP?__RequestVerificationToken=xSmzJSIi25DVcsIDJYPMfNcjhfCtF9OtwkKS56WyG2DRsYkrofVWvql6iARE6m9iJmhszLxPfn34s0Cm7W_efEu8vVs1&email=flint%40flint.com&ip=]]
Type the text for '30 December 2017'\n\n\n[[Round Cube Data Base Documentation|https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/CKB/How+to+Rebuild+the+Roundcube+Database]]
Type the text for '17 September 2018'\n\nHere it is warts and all...\n\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash\n# managing mail\n#\n# pflint 2017-09-08 07:11:56\n# pflint 2018-09-17 09:38:34\n# This code manually written\n# On Fri 2018-09-21 15:17:11\n# by pflint\nversion="0.003"\n#\n# note this format allows for comments.#\n#* function help - Help function for template basic help goes here\nfunction help()\n{\n#D\necho "This is the ""$FUNCNAME"" function in "$0" version "$version;\nclear;\n#D echo $0;spause\ncat $0 | grep '^## ' | sed -e 's/##//'\n## *****DOCUMENTATION*****'\n## You get this when you put in the wrong number or type of arguments...\n## This program was generated by menubot.sh which makes visualbash menus\n## The name of this program is "./clmail.sh"\n## Choose one of the following alternatives:\n## *** NOTE *** This program must be run as both local and remote root,\n## This is released under GPL dbtsI\n## The use syntax is:\n## dlmbox <uid> - download mbox file from mail.flint.com\n## sfswc <file> - show size of file with commas\n## chnkit <file> - makes mbox file into 1000 message chunks\n## oktrim - Sends the last file\n## cms <uid> - Check the mail server file size per user\n## cps <file> - Compress file locally if possible\n## dlf <file> - Download file from mailserver\n## del <file> - Delete file on server\n## chop <file> - Chop file up\n## ulf <file> - Upload result\n## :^)'\n## For structure information type "grep '^\s#\s*' ./clmail.sh"\n## (C) P Flint, Barre Open Systems Institute Liscensed under GPLI\n## This is released under GPL dbtsI\n}\n#\nfunction dummy(){\n#* function dummy - Rename and fill stuff in between braces\necho "This is the \s""$FUNCNAME"\s" function in "$0" version "$version #debug\nnroot\n} # Test:\n#\n#\nfunction dlmbox(){\nuid=$var2\n#* function dlmbox - Downloads userid's mbox\necho "This is the \s""$FUNCNAME"\s" function in "$0" version "$version #debug\nnroot\n#D echo $uid\n#\ntarget=$(echo -n $(date +%F)_)$uid"_mail"\necho $target\nspause\n#\nscp $uid@mail.flint.com:/var/mail/$uid $target\n} # Test:\n#\nfunction sfswc(){\n#* function sfswc - show file size with commas\necho "This is the \s""$FUNCNAME"\s" function in "$0" version "$version #debug\nnroot\necho "The numeric value of $var2 is: "\n# Show size with commas...\n# lt | head -1 | cut -d " " -f 6 |xargs printf "%'.f\sn"\n# ls -alt | grep -i /var/mail/flint$ | cut -d " " -f 6 |xargs printf "%'.f\sn"\n# ls -alt /var/mail | grep -i flint$ | cut -d " " -f 6 |xargs printf "%'.f\sn"\nls -alt $var2 | cut -d " " -f 5 |xargs printf "%'.f\sn"\n} # Test:\n#\nfunction humm(){\n#* function humm - Rename and fill stuff in between braces\necho "This is the \s""$FUNCNAME"\s" function in "$0" version "$version #debug\nnroot\n# Should be run on ironwood...\n# cd ~mail\ncd /opt\n} # Test:\n#\n#\nfunction buflint(){\n#* function buflint - backs up flint email box on mail.flint.com\necho "This is the \s""$FUNCNAME"\s" function in "$0" version "$version #debug\nnroot\n# cd flint_mail_2017\necho -n "started at: "\ndate\necho "Backing up flint mail file ";\n# scp flint@mail.flint.com:/var/mail/flint ./flint_$(date +%F).mail\nrsync -avr flint@mail.flint.com:/var/mail/flint ./flint_$(date +%F).mail\n} # Test:\n#\n#\nfunction alaura(){\n#* function alaura - saves lauras email box\necho "This is the \s""$FUNCNAME"\s" function in "$0" version "$version #debug\nnroot\n# for laura\nssh flint@mail.flint.com # fix permissions\nscp flint@mail.flint.com:/var/mail/l ./laura_$(date +%F).mail\nawk 'BEGIN{chunk=0} /^From /{msgs++;if(msgs==1000){msgs=0;chunk++}}{print > "chunk_" chunk ".txt"}' ../laura_2017-09-08.mail\n} # Test:\n#\nfunction chnkit(){\n#* function chnkit - chunkc the email file up\necho "This is the \s""$FUNCNAME"\s" function in "$0" version "$version #debug\nnroot\necho "Chunck $var2 up..."\nspause\n# awk 'BEGIN{chunk=0} /^From /{msgs++;if(msgs==1000){msgs=0;chunk++}}{print > "chunk_" chunk ".txt"}' flint\n# awk 'BEGIN{chunk=0} /^From /{msgs++;if(msgs==1000){msgs=0;chunk++}}{print > "chunk_" chunk ".txt"}' $var2\n# so much to confuse with awk...\nawk 'BEGIN{chunk=0} /^From /{msgs++;if(msgs==1000){msgs=0;chunk++}}{print > "chunk_" sprintf("%02d", chunk) ".txt"}' $var2\nrename "s/chunk_/${var2}_/g" *.txt\n} # Test:\n#\nfunction rnch(){\n#* function rnch - rename the chunks\necho "This is the \s""$FUNCNAME"\s" function in "$0" version "$version #debug\nnroot\n# Rename chunks\n# ls -1 | grep chunk |while read line; do echo $line; done\n# arrange for chunck to contain name of email file.\n# user="flint"\nuser="laura"\nls -1 | grep chunk |while read line; do mv $line $(echo -n $user"_"$line |tr -d ".txt";echo "_"$(date +%F) ); done\n} # Test:\n#\nfunction cpbaf(){\n#* function cpbaf - copy file back and fix\necho "This is the \s""$FUNCNAME"\s" function in "$0" version "$version #debug\nnroot\n# Copy latest chunck back\nls -1 | grep chunk |tail -1 |xargs -I xxx scp xxx flint@mail.flint.com:./.\n#\n# permission new chunck\nchmod 600 flint\nchown flint:flint flint\n} # Test:\n#\n\n#\nfunction busletzer(){\n#* function busletzer - Backs up seltzer\necho "This is the \s""$FUNCNAME"\s" function in "$0" version "$version #debug\nnroot\n#\necho "Backing up dos "; rsync -avz -e ssh /home/flint flint@\necho "Backing up svrland "; rsync -avz -e ssh /svrland flint@\necho "Backing up fits "; rsync -avz -e ssh /fits flint@\necho -n "all done at: "\ndate\n#\n} # Test:\n#\n\n######################################STANDARD AND MAYBE USEFUL FUNCTIONS BELOW\n#\nfunction uroot(){\n#* function nroot - Checks to see if you are root\n# echo "Make sure only root can run script"\nif [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then\n echo "This script needs to run as root and you are not root" 1>&2\nfi\n} # Test:~flint/bin/menubot.sh uroot\n#\nfunction nroot(){\n#* function nroot - Only non root can run script\n# echo "Only non root can run script"\nif [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then\n echo "This script must not be run as root and that's OK as you are not root" 1>&2\nfi\n} # Test:~flint/bin/mtoc.sh uroot\n#\nfunction spause(){\n#* function spause - A simple tarry...\n # -t sets time\n # read -t $pt -p "$*" ans\n read -p "Hit enter to continue..." ans\n echo $ans\n}\n#\n#*###################################### MAIN ENTRY POINT AND COMPOUND CASE\n#\n#D\ntiddleurl="Blank"\n#D\nlabel="zope access"\n#D user="the" # right pass\n#D user="banana" # wrong pass\n#D sdst\n#D bldss\n#\nif [ "$#" -eq "2" ] && [ "$1" = "gkst" ]; then ARGS="2"; fi\nif [ "$#" -eq "2" ] && [ "$1" = "gkss" ]; then ARGS="2"; fi\nif [ "$#" -eq "2" ] && [ "$1" = "sdst" ]; then ARGS="2"; fi\nif [ "$#" -eq "2" ] && [ "$1" = "dlmbox" ]; then ARGS="2"; fi\nif [ "$#" -eq "1" ] && [ "$1" = "dlmbox" ]; then ARGS="1"; fi\nif [ "$#" -eq "2" ] && [ "$1" = "sfswc" ]; then ARGS="2"; fi\nif [ "$#" -eq "1" ] && [ "$1" = "sfswc" ]; then ARGS="1"; fi\nif [ "$#" -eq "2" ] && [ "$1" = "chnkit" ]; then ARGS="2"; fi\nif [ "$#" -eq "1" ] && [ "$1" = "chnkit" ]; then ARGS="1"; fi\nif [ "$#" -eq "1" ] && [ "$1" = "uroot" ]; then ARGS="1"; fi\nif [ "$#" -eq "1" ] && [ "$1" = "dummy" ]; then ARGS="1"; fi\nif [ "$#" -eq "1" ] && [ "$1" = "spause" ]; then ARGS="1"; fi\nif [ "$#" -eq "1" ] && [ "$1" = "uroot" ]; then ARGS="1"; fi\nif [ "$#" -eq "1" ] && [ "$1" = "help" ]; then ARGS="1"; fi\nif [ "$#" -eq "0" ]; then ARGS="0"; fi\n# This is the "gendisp" function in /home/flint/bin/menubot.sh version 0.7\n# DISPATCHER ROUTINE\n# typical cases, be careful to make your own...\n#D echo "Arg# = "$#" $1 = "$1" $2 = "$2" $3 = "$3" $ARGS = "$ARGS ;spause\ncase "$ARGS" in\n "0") clear; "help";; # got nothing, display help and go\n "1") $1 ;; # run the command\n "2") var2=$2; $1 ;; # run the command pass an argument\n "3") var3=$3; var2=$2; $1 ;; # run the command pass two arguments\n "4") var4=$4; var3=$3; var2=$2; $1 ;; # run the command pass three arguments\n "5") prompt=$2; $1 ;; # run the command with a different argument\n "6") time=$3; prompt=$2; $1 ;; # run the command with two different arguments\n "7") defvbl; $1 ;; # run the command and default variables\n "8") var2=$2; var3= $1 ;; # run the command and settle variables\n "9") var3=$3; var2=$2; $1 ;; # run the command and settle variables\n *) clear; "help"; exit 1;; # got nothing, display help and go\n # *) clear; cat $0 | grep '^## '| sed -e 's/##//'; exit 1;; # Anything else run help and exit...\nesac # End main loop. To TEST:\n#\n}}}
''5 June 2019''\n\nCleaning out the list server:\n\nTarget: IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU\n\n\n* [[using grepmail 1|https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/280084/best-way-to-delete-select-email-messages-from-mbox-file-using-script]]
Type the text for '5 June 2019'\n\n\n68.166.221.241\n\nport 23\n\n\n\nx3270\n\nx3270 -port 2323\n\nx3270 -port 23
Type the text for '28 March 2022'\n\n\nRelay access denied; from=<\n\n\nTurning on POP3 SSL Postfix
Type the text for '2 August 2022'\n\nGreetings Gayathri\n\nMy system seems to be functional:\n\nhttps://toolbox.googleapps.com/apps/checkmx/check?domain=flint.com&dkim_selector=\n\nThat said, on the web site:\nhttps://apps.google.com/supportwidget/articlehome\nThese Links are broken:\nhttps://admin.google.com/ac/apps/gmail/usersettings\nhttps://admin.google.com/ac/apps/gmail/enduseraccess\nPlease advise.\nplesterf@gmail.com\n\nTrying to get flint@flint.com working!\n\nThanks\n\nPaul Flint
Type the text for '2 August 2022'\n[[DKIM defined|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DomainKeys_Identified_Mail]]\n[[SPF defined|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sender_Policy_Framework]]\n[[DMARC defined|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DMARC]]\n\n\n