|!Punctuation|!Location|!Function|\n|{{{@@...@@}}}|surrounding text|@@highlighted text@@|\n|{{{//...//}}}|surrounding text|//italicized text//|\n|{{{==...==}}}|surrounding text|==strikethrough text==|\n|{{{''...''}}}|surrounding text|''boldfaced text''|\n|{{{__...__}}}|surrounding text|__underlined text__|\n|{{{[[text|url]]}}}|around text/url pair|[[text|http://gri.gallaudet.edu/]] link to url|\n|{{{ {...} }}}|''__tripled__'' surrounding text|{{{in-line literal text}}}|\n|{{{ {...} }}}|''__tripled__'' surrounding ''__lines__''|literal block|\n|{{{<<<}}}|surrounding ''__lines__''|blockquotes|\n|{{{!}}}|at start of line|subheading|\n|{{{|...|...|}}}|line sectioned by vertical bars|table row|\n|{{{!}}}|in a table|!table heading|\n|{{{----}}}|alone on line|horizontal rule|\n|{{{*}}}|at start of line|bulleted list item|\n|{{{#}}}|at start of line|numbered list item|\nsource: Kevin Cole, January 2007
TTiddlyWiki uses Wiki style markup, a way of lightly "tagging" plain text so it can be transformed into HTML. Edit this Tiddler to see samples.\n\n! Header Samples\n!Header 1\n!!Header 2\n!!!Header 3\n!!!!Header 4\n!!!!!Header 5\n\n! Unordered Lists:\n* Lists are where it's at\n* Just use an asterisk and you're set\n** To nest lists just add more asterisks...\n***...like this\n* The circle makes a great bullet because once you've printed a list you can mark off completed items\n* You can also nest mixed list types\n## Like this\n\n! Ordered Lists\n# Ordered lists are pretty neat too\n# If you're handy with HTML and CSS you could customize the [[numbering scheme|http://www.w3schools.com/css/pr_list-style-type.asp]]\n## To nest, just add more octothorpes (pound signs)...\n### Like this\n* You can also\n** Mix list types\n*** like this\n# Pretty neat don't you think?\n\n! Tiddler links\nTo create a Tiddler link, just use mixed-case WikiWord, or use [[brackets]] for NonWikiWordLinks. This is how the GTD style [[@Action]] lists are created. \n\nNote that existing Tiddlers are in bold and empty Tiddlers are in italics. See CreatingTiddlers for details.\n\n! External Links\nYou can link to [[external sites|http://google.com]] with brackets. You can also LinkToFolders on your machine or network shares.\n\n! Images\nEdit this tiddler to see how it's done.\n[img[http://img110.echo.cx/img110/139/gorilla8nw.jpg]]\n\n!Tables\n|!th1111111111|!th2222222222|\n|>| colspan |\n| rowspan |left|\n|~| right|\n|colored| center |\n|caption|c\n\nFor a complex table example, see PeriodicTable.\n\n! Horizontal Rules\nYou can divide a tiddler into\n----\nsections by typing four dashes on a line by themselves.\n\n! Blockquotes\n<<<\nThis is how you do an extended, wrapped blockquote so you don't have to put angle quotes on every line.\n<<<\n>level 1\n>level 1\n>>level 2\n>>level 2\n>>>level 3\n>>>level 3\n>>level 2\n>level 1\n\n! Other Formatting\n''Bold''\n==Strike==\n__Underline__\n//Italic//\nSuperscript: 2^^3^^=8\nSubscript: a~~ij~~ = -a~~ji~~\n@@highlight@@\n@@color(green):green colored@@\n@@bgcolor(#ff0000):color(#ffffff):red colored@@\n
how to tame the kindle fire
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'
! 5.3.1 Rooted!\n[[Click this tiddler|klf_dispatch_sgt_soulfix_2017-03-14]] to see how it's done.\n[img[http://docbox.flint.com/~flint/kindle/WIN_20170321_132753.JPG]]\n
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'
[[Stuff of use from samsung ADB|http://docbox.flint.com:8081/samsung#AndroidDeveloper]]
{{{\n#!/bin/bash\n# 31/10/2015 13:12:56 pflint\n# install from linux...\n#\n# note: clear Debugs\n#D\n#\n#Original Source:\n#http://rootjunkysdl.com/getdownload.php?file=Amazon%20Fire%205th%20gen/Amazon-Fire-5th-Gen-Install-Play-Store.zip\n#\nmkdir kindle\ncd kindle \n#D wget http://docbox.flint.com/~flint/kindle/Amazon-Fire-5th-Gen-Install-Play-Store.zip\n#\nclear\ncat <<END\nNow,\nYou need to do the following:\n1. Start the Kindle\n2. Do the following\n settings > device options > tap serial number 7 times\n3. Go to the new Developer choice\n4. Enable "adb"\nEND\nread -p "Hit enter to continue..." ans; #echo $ans\n#D unzip Amazon-Fire-5th-Gen-Install-Play-Store.zip\ncd kindle\ncd Amazon-Fire-5th-Gen-Install-Play-Store\npwd\n#\nclear\ncat <<END\nWatch the screen for authorization to send data.\nSay it is OK\nEND\nadb devices\n#D read -p "Hit enter to continue..." ans; #echo $ans\nadb install "com.google.android.gms-6.6.03_(1681564-036)-6603036-minAPI9.apk"\n#D read -p "Hit enter to continue..." ans; #echo $ans\nadb install "GoogleLoginService.apk"\n#D read -p "Hit enter to continue..." ans; #echo $ans\nadb install "GoogleServicesFramework.apk"\n#D read -p "Hit enter to continue..." ans; #echo $ans\nadb shell pm grant com.google.android.gms android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS\n#D read -p "Hit enter to continue..." ans; #echo $ans\nadb install "com.android.vending-5.9.12-80391200-minAPI9.apk"\n#D read -p "Hit enter to continue..." ans; #echo $ans\nadb shell pm hide com.amazon.kindle.kso\n#D read -p "Hit enter to continue..." ans; #echo $ans\nadb devices\n# adb kill-server\ncat <<END\nRoll screen up and you will see the google playstore.\nMove Amazon Junk into a folder\nEND\n}}}
If you want multiple accounts on your kindle you gotta go through Amazon...
Kindle fire unlock ADB\n\n\nsettings > device options > tap serial number 7 times\n\nuse of the "pm" command...
<html>\n <head><title>From Linux: Add Google Play, Remove Ads</title></head>\n <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">\n<h2>From Linux: Add Google Play, Remove Ads</h2>\n\n<p>This procedure allows one to add the Google Play store to the Amazon Fire 5th generation tablet. It will also remove the lock screen ads. It is designed to be used from a terminal window on a Linux machine connected to the tablet. This procedure is for those tablets running OS 5.0.1, and may not function for later versions. Proceed at your own risk, and with extreme caution.\n</p>\n\n<p>The video on which this procedure is based was published by rootjunky.com, and is available is available at:</p>\n<p><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-glxYTY8O8">Add Google Play, Remove Ads</a></p>\n\n<p>Note: The instructions in the above video and at the rootjunky.com website are generally for use with a Windows machine connected to the tablet. This procedure was adapted from the video to be used with a Linux machine connected to the tablet.</p>\n\n<p>First, set the tablet to permit ADB debugging. That procedure is not covered here.</p>\n\n<p>On the Linux machine in the terminal window, create an empty directory and change the working directory (cd) to that directory.</p>\n\n<p>Download the following file:\n<br><a href="http://docbox.flint.com/~flint/kindle/Amazon-Fire-5th-Gen-Install-Play-Store.zip">Amazon-Fire-5th-Gen-Install-Play-Store.zip</a>\n<br>Put the file in the current working directory (empty directory).</p>\n<p>Proceed in the Linux terminal window as follows:</p>\n<code>unzip Amazon-Fire-5th-Gen-Install-Play-Store.zip\n<br>cd Amazon-Fire-5th-Gen-Install-Play-Store/\n<br>su</code></p>\n\n<p>Note: from this point, adb must be available in a directory in your search path. To install the Google Play store, proceed as follows:</p>\n\n<p><code>adb kill-server</code></p>\n\n<p>At this point, insure that the tablet is unlocked, and proceed as follows:</p>\n\n<p><code>adb start-server</code></p>\n\n<p>A popup should appear on the tablet. Respond to it, and proceed as follows:</p>\n\n<p><code>adb devices</code><p>\n\n<p>A list including the tablet should appear. The above command is to test the connection between the Linux machine and the tablet. If the list appears as expected, proceed as follows:</p>\n<p><code>adb install com.google.android.gms-6.6.03_\s(1681564-036\s)-6603036-minAPI9.apk\n<br>adb install GoogleLoginService.apk\n<br>adb install GoogleServicesFramework.apk\n<br>adb shell pm grant com.google.android.gms android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS\n<br>adb install com.android.vending-5.9.12-80391200-minAPI9.apk\n<br>adb shell pm hide com.amazon.kindle.kso\n<br>adb kill-server\n</code></p>\n\n<p>Reboot the tablet. The ads should be gone, and the Google Play store should be available.</p>.\n\n</p>\n </body>\n</html>\n\n
<html>\n <head><title>Block OTA Updates</title></head>\n <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">\n<h2>Block OTA Updates</h2>\n<p>This procedure allows one to block OTA (over the air) updates to the Amazon Fire 5th generation tablet. It is designed to be used from a terminal window on a Linux machine connected to the tablet. This procedure is for those tablets running OS 5.0.1, and may not function for later versions. It is strongly recommended that the tablet not be permitted to access the internet in any way until this update is done. Proceed at your own risk, and with extreme caution.</p>\n\n<p>The video on which this procedure is based was published by rootjunky.com, and is available is available at:</p>\n<p><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-glxYTY8O8">Add Google Play, Remove Ads</a></p>\n\n<p>Note: The instructions in the above video and at the rootjunky.com website are generally for use with a Windows machine connected to the tablet. This procedure was adapted from the video to be used with a Linux machine connected to the tablet.</p>\n<p>First, set the tablet to permit ADB debugging. That procedure is not covered here.</p>\n<p>Proceed in the Linux terminal window as follows:</p>\n\n<p><code>adb kill-server</code></p>\n\n<p>At this point, insure that the tablet is unlocked, and proceed as follows:</p>\n\n<p><code>adb start-server</code></p>\n\n<p>A popup should appear on the tablet. Respond to it, and proceed in the Linux terminal window as follows:</p>\n\n<p><code>adb devices</code></p>\n\n<p>A list including the tablet should appear. The above command is to test the connection between the Linux machine and the tablet. If the list appears as expected, proceed in the Linux terminal window as follows:</p>\n\n<p><code>adb shell pm hide com.amazon.otaverifier\n<br>adb shell pm hide com.amazon.device.software.ota\n<br>adb shell pm hide com.amazon.settings.systemupdates\n<br>adb kill-server</code></p>\n\n<p>Reboot the tablet. OTA updates should now be blocked from it.</p>\n
\nFirst, set the tablet to permit ADB debugging. That procedure is [[covered here|KindleVersion]].\n\n<html>\n <head><title>Amazon Fire 5th Generation Tablet Root Access</title></head>\n <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">\n<h2>Amazon Fire 5th Generation Tablet Root Access</h2>\n<p>This procedure allows one to obtain root access to the Amazon Fire 5th generation tablet. It is designed to be used from a terminal window on a Linux machine connected to the tablet. This procedure is for those tablets running OS 5.0.1, and may not function for later versions. Proceed at your own risk, and with extreme caution.</p>\n<p>The video on which this procedure is based was published by rootjunky.com, and is available is available at:</p>\n<p><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ux-2b3X3BlI">How to Root the Amazon Fire 5th Gen 7in tablet</a></p>\n<p>Note: The instructions in the above video and at the rootjunky.com website are generally for use with a Windows machine connected to the tablet. This procedure was adapted from the video to be used with a Linux machine connected to the tablet.</p>\n\n\n<p>On the Linux machine in the terminal window, create an empty directory and change the working directory (cd) to that directory.</p>\n\n<p>Download the following file:\n<br><a href="http://rootjunkysdl.com/getdownload.php?file=Amazon%20Fire%205th%20gen/root_fire.zip">root_fire.zip</a>\n<br>Put the file in the current working directory (empty directory).</p>\n\n<p>Proceed in the Linux terminal window as follows:</p>\n\n<code>unzip root_fire.zip\n<br>cd root_fire/\n<br>su</code>\n<p>Note: from this point, adb must be available in a directory in your search path. <br>Proceed as follows:</p>\n\n<code>adb kill-server</code>\n\n<p>At this point insure tablet is unlocked, and proceed as follows:</p>\n<code>adb start-server</code>\n<p>A popup should appear on the tablet. Respond to it, and proceed as follows:</p>\n\n<code>adb devices</code>\n\n<p>A list including the tablet should appear. The above command is to test the connection between the Linux machine and the tablet. If the list appears as expected, proceed as follows:</p>\n\n<code>adb reboot bootloader\n<br>fastboot boot boot.img</code>\n\n<p> wait for tablet to enter fastboot mode, and proceed as follows:</p>\n\n<code>adb push files/libsupol.so /data/local/tmp/\n<br>adb push files/root_fire.sh /data/local/tmp/\n<br>adb push files/su /data/local/tmp/\n<br>adb push files/Superuser.apk /data/local/tmp/\n<br>adb push files/supolicy /data/local/tmp/\n<br>adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/root_fire.sh\n<br>adb shell /data/local/tmp/root_fire.sh\n<br>fastboot boot boot.img</code>\n\n<p>Wait for tablet to enter fastboot mode, and proceed as follows:</p>\n\n<code>adb shell /system/xbin/su --install\n<br>adb shell reboot</code>\n\n<p> wait for tablet to reboot, then proceed as follows:</p>\n\n<code>adb kill-server</code>\n<p> You should now have root access to the tablet.</p>\n </body>\n</html>\n
!Replace FireOS with CyanogenMod\n\n!!''Preliminaries''\nInstall standard adb \nDo this... \n{{{\napt-get install android-tools-fastboot\n}}}\n\n''Become A Developer On Target Kindle''\n[[to become developer,|http://kindlefireforkid.com/how-to-enable-and-access-developer-options-on-amazon-fire-tablet-fire-hd-fire-hdx-and-kindle-fire-hdx-and-how-to-hide-developer-options-again/]] tap kernel version...\n\nNext, set the tablet to permit [[ADB|http://docbox.flint.com:8081/samsung#AndroidDeveloper]] debugging. That procedure is not covered here.\n\nadb reboot recovery\n\n!!Get Code\n\nThis procedure allows one to replace FireOS on the Amazon Fire 5th generation tablet with CyanogenMod. It is designed to be used from a terminal window on a Linux machine connected to the tablet. This procedure is for those tablets running OS 5.0.1, and may not function for later versions. Proceed at your own eekland/risk, and with extreme caution.\n\nThe [[video on which this procedure is based was published by rootjunky.com|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dwguHoxTvo]].\n\nNote: The instructions in the above video and at the rootjunky.com website are generally for use with a Windows machine connected to the tablet. This procedure was adapted from the video to be used with a Linux machine connected to the tablet.\n\nhttp://docbox.flint.com:8081/samsung#AndroidDeveloper\n\nOn the Linux machine in the terminal window, create an empty directory and change the working directory (cd) to that directory.\n\ne.g.\n{{{\nmkdir kindle\n}}}\n\n<html>\n <head><title></title></head>\n <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">\n\n<p>Go to <a href="http://forum.xda-developers.com/amazon-fire/orig-development/rom-cm-12-1-2015-11-15-t3249416">XDA Developers:[ROM] CM-12.1</a> and download the following file to the current working directory:</p>\n<code>CM-12.1 for Amazon Fire 7" 2015 Tablet</code>\n\n<p>Go to <a href="http://forum.xda-developers.com/amazon-fire/orig-development/twrp-recovery-t3242548">TWRP Recovery</a> and download the following file to the current working directory:</p>\n<code>TWRP image</code>\n\n<p>Go to <a href="http://opengapps.org">The OpenGApps Project and select the following:</a>\n<br>Arm, 5.1, Pico\n<br>Download the file from this page and put it in the current working directory</p>\n\n<p>Download the following file:<a href="https://download.chainfire.eu/696/SuperSU/UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.46.zip">UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.46.zip</a> to the current working directory</p>\n\n<p>Note: from this point, adb must be available in a directory in your search path. You should also have an external SD card of ad|KindleVersion]]equate size installed in the tablet. Proceed as follows:</p>\n\n<p><code>adb kill-server</code></p>\n\n<p>At this point, insure that the tablet is unlocked, and proceed as follows:</p>\n\n<p><code>adb start-server</code></p>\n\n<p>A popup should appear on the tablet. Respond to it, and proceed as follows:</p>\n\n<p><code>adb devices</code><p>\n\n<p>A list including the tablet should appear. The above command is to test the connection between the Linux machine and the tablet. If the list appears as expected, proceed as follows:</p>\n\n<code>adb start-server\n<br>adb shell\n<br>cd /storage/sdcard1\n<br>mkdir downloads|KindleVersion]]\n<br>exit|KindleVersion]]\n<br>adb push cm-12.1-20151216-UNOFFICIAL-ford.zip /storage/sdcard1\n<br>adb push open_gapps-arm-5.1-pico-20151219.zip /storage/sdcard1\n<br>adb push UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.46.zip /storage/sdcard1</code>\n\n<p>To verify that the files were transferred correctly, proceed as follows:</p>\n<code>adb shell\n<br>cd /storage/sdcard1/downloads\n<br>md5 cm-12.1-20151216-UNOFFICIAL-ford.zip open_gapps-arm-5.1-pico-20151219.zip UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.46.zip\n<br>exit</code>\n\n<p>Compare the checksums obtained above from the tablet with the checksums of the original downloaded files.</p>\n\n<p>Tablet Backup - proceed as follows:</p>\n<p><code>adb reboot bootloader\n<br>fastboot boot TWRP_Fire_2.8.7.0_adb.img</code></p>\n<p>If the tablet requests permission to allow modifications, swipe right to allow them\n<br>Select backup\n<br>Select external SD card for storage|KindleVersion]]\n<br>Hit OK\n<br>Select all the partitions listed on the tablet display\n<br>Swipe right to proceed with backup</p>\n\n<p>CM install - proceed as follows:</p>\n<p>Select wipe.\n<br>Use "<code>Swipe to Factory Reset</code>" (normal wipe)\n<br>Wait for the wipe to finish. When it is complete, select "<code>Back</code>" to return to the "wipe" menu. Return to the main menu from the "wipe" menu.\n [[running OS 5.0.1|KindleVersion]]\n\n<br>Select install\n<br>Select external SD card for storage\n<br>Navigate on the tablet to the folder with the downloaded files.\n<br>Select "<code>cm-12.1-20151216-UNOFFICIAL-ford.zip</code>"\n<br>Select "<code>add more zips</code>"\n<br>Select "<code>open_gapps-arm-5.1-pico-20151219.zip</code>"\n<br>Select "<code>add more zips</code>"\n<br>Select "<code>UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.46.zip</code>"\n<br>Use "<code>Swipe to Confirm Flash</code>"\n<br>Wait for flash to complete.\n<br>Select "<code>Reboot System</code>" </p>\n<p>The tablet should boot to CyanogenMod. This can take several minutes.</p>\n\n </body>\n</html>\n\n [[How to figure out if you are running OS 5.0.1 on your Kindle|KindleVersion]]\n\n\n [[Cyanogen Forum for Kindle Fire HD 7"|http://forum.cyanogenmod.org/forum/1019-amazon-kindle-fire-hd-7-release/]]\n\n[[ androidcentral.com Amazon Kindle Fire Forum |http://forums.androidcentral.com/amazon-kindle-fire/?_ga=1.80081758.859595967.1451344265]]
Kindle Version\n\nFind version \n\nSetup > Deivce Options > System Updates\n
\n\n[[Debian Kindle|http://whiteboard.ping.se/Android/Debian]]\n\n
\n\nto become developer, tap kernel version...\n\n\nadb reboot recovery
\n\n[[Looks like this could be an issue|https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices]]
''7 March 2016''\n\n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[Installing Ubuntu for devices |https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/installing-ubuntu-for-devices/]]||\n|[[Ubuntu for devices |https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/devices/]]||\n|[[Porting a New Device |https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/porting-new-device/]]||\n|[[One touch Devices |https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices]]||\n|[[Wikipedia Fire HD |https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_HD]]||\n|[[Unlocking a device |https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/installing-ubuntu-for-devices/#unlock-device]]||\n|[[Image Channels |https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/image-channels/]]||\n|[[Ubuntu Touch |http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/]]||\n|[[Installing Ubuntu for devices |https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/installing-ubuntu-for-devices/##backupandroid]]||\n
'13 May 2016'\n\n[[Amazon Fire 5th gen SuperTool|http://www.rootjunky.com/amazon-fire-5th-gen-supertool/]]\n\n{{{\nwget http://rootjunkysdl.com/files/Amazon%20Fire%205th%20gen/SuperTool/Amazon-Fire-5th-Gen-SuperTool-old.zip\nwget http://rootjunkysdl.com/files/Amazon%20Fire%205th%20gen/SuperTool/AmazonFire5thGenSuperTool.zip\n}}}
'13 May 2016'\n\nggow\n\ntomstevens\n\nfastbook twrp \n\nrootjunkysdl.com\n\n[[Linuxand Mac|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfxfZkI_l4I&feature=youtu.be]]\n\n[[slimrom root|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykn6kUYywK8]]
'13 May 2016'\n\nggow\n\ntomstevens\n\nfastbook twrp \n\nrootjunkysdl.com\n\n[[Linuxand Mac|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfxfZkI_l4I&feature=youtu.be]]\n\n[[slimrom root|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykn6kUYywK8]]
Type the text for '13 May 2016'\n\nOn Prototype Kindle\n* KingRootSays It took root\n* SuperSu says root is available.
'20 February 2017'\n\nOkay, I've rooted the tiger out now with Kingroot, Kingroot is giving me\nthe green message and the okay check mark. As well as two listings which I\nam registering as the programs it's recognizing? I cannot tell with the\nlanguage Kingroot comes in by default. Wished it was in English but I can\ntell just by colors and symbols enough to get by.\n\nRight now I'm downloading FireNexus, I've been told that's probably my own\nviable option right now to flash this tablet with.\n\nHere is the version:\n5.0.0.382 161\nDate\n\n\nHere it is on a kindle:\n{{{\n-rw-r--r-- root root 8168649 2017-02-17 04:28 Kinguser.apk\n}}}\n\n\n\nI'm spending time tonight to get this out of the way, finally. I'll report\nin the morning.\n\nType the text for '6 November 2016'\n\nhttps://www.thanassis.space/android.html
''If microsoft and apple had gotten together they would have developed android''\nDr. Joe Hart\n\n\n# {{{RootJunky}}} [[SuperTool |https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVv1D_LNLTg]] Amazon Fire 5th gen Rooted on Fire OS 5 1 1 with SuperTool\n# [[Cyanogenmod article |http://forum.xda-developers.com/amazon-fire/orig-development/rom-cm-12-1-2015-11-15-t3249416]]\n\n\n\n{{{\nprocedure - for FireOS 5.1.1 {\n\nwget http://rootjunkysdl.com/files/Amazon%20Fire%205th%20gen/SuperTool/AmazonFire5thGenSuperTool.zip\n}}}\n\n# download {\nsee http://rootjunkysdl.com/files/?dir=Amazon%20Fire%205th%20gen/SuperTool {\nAmazonFire5thGenSuperTool.zip\n\n{{{\nThis procedure is based on : {\n\n1.) RootJunky SuperTool {\n https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVv1D_LNLTg\n Amazon Fire 5th gen Rooted on Fire OS 5 1 1 with SuperTool\n}\n\n2.) Cyanogenmod article {\nhttp://forum.xda-developers.com/amazon-fire/orig-development/rom-cm-12-1-2015-11-15-t3249416\n}\n\n}\n\nprepare in advance {\n\ndownload {\nsee http://rootjunkysdl.com/files/?dir=Amazon%20Fire%205th%20gen/SuperTool {\nAmazonFire5thGenSuperTool.zip\n}\n\nsee http://forum.xda-developers.com/amazon-fire/orig-development/rom-cm-12-1-2015-11-15-t3249416 {\ncm-12.1-20161122-UNOFFICIAL-ford.zip or later\nopen_gapps-arm-5.1-pico-20161206.zip or later\n}\n\n}\n\nobtain {\nhave micro SD card with 1st partition formatted for Windows {\nFireOS can only see 1st partition on SD card\n}\n}\n\n}\n\n# Root your Amazon Fire 5th gen {\ngo to settings/device options\ngo to system update\ncheck current version\n\ntap on "Serial Number" about 7 times until "Developer Options" menu appears\n\ngo to "Developer Options"\nenable debugging\n\ngo back to home screen\n\nconnect tablet to computer via USB cable\n\n# on desktop machine terminal window, go to an empty directory\nunzip AmazonFire5thGenSuperTool.zip\nrm -fr AmazonFire5thGenSuperTool.zip __MACOSX/\ncd AmazonFire5thGenSuperTool\n\n#turn on and unlock tablet\n\n# in desktop terminal window:\nsu\n\nadb kill-server\nadb start-server\n\n# at tablet\nAllow USB debugging: OK\n\n# in desktop terminal window:\nadb devices\n\n# look for serial number of device. If this is present, adb is working\n\nadb reboot bootloader\n# wait for FASTBOOT mode message at bottom of display\n\nfastboot oem append-cmdline "androidboot.unlocked_kernel=true"\n# wait for completion \n\nfastboot continue\n# wait for reboot\n\n# tablet returns to home display\n# unlock tablet and allow ADB debugging\n\nadb remount\nadb push files/libsupol.so /data/local/tmp/\nadb push files/root_fire.sh /data/local/tmp/\nadb push files/su /data/local/tmp/\nadb push files/Superuser.apk /data/local/tmp/\nadb push files/supolicy /data/local/tmp/\n\nadb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/root_fire.sh\nadb shell /data/local/tmp/root_fire.sh\n\nfastboot oem append-cmdline "androidboot.unlocked_kernel=true"\nfastboot continue\n# wait for reboot\n# tablet returns to home display\n# unlock tablet and allow ADB debugging\n\nadb remount\nadb shell /system/xbin/su --install\nadb reboot\n# wait for reboot\n# tablet returns to home display\n\n#scroll down home screen\n# tap SuperSU icon\n# answer "no thanks"\n\n#} Root your Amazon Fire 5th gen\n\n# block OTA updates from Amazon {\n\nadb shell su -c "chmod 777 /cache"\n# grant super user request at tablet\n\nadb shell su -c "mount -o remount,rw /system"\nadb shell su -c "rm -r /system/app/otaverifier"\nadb shell su -c "rm -r /system/priv-app/DeviceSoftwareOTA"\nadb shell su -c "rm -r /system/priv-app/SystemUpdatesUI"\n\n# } block OTA updates from Amazon\n\n# remove lock screen ads {\n\nadb shell su -c "chmod 777 /cache"\n\nadb shell su -c "mount -o remount,rw /system"\nadb shell su -c "rm -r /system/priv-app/com.amazon.kindle.kso"\nadb reboot\n# wait for reboot\n# tablet returns to home display\n\n# } remove lock screen ads\n\n# Install Google Play store {\n\nadb install -r apps/com.google.android.gms-6.6.03-6603036-minAPI9.apk\n# wait for prompt - 10-20 sec\n\nadb install -r apps/GoogleLoginService.apk\n# wait for prompt\n\nadb install -r apps/GoogleServicesFramework.apk\n# wait for prompt\n\nadb shell pm grant com.google.android.gms android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS\n\nadb install -r apps/com.android.vending-5.9.12-80391200-minAPI9.apk\n# wait for prompt - 5-10 sec\n\n# } Install Google Play store\n\n# Install FlashFire App or Xposed Framework {\n\nadb install -r apps/flashfire-0.53.apk\n# wait for prompt - 5-10 sec\n\n# } Install FlashFire App or Xposed Framework\n\n# install CyanogenMod {\n\nsee http://forum.xda-developers.com/amazon-fire/orig-development/rom-cm-12-1-2015-11-15-t3249416\n\nmicro SD card should have first partition formatted for Windows\nnon-windows partitions will not be detected on it by FireOS\n\ndownload the following to the first partition on the micro SD card\n (note: FireOS can only see 1st partition on the micro SD card) {\n\ncm-12.1-20161122-UNOFFICIAL-ford.zip\nopen_gapps-arm-5.1-pico-20161206.zip\nUPDATE-SuperSU-v2.46.zip\n}\n\nadb kill-server\n# disconnect tablet from desktop if still connected\npower down tablet\ninstall micro SD in tablet\npower up tablet\nstart flashfire app on tablet (tap flashfire icon)\n\ntap red circle with white "+"\ntap "Wipe"\ninsure that the following are checked {\nSystem data\n3rd party apps\nDalvik cache\n}\ntap "checkmark" on top line of display\n\ntap red circle with white "+"\ntap "Flash ZIP or OTA"\ntap "external storage" in drop-down menu at top of display\nselect CyanogenMod zip\naccept defaults\ntap "checkmark" on top line of display\n\ntap red circle with white "+"\ntap "Flash ZIP or OTA"\ntap "external storage" in drop-down menu at top of display\nselect Open Gapps zip\naccept defaults\ntap "checkmark" on top line of display\n\ntap red circle with white "+"\ntap "Flash ZIP or OTA"\ntap "external storage" in drop-down menu at top of display\nselect SuperSU zip\naccept defaults\ntap "checkmark" on top line of display\n\ndrag "Wipe" step to top of order\n\ntap "FLASH"\n\ntablet reboots - may require power up if it turns off\nAndroid initializes - can take several minutes\n\n# }\n\n} procedure\n\n}}}
Type the text for '26 December 2016'\n\n[[Dirty Cow|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirty_COW]]
Type the text for '26 December 2016'
Type the text for '13 January 2017'\n\nIce Cols sshd - sucks\nSimple SSHD ([[dropbear ssh|http://www.galexander.org/software/simplesshd/]]) - nice. Need password from screen...\n\nFrom seltzer do this:\n{{{\n ssh -p2222\n}}}\n
Type the text for '13 January 2017'\n\nWhat a pleasure...\n\ndo this:\n\n{{{\ncd /sdcard/ssh\necho "<your public key from cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >" > authorized_keys\n}}}\n\nexample:\n{{{\necho "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCsc6+QNKGyRga3SKBmlHE10Bk3BQ9GeN4kxAWZpVcmBXsrJR+J8kcFMXEXIe6LslNN7rP1xG8x9xq+d/95kBapvfhALEAwRN96JenMv0tjc6DfJmj9Mvc0msuRdHtSmfo819/jZjpUzWl5K81IT9CJ4SQ0jgmib5//g54gnMW9IvuqS2wt4iVsvwaRNI7sqUNxfpn6E9BSfKGUXqvGJefGTDratRebiYXa8zHBGda54ON9jMiCkvYNj1417MNNxHF4iiDCu7NxFM21RmRz0IjQRlUUxMiQFxMtmHa6lZ0xXr/TMP8x3Gwc1onKwbGkbi0BX9l/0LAAJaWfssS/LZEd flint@flint.comssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCsc6+QNKGyRga3SKBmlHE10Bk3BQ9GeN4kxAWZpVcmBXsrJR+J8kcFMXEXIe6LslNN7rP1xG8x9xq+d/95kBapvfhALEAwRN96JenMv0tjc6DfJmj9Mvc0msuRdHtSmfo819/jZjpUzWl5K81IT9CJ4SQ0jgmib5//g54gnMW9IvuqS2wt4iVsvwaRNI7sqUNxfpn6E9BSfKGUXqvGJefGTDratRebiYXa8zHBGda54ON9jMiCkvYNj1417MNNxHF4iiDCu7NxFM21RmRz0IjQRlUUxMiQFxMtmHa6lZ0xXr/TMP8x3Gwc1onKwbGkbi0BX9l/0LAAJaWfssS/LZEd flint@flint.comssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCsc6+QNKGyRga3SKBmlHE10Bk3BQ9GeN4kxAWZpVcmBXsrJR+J8kcFMXEXIe6LslNN7rP1xG8x9xq+d/95kBapvfhALEAwRN96JenMv0tjc6DfJmj9Mvc0msuRdHtSmfo819/jZjpUzWl5K81IT9CJ4SQ0jgmib5//g54gnMW9IvuqS2wt4iVsvwaRNI7sqUNxfpn6E9BSfKGUXqvGJefGTDratRebiYXa8zHBGda54ON9jMiCkvYNj1417MNNxHF4iiDCu7NxFM21RmRz0IjQRlUUxMiQFxMtmHa6lZ0xXr/TMP8x3Gwc1onKwbGkbi0BX9l/0LAAJaWfssS/LZEd flint@flint.com" > authorized_keys\n\n}}}\n\nNow you can log on passwordless...\n
Type the text for '13 January 2017'\n\n[[Article on Subject|https://drfone.wondershare.com/mirror-emulator/best-applications-mirror-android-screen.html]]
Type the text for '16 January 2017'\n\n* [[Non Amazon Vendor|http://takehere.net/gps-navigation-car-dvd-android-5-1-keweier-7-lollipop-double-2-din-car-stereo-quad-core-1024600-muti-touch-screen-gps-navigation-head-unit-bluetooth-gps-amfm-radio-receiver-with-backup-camera/]]\n* [[British Government filings|https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/07737969/filing-history]]\n* [[Keweir rated|http://fakespot.com/company/keweier]]\n* [[May not need an FCC ID|https://fccid.io/help.php]]\n\n[[Amazon Product Callout|https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01J0SY8CI/ref=od_aui_slice_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1]]\n\n[[Identifying Head Units|https://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/Hui_Fei_Type]]\n\nThis deviice is {{{MTCC-KLD6-V29}}} {{{RK3188}}} which uses a [["RockChip"|http://linux-rockchip.info/mw/index.php?title=RK3188]]\n\n* [[XDA Search for MTCC-KLD6-V29|https://forum.xda-developers.com/sitesearch.php?q=MTCC-KLD6-V29]]\n* [[How to Root MTCC-KLD6-V29|https://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/Hui_Fei_Type#Rooting]]\n\n* [[Front Panel PIctures|http://docbox.flint.com/~flint/keweier/]]
'25 January 2017'\n\nHere it is in [[12 steps|2RootKEWEIER]]\n\nFrom "Settings" > "About" > "Version Info"\n\n\n{{{RK3188}}} {{{MTCC-KLD6-V2.97}}}\nUserdebug = 12102016.14:49:40\n\n\nThis is an overview of the [[HuiFei Type Heads|https://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/Hui_Fei_Type#MTCB.2FMTCC_Android_Automotive_Head_Units]]\nThis article is invaluable in understanding this environment [[How to Identify the MTCC-KLD6-V29|https://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/Hui_Fei_Type]]\n[[The KEWEIR Lollipop Based Car Radio|https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01J0SY8CI/ref=od_aui_slice_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1]] has very limited software / system support. \nThus it seems the only option is to root it so we can program it.\n* [[How to put MTCC-KLD6-V29 into bootloader mode|https://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/Hui_Fei_Type#Bootloader_mode]]\n* [[How to Root MTCC-KLD6-V29|https://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/Hui_Fei_Type#Rooting]]\n* [[Pre Rooted ROM for MTCC-KLD6-V29|http://huifei.fs-fileserver.de/content/]]\n\n* [[Try 0 KLD 5.1.1 MTCC Quadcore 1024x600 /|http://huifei.fs-fileserver.de/content/firmware/L%205.1.1%20Quadcore/KLD%205.1.1%20MTCC%20Quadcore%201024x600%20/]]\n* [[Try 1 KLD 5.1.1 Quadcore 1024x600 Dec 2016|http://huifei.fs-fileserver.de/content/firmware/L%205.1.1%20Quadcore/KLD%205.1.1%20Quadcore%201024x600%20Dec%202016/]]\n\nAndroid Development Bridge (ADB)\nGetting ADB working\n\nThen...\n* [[TPSarky-VonDroid-Root |http://linux-rockchip.info/mw/index.php?title=Root_RK3066_from_Linux]]\n* [[TPSarky-VonDroid-Root file|http://www.mediafire.com/file/vd3y1rld2amdxq5/TPSarky-VonDroid-Root.rar]]\n\nDoesn't work. Fails here:\n{{{\nadb shell mv /data/local/tmp /data/local/tmp.bak\n}}}\nNo permissions...\nDevelopent:\n* [[Recommended|https://forum.xda-developers.com/android-auto/mtcb-software-development]]\n* [[malay|https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=3246370]]\n\n* [[Mounting isos|https://softwarebakery.com//shrinking-images-on-linux]]
Type the text for '26 January 2017'\n\n* [[Malaysk |https://forum.xda-developers.com/android-auto/mtcb-software-development/rom-malaysk-roms-lollipop-5-1-1-mtcb-t3394209]]\n* [[English to Russian|https://translate.google.com/?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&oe=utf-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&client=tw-ob#en/ru/]]\n* [[Russian to English|https://translate.google.com/?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&oe=utf-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&client=tw-ob#ru/en/]]
Type the text for '27 January 2017'\n\n* [[Linixerwang Flashkit on Github|https://github.com/linuxerwang/rkflashkit]]\n* [[Finless & Mo, Freaktab|http://freaktab.com/forum/development-area/rom-hacks-and-mods-development/10570-backing-up-your-rk-device-rom-with-the-new-rk-2-1-tool?10129-Backing-up-your-RK-device-(ROM)-with-the-new-RK-2-1-tool=]]\n* [[Backup for Linux|http://freaktab.com/forum/development-area/rom-hacks-and-mods-development/6098-new-tool-to-flash-rk-devices-from-linux]]
Type the text for '27 January 2017'\n\nSOURCE: Found in (rewirtten slightly)\nBIG NOTE:\nThis informaiton is really for backing up and restoring. This is NOT for trying to recover from a brick!\nSo only use this if you know how to flash a ROM and have a ROM available you know works already!\nThe reason is this procedure will not be flashing loader or repartitioning NAND! \nThus you need a good loader from a good ROM already flashed on your device!\nIn fact to even backup, your device must be working or this will get you no where!\n\nWhat this really does is replace CWM (ClockWork Mod) in a way.\nIt's faster than CWM and you can backup things CWM does not.\n\nAlso what this is totally useful for is to backup a stock ROM!\nIf you do not have a stock ROM available for download for your device, this will back it up!\nYou do not have to backup the user data stuff to be able to flash your stock backed up ROM. :)\n\nVery cool and about time Rockchip!\n\n________________________\n\n\nYou can dump parts of NAND or everything. But to do everything you still have to back it up in parts!\nAlso, if you want to dump user partition (Internal SDcard) you will have to do a little math!\nBut I will walk you through it so don't be afraid!\n\nWith the proper we can dump the stock ROM.\n* We can dump user space (APP space. accounts, logins, etc called userdata partition).\n* We can dump the internal SDcard (called user partition)\n* We can dump cache, metadata, and ALL other partitions.\n* What you dump is up to you!\n\nIt is OPTIONAL to dump internal SDcard! However be aware if you are trying to make a full BACKUP\nyou probably should do this as many APPs and other user data is stored on Internal SDcard!\nI recommend you do this if you are trying to do a full backup and restore everything.\n\nThe cool thing here is you can try other ROMs and 100% restore ALL your NAND back to what you had before!\n\nThis breakes down into parts:\n# Dumping just the stock ROM. This means no saved user data at all. \nFlashing this dump, you will only have a device like new. e.g. it will not save installed APPs, accounts ,settings, etc.\n# After dumping the stock ROM, you can learn how to dump userdata (where APPs are installed, accounts, and settings).\n# After dumping 1&2, you can learn how to dump Internal SDcard and all other partitions for a REAL full NAND backup!\n# Then you can learn how to flash all this. \n\n_____________________________\n\nOK so let's get on with the how to and learning. :)\n\nFirst I want you to know how to use a caclulator, built into Linux, Mac and Windows! Find it in your start menu). \n\n* We will have to do some math in hex to dump internal SDcard so I want to show you "programmer mode".\n* Run the calculator and in the view menu change it to "programmer" mode.\n* Please notice on the left you can now select Dec for decimal numbers, and Hex for Hexadecimal numbers.\n* We will be using the calculator in Hex mode a lot!\n* Now have that up so we can use it when needed and leave it open. \n* Again this calculator is needed ONLY to dump internal SDcard.\n\n______________________________\n\nLearning things first (optional).\nAll this is OPTIONAL for you to learn. \n\nUnderstanding NAND layout:\nYour NAND chips is broken into "partitions" or parts if you will call it that.\nEach one of these servers a purpose. Here are all the partitions of a RockChip ROM.\n\n# Loader.bin - this is low in NAND and special. You can flash it but cannot dump it.\n# parameter - this file tells the loader how NAND memory is split up into partitions.\n# misc.img - this is a special area that tells the recovery system what to do on boot.\n# boot.img - this is the boot section and basically is the ram disk the kernel uses to boot.\n# kernel.img - this is of course the kernel.\n# cache.img - this is an area APPs store information like Google Play for instance.\n# kpanic.img - this is a special area for use by the kernel.\n# metadata.img - this is a NEW area for KitKat only. It does not exist in pre-kitkat ROMs. It's used for Encryption.\n# recovery.img - this is like boot.img but boots the recovery menu system.\n# system.img - this is the system OS.\n# backup.img - I am not sure what this is. It started showing up with Rockchip ROMs but does not appear to do anything. But it might be work backing up anyway.\n# userdata.img - this is where APPs get installed, user accounts are stored, databases, etc. This area if erased losses all your user installed apps, settings, etc. A factory data reset erases this area.\n# user.img - This is the remaining NAND space and is set aside as the Internal SDcard.\nPlease note, many APPs like games, etc store stuff here! Erasing this you can lose data! This is also erased on a factory reset.\n\nSo based on the above what parts are a stock ROM?\n# Loader.bin\n# parameter\n# boot.img\n# kernel.img\n# misc.img\n# recovery.img\n# system.img\nAs you can see a stock ROM is just that! No user data! \nErasing NAND with the flash tool and flashing a stock ROM gives you a empty like new device as if you just bought it.\n\nOK so some basics there. Now let's look at the parameter file.\nIt's important because we will be using this to DUMP NAND memory.\nI do not need to make you an expert on this but you need to know a few things.\n\nIf we look at this area of a parameter file, you will see the partitions I listed above!\nBoth the ones that hold a stock ROM images as well as ones that are created to be used by the system.\n\nHere is an example of a parameter file for a kitkat ROM.\n\n0x00002000@0x00002000(misc),0x00006000@0x00004000(kernel),0x00006000@0x0000a000(boot),0x00010000@0x00010000(recovery),0x00020000@0x00020000(backup),0x00040000@0x00040000(cache),0x00400000@0x00080000(userdata),0x00002000@0x00480000(metadata),0x00002000@0x00482000(kpanic),0x00180000@0x00484000(system),-@0x00604000(user)\n\nSo what do those number mean in from of each partition name like boot for instance?\nFirst all these numbers are in hex. Second the numbers are blocks of 512 bytes! \nlet's look at boot.. \n0x00006000@0x0000a000(boot)\nThe first number 0x00006000 is the size of the partition.\nThe second number 0x0000a000 is the offset into the NAND chip from 0 location (start of the NAND chip). \nBut remember all these numbers are in 512 blocks.\nIf you wanted to know the size in bytes then do this math in your PC calculator.\nREMEMBER to have the calculator set to HEX!!!\nEnter 6000 and now multiply by 200 (fyi 200 hex is 512 decimal).\nYou will get C00000. Want to see that it decimal? In the calculator just click Dec and it will convert it!\nSo what we have is 12,582,912 bytes! Basically that is 12 megabytes.\nAlright you can do that same math if you wanted to know the offset into NAND in decimal bytes.\nWhy is all this important? Well if gets you up to speed later when we calculate internal SDcard.\nYou don't need to know this but it might help you understand if you were to do things on your own.\n\n___________________________________\n\nInstructions for dumping....\n\nBefore we begin let's get familiar with the tool.\nIn the download run the ROM_Dumper_Tool.exe.\nWhen it opens you will notice 3 tabs at the top. \nDownload image - this is for flashing ROMs\nUpgrade Firmware - this is for lashing single .img ROMs. I won't be going into this area for as we don't use it for dumping.\nAdvanced Function - This is for dumping and doing some cool stuff! We will be in here all the time for this procedure.\n\nNote: Anytime we dump a partition the tool always makes a file called ExportImage.img in a folder called Ouptut.\nSo every time we dump a different partition it will overwrite that file unless we rename them first!\nDon't forget that please.\n\nOK first lets dump the basic flashable ROM:\n \nTo do ANY dumping we need to dump the parameter file of the ROM from NAND.\nWhy? because we need the start (offset) and count (size) of the partition or we can't dump anything.\n1) Click the advance functions tab.\n2) At the bottom is the "export image" button and to empty boxes, Start and Count.\n3) To get the parameter file put a 0 in the start box and a 2 in the count.\n4) Now press the export image button.\n5) Now we need to make this a real parameter file! Rename the file to parameter.txt\n6) We need to clean it up a bit. Open in Windows note pad ONLY!!! Do not open in MS word or anything else or it won't work!\nAlso you may need to turn on word wrap to see everything (format menu, select word wrap checked).\n7) The first line you will see something like this:\nPARMi FIRMWARE_VER:4.1.1\nDelete all the junk in front of the word FIRMWARE so it looks like this now:\nFIRMWARE_VER:4.1.1\n8) clean up ending junk. At the end you will see this word:\n(user)\nAfter it will be some junk. Delete everything after (user) including any blank space.\nWhen done make sure to hit enter once so there is a new line after (user)\n9) Save the cleaned up parameter file but leave it open as we need it to continue.\n\nNow let's start dumping!\nWe will do system.img to start with as an example.\n1) Look at the parameter file and find (system) and the numbers before it. Example:\n0x00180000@0x00484000(system)\nREMEMBER the number before @ is the COUNT and the number after the @ is the START!\n2) Copy the number after the @ example: 0x00484000 into the start box of the advanced tab in the tool.\n3) Copy the number before the @ example: 0x00180000 into the count box of the advanced tab in the tool.\n4) Press the export image button and wait for it to complete.\n5) Go into the Output folder and rename the file ExportImage.ing to system.img\n\nNow we just repeat the steps 1-5 above for\nmisc.img\nkernel.img\nboot.img\nrecovery.img\nbackup.img (This can be optional but do it anyway especially if this is a first REAL stock ROM dump as we may need it).\n\nRemember to always use the numbers in front of each name! Don't forget to change those or you won't have a good dump.\nAlso remember after each dump, to rename ExportImage.img to the proper name of the image you dumped!\nEach time you press Export Image, it will overwrite the existing ExportImage file unless you rename it!\n\nWhen you're done you should have the basic ROM dump. \nmisc.img, kernel.img, boot.img, recovery.img, system.img, and backup.img.\n\nYou can now use the flash tool 2.1 or the flash tool 1.37 to flash these.\n\n_________________________________\n\nDumping userdata, cache, metadata, kpanic:\nFor a user backup the above 4 should be dumped.\n\nWe will start with userdata\nThis is basically the same as above except can take longer depending on how big your user data partition is.\nThis will be larger than any other partition so far as most devices have at least 1GB or more!\n\n1) Again look at the parameter file and find (userdata) and the numbers before it. Example:\n0x00400000@0x00080000(userdata)\nREMEMBER the number before @ is the COUNT and the number after the @ is the START!\n2) Copy the number after the @ example: 0x00080000 into the start box of the advanced tab in the tool.\n3) Copy the number before the @ example: 0x00400000 into the count box of the advanced tab in the tool.\n4) Press the export image button and wait for it to complete.\n5) Go into the Output folder and rename the file ExportImage.ing to userdata.img\n\nAgain repeat above for cache, kpanic, metadata. \nif your parameter file does not have metadata then no need to dump this as it does not exist.\nRemember only KitKat ROMs have this so do not worry if you don't have it.\n\n\n_________________________________\n\n\nFinally to the hardest part but it is not really that hard. Dumping "user" which is internal SDcard.\n\nNote: if you have a 32GB NAND or something large like that, this might not be worth your time!\nJust back up internal SDcard another way (file copy) as it will probably be faster.\nOne way I like to do it is turn on MASS Storage in settings and enable USB to the PC.\nThen I just copy the files to the PC. \nFor restore after flashing a ROM and userdata, I do the same thing and copy the files back to internal sd BEFORE running any apps that need that data on internal SDcard!\n\nDumping 32GB and flashing a large internal SDcard takes a LONG TIME! If most of your internal SDcard is empty,\ndumping and flashing still writes ALL 32GB anyway so it's a waste of time to do this unless you have a LOT on internal SD.\nSo there is a trade-off... YOU decide which best works for you!\n\nHowever for my TV sticks with a total of 8GB NAND, I use this process as it saves time and is 100%.\n\n\n*********\n\nSo to back this area up we have to work some things out.\nYou will notice the parameter file for (user) has no SIZE number just the offset!\nExample: -@0x00604000(user)\nthe -@ simply says to use the remaining NAND as all of user (internal SDcard). \nThus to dump it we must calculate the size! To do this we must know how big our NAND chip is.\n\nFirst put the number after the @ into the start box so we don't forget example: 0x00604000\nThis is just like the other parts we did above. We need the start point for user (internal SDcard).\n\nNow let's find out the size of the NAND chip.\nIn the advanced tab click the Read Flash Info button.\nOn the right it will display information but we are interested in this:\nFlash Size: XXXXX MB\nWhere XXXXX is the size of your flash chip "page" size.\nFor instance my Pipo M9 Pro says 8192 MB.\nBUT WAIT! We also have to see how many pages of NAND we have.\nLook at the line Flash CS: \nIf yours has a 0 then that is all you have 8GB\nIf CS says something like 0 1 2 3 (That's 4 pages)\nThen you have 4 pages of 8GB or 32GB NAND. If it says 0 1 then you have 2 pages or 16GB NAND and so on.\nSo whatever your size is multiple that by number of pages!\n\nExample my Tronsmart T428 TV stick says:\nFlash Size 8528 MB\nFlash CS: 0\nThus my full NAND size is 8528 as there is only 1 page \n(yes the 0 is a page! The first page starts at 0 and a 1 is the 2nd page).\n\nMy Pipo M9 Pro says this:\nFlash Size 8192 MB\nFlash CS: 0 1 2 3\nThus I would take 8192 and multiply by 4 pages = 32768 MB NAND size.\n\nSo we now have our total NAND size!\nNow a little more math but easy if you follow my instructions.\n\nFirst we must make the size in MB a REAL GB number (not a MB number in 1000's). \nI am going to use 8192 MB (8GB) NAND as an example. (It only had 1 page e.g. Flash CS: 0)\n\n1) Open your PC calculator and again make sure it is set to programmer mode!\n2) Make sure your set to Dec (decimal) not Hex mode!!!\n2) Type in your NAND size you read or calculated with pages from the tool. My example 8192.\n3) Multiply that by 1024. My example 8192 x 1024 = 8388608\n4) Now do that one more time and multiply 8388608 by 1024. My example 8388608 x 1024 = 8589934592\n5) Now divide this number by 512. My example 8589934592 / 512 = 16777216\nSo you know what all this math did was take the proper number of bytes and divide them into 512 blocks.\nThis is what is needed by the flash tool and parameter file!\n6) Now press the Hex button on the left of the calculator to convert this to a hex number. My example came to 1000000 Hex.\n7) OK now we know the total size of our NAND chip in 512 byte blocks in Hex format!\n8) Now take this number and subtract the "start" that what was shown in the parameter file. \nIn my example parameter file I had -@0x00604000(user) so my start is 604000 (we don't use the beginning 0's).\nSo again my example 1000000 - 604000 = 9FC000\nWe now have our user (internal SDcard) size! It is 9FC000 in hex!!!\n9) Enter this number into the count box of the tool. Again my example is 9FC000 \nBUT we need to enter it in the format the tool needs and that is hex! \nJust add the 0x at beginning of the number so the tool knows it's hex. Again my example is now 0x9FC000\nJust a note: 0's in front of any hex number are ignored. So 0x009fc000 is the same as 0x9fc000.\n10) Make sure as I said above, you also entered the start number! Again in my example 0x00604000\n11) Press the export image button and wait for it to finish. Depending on size this could be a long time!\n12) Done forget to rename the ExpoertImage.img to user.img! \n\nWe are DONE! We now have a flashable FULL backup of the entire NAND chip!\n\nWhat you should have in the output folder, if you did everything above dumping EVERYTHING is:\nparameter.txt\nbackup.img\nboot.img\ncache.img\nkernel.img\nkpanic.img\nmetadata.img (optional if you had that and were on KitKat)\nmisc.img\nrecovery.img\nsystem.img\nuser.img (internal SDcard)\nuserdata.img\n\n__________________________________\n\n\nFlashing your dump:\n\nOK so now you have dumped the ROM and other items and you want to flash them back.\nWell we can't use the 2.1 RK tool! Why? Because it has 2 bugs in it.\n1) Flashing userdata. It works but will error at 50% every time. \nIt actually does flash 100% but due to a math bug in the program it counts to 50% instead of 100%.\n2) It won't flash user (internal SD). If you try it says it did it but it doesn't.\nIt returns success instantly so obviously it doesn't flash anything.\n\nIf you did not backup user (Internal SD) then feel free to flash with the 2.1 tool and you will be OK even with the error at 50%.\n\nHowever I setup the old 1.37 flash tool for you. All of the lines for each image is there.\nI even have them checked by default for you.\n\nIn the download there is a flasher tool folder. Just run the flash tool from there.\nUncheck anything you didn't backup or items you don't want to flash.\nNote: if you leave something checked you did not backup or the .img is not in the Output folder, you will get an error.\n\nI left boot loader unchecked as there is no reason to flash that!\n\nOK so that's it!\nEnjoy this cool new way to backup :)\n\nBob\n\n\n\n
Type the text for '27 January 2017'\n\n[[RockChip Wiki|http://linux-rockchip.info/mw/index.php?title=ADB_shell_with_RK3066]]\n\n
'28 January 2017'\n\n* [[Latest Firmware|http://huifei.fs-fileserver.de/content/firmware/L%205.1.1%20Quadcore/5.1.1%20Quadcore/5.1.1%20Quadcore%201024x600/KLD%205.1.1%20Quadcore%201024x600%20MTCC/KLD%205.1.1%20Quadcore%201024x600%20Dec%202016/KLD_rk3188_5.1_o_]]\n* Format the SD card in FAT32.\n* Unpack the firmware. \n* Copy the file update.img to the root of the SD card. \n* Insert the SD card into the GPS card slot.\n* Visit recovery and select the second point - install the firmware to the SD card.\n[[Image File|http://huifei.fs-fileserver.de/content/firmware/L%205.1.1%20Quadcore/5.1.1%20Quadcore/5.1.1%20Quadcore%201024x600/KLD%205.1.1%20Quadcore%201024x600%20MTCC/KLD%205.1.1%20Quadcore%201024x600%20Dec%202016/]] Download \n{{{KLD_rk3188_5.1_o_h(20161226).zip}}}\nTo keep your programs and data, you need root access to the system and\nthe program Titanium backup.\n[[Make root access ( Goodle See through Google translator )-|http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=704934&st=4140#entry50132101]] (Translation via Chrome.)\nSOURCE: booroondook - a guru.\nFor firmware 5.1.1 Root access can be obtained in the following manner (certainly not the only one, but one possible):\n* Download application [["Kingo SuperUser" |https://apkbucket.net/get/apk/com.kingouser.com/]]\n* Install and run this app\n* get notified about the absence of Root rights and the proposal go to the developer's website link\n* go to website\n* select and download the application "Kingo Root" in APK form under Anddoid\n* install the downloaded app\n* run it\n* after 2-3 minutes Root access is obtained\n* close the application "Kingo User" and if you want to delete it to control the access route-use applications "Kingo SuperUSer" application (in the Applications menu is simply called "SuperUser")\n\nNow that you have root access, you can do whatever you want.\nDownload Root Explorer app - https://yadi.sk/d/pE2QOSjb3BNmFC (and\nthen through it can copy the System folder, and Data/data and Data/app\nDownload Titanium backup app - https://yadi.sk/d/QGu8gtfy3BNnAg\n\nIf you need a custom firmware - write me and I will collect it for you\nhttp://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=704299&st=2940#entry50132064\n\n
Type the text for '29 January 2017'\n\n2017-01-29 09:24:42 \n\nRooting Procedure:\n# Copy update.img onto separate sd card\n# place sd card in on-board sd card holder, contacts to right.\n# Power off head\n# Power on head holding power button for about 2 seconds.\n# Get to boot loader screen\n# Take second choice. "install the firmware to the SD card."\n# System reboots\n# Download & install [[KingoRoot.apk|http://docbox.flint.com/~flint/keweier/2root/.]]\n# Run {{{KingoRoot.apk}}}\n# Download & [[RootExplorer.apk|http://docbox.flint.com/~flint/keweier/2root/.]]\n# Run {{{RootExplorer.apk}}} go to /root directory. \n# If you can read /root directory you are done.
Got my hands on a Kindle fire 5'th Gen from Flint\n\nAttempting to root with king root APK Failed...\n\nAttempting previous rooting method failed due to amazon locking the bootloader, so I was unable to run the RW bootloader image. \n\nAttempting to root with king root EXE from windows machine it failed\n\nNot to just figure out how to unlock the bootloader!\n\nNote:\nMany firmware versions cannot be downgraded.\nTrying to downgrade to an incompatible version can Hard Brick the Tablet \n\n\n5.3.2.1 cannot be rooted, nor downgraded, \n5.3.2 can not be rooted, but can be downgraded \n5.3.1.0 can be rooted but not downgraded \n\n\n5.1.4, 5.1.3,, 5.1.2 cannot be downgraded to 5.1.1 or lower\ntrying to downgrade lower than 5.1.2 will brick the Fire (2015 7in)\n5.1.1 cannot be downgraded, trying will brick the Fire (2015 7in)\n\nAmazon FireOS is not rootable, but can be downgraded to 5.1.2\n\n\nTried to downgrade to \nBricked \nall I get when plugged in is\n\n{{{\n[309518.171168] usb 2-4: new high-speed USB device number 123 using ehci-pci\n[309518.304974] usb 2-4: New USB device found, idVendor=0e8d, idProduct=2000\n[309518.304979] usb 2-4: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0\n[309518.304982] usb 2-4: Product: MT65xx Preloader\n[309518.304984] usb 2-4: Manufacturer: MediaTek\n\n}}} \n\nno luck using mediaTek's SP Toolkit to write a new bootloader.\n\n\n
Type the text for '13 February 2017'\n\n[[Amazon Developers|https://developer.amazon.com/blogs/post/91899eca-bcaf-49a3-b2b0-ed716599d448/join-us-for-our-2017-gdc-amazon-developer-day?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiT0dZME1ERmhPVGc0T1RBMSIsInQiOiJObk1vZXJjMUtXajBZK1JMbzFIN2FaZjFuc1dVd1VQazBXTEhFZWRWVEJSUUR3cStVeW85bmxmUWNsMUNzZDd6bVhNbjVqakJGYUF0WVAzcWdEeGJ5Zk05ODBsNVZ6VWZObitlZ2VMQnJ3c0JXVEVCcWN3azZudTBnMWFIakt0MCJ9]]\n\n\n[[Development on Firefox Tablets|https://developer.amazon.com/public/solutions/devices/fire-tablets/app-development/getting-started-for-fire-tablets]]
Type the text for '17 February 2017'\n\nSgt Solfix Reports;\n\nI've rooted the tiger out now with Kingroot, Kingroot is giving me\nthe green message and the okay check mark. As well as two listings which I\nam registering as the programs it's recognizing? I cannot tell with the\nlanguage Kingroot comes in by default. Wished it was in English but I can\ntell just by colors and symbols enough to get by.\n\nRight now I'm downloading FireNexus, I've been told that's probably my own\nviable option right now to flash this tablet with.\n\n
Bricked Kindle Fire\n\n\nDmesg Returns \n{{{\n[399436.898527] usb 2-4: new high-speed USB device number 18 using ehci-pci\n[399437.031910] usb 2-4: New USB device found, idVendor=0e8d, idProduct=2000\n[399437.031915] usb 2-4: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0\n[399437.031918] usb 2-4: Product: MT65xx Preloader\n[399437.031921] usb 2-4: Manufacturer: MediaTek\n[399437.093627] cdc_acm 2-4:1.1: ttyACM0: USB ACM device\n[399439.539507] usb 2-4: USB disconnect, device number 18\n[399459.463059] usb 2-4: new high-speed USB device number 19 using ehci-pci\n[399459.596549] usb 2-4: New USB device found, idVendor=0e8d, idProduct=2000\n[399459.596554] usb 2-4: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0\n[399459.596558] usb 2-4: Product: MT65xx Preloader\n[399459.596560] usb 2-4: Manufacturer: MediaTek\n[399459.658395] cdc_acm 2-4:1.1: ttyACM0: USB ACM device\n[399462.246305] usb 2-4: USB disconnect, device number 19\n[399482.043687] usb 2-4: new high-speed USB device number 20 using ehci-pci\n[399482.177286] usb 2-4: New USB device found, idVendor=0e8d, idProduct=2000\n[399482.177291] usb 2-4: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0\n[399482.177294] usb 2-4: Product: MT65xx Preloader\n[399482.177297] usb 2-4: Manufacturer: MediaTek\n[399482.239060] cdc_acm 2-4:1.1: ttyACM0: USB ACM device\n[399484.826967] usb 2-4: USB disconnect, device number 20\n[399504.624201] usb 2-4: new high-speed USB device number 21 using ehci-pci\n[399504.757779] usb 2-4: New USB device found, idVendor=0e8d, idProduct=2000\n[399504.757784] usb 2-4: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0\n[399504.757788] usb 2-4: Product: MT65xx Preloader\n[399504.757790] usb 2-4: Manufacturer: MediaTek\n[399504.819567] cdc_acm 2-4:1.1: ttyACM0: USB ACM device\n[399507.407603] usb 2-4: USB disconnect, device number 21\n}}}\n\nSerial Terminal Returns \n\n{{{\n miniterm.py /dev/ttyACM0 115600\n--- Miniterm on /dev/ttyACM0 115600,8,N,1 ---\n--- Quit: Ctrl+] | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H ---\nREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADYREADY\n--- exit ---\nException in thread rx:\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n File "/usr/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 801, in __bootstrap_inner\n self.run()\n File "/usr/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 754, in run\n self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)\n File "/usr/local/bin/miniterm.py", line 452, in reader\n data = self.serial.read(self.serial.in_waiting or 1)\n File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/serial/serialposix.py", line 490, in read\n 'device reports readiness to read but returned no data '\nSerialException: device reports readiness to read but returned no data (device disconnected or multiple access on port?)\n}}}
Linux kernel for same chipset\n\nhttps://lwn.net/Articles/612221/
{{{\nHello,\nHere's a copy of the chat transcript you requested:\n\nInitial Question: My kindle is only showing up as a MT65xx preloader and shows a black screen\n\n06:32 PM PST Josh(Amazon): Hello, my name is Josh. I'm here to help you today.\n06:33 PM PST Josh: I'm sorry that you're having issues with your Kindle Fire. Let me see what I can do to help.\n06:33 PM PST chris: Thank you\n06:34 PM PST Josh: You're welcome!\nMay I have the name of your device, please?\nYou can check the name of the device at the upper left corner of the Kindle screen.\n06:35 PM PST chris: my kindle screen is black and shows nothing, But it is a kindle fire 5th gen. \n06:35 PM PST Josh: Thank you. Do you have the device with you?\n06:35 PM PST chris: Yes\n06:37 PM PST chris: Fire 7 (2015) according to my devices list\nType Fire 7 (2015)\nSerial Number G000 H405 6435 0J0F\n06:38 PM PST Josh: Please connect the device to your charger. While it is connected, please press and hold the power button for 40 seconds.\n06:38 PM PST chris: I have done so previously, and it continues to do the same thing as I have previously stated\n06:39 PM PST Josh: Oh I see. Thanks for the information.\nCan you try to unplug the device from the charger?\n06:40 PM PST chris: I have gone as far as to unplug the battery, and it from the charger, and try restarting\nIt still shows up as the MT65xx Preloader when I check dmesg after plugging it back into the computer\n06:41 PM PST Josh: I see. Thank you for the information.\n06:42 PM PST Josh: No please try to unplug the device from the charger. \nOnce unplugged, please press and hold the power button and the volume DOWN button at the same time.\n06:44 PM PST chris: nothing\n06:44 PM PST Josh: In this case, let me transfer you to our Technical Support to assist you further on this. Please stay connected. Thanks.\n\n06:45 PM PST Ravinder (Amazon): Hello, my name is Ravinder . Please give me a moment to review the previous correspondence.\n06:46 PM PST chris: ok, Thank you\n06:47 PM PST Ravinder : I appreciate your patience.\nIt was nice meeting you, Chris . How are you today?\n\n06:47 PM PST chris: I am doing well, How are you ravinder?\n06:48 PM PST Ravinder : I am fine.\nThank you.\nAre you not able to access the Home screen or device settings?\n06:49 PM PST chris: I am not able to access anything, other than it showing up as a serial terminal \n06:49 PM PST Ravinder : Okay.\n06:49 PM PST chris: Screen stays black and it spews out a bunch of "READYREADYREADY" before disconnecting, and I am guessing restarting to do it again\n06:49 PM PST Ravinder : Are you referring to "chris's Fire"?\n06:50 PM PST chris: Yes\n06:50 PM PST Ravinder : Thank you.\nPlease follow the steps below to enable Recovery Mode to Factory Reset the device:\n1. Press the Power button for 2 seconds and then tap Power off to turn off the device. If the device is unresponsive, press the Power button for 40 seconds or until the screen goes black.\n\n2. Confirm the device screen is completely off with no activity.\n06:51 PM PST Ravinder : 3. Enter Recovery Mode by pressing the following key combination:\n06:52 PM PST Ravinder : Power + Volume_Down. Release the buttons immediately after you see a logo appear on the screen.\n4. Once in Recovery Mode, use the volume keys to navigate to the Factory Reset option and use the power key to select that option.\n06:53 PM PST chris: It is not starting up into recovery mode. \none sec, let me check what it is showing up as\n06:53 PM PST Ravinder : Sure,\n06:54 PM PST chris: [ 5781.389293] usb 2-4: new high-speed USB device number 5 using ehci-pci\n[ 5781.522679] usb 2-4: New USB device found, idVendor=0e8d, idProduct=2000\n[ 5781.522684] usb 2-4: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0\n[ 5781.522687] usb 2-4: Product: MT65xx Preloader\n[ 5781.522690] usb 2-4: Manufacturer: MediaTek\n[ 5781.584395] cdc_acm 2-4:1.1: ttyACM0: USB ACM device\n\n06:55 PM PST Ravinder : Okay.\nLet's try a factory reset of your tablet, which can solve intermittent problems.\n06:56 PM PST Ravinder : Because a factory reset will remove any content you've downloaded to your tablet. You'll be able to download your Amazon purchases from the Cloud after registering the tablet again.\nTo reset your Fire tablet:\n1. Swipe down from the top of the screen, and then tap Settings.\n2. Tap Device Options, and then tap Reset to Factory Defaults.\n06:57 PM PST Ravinder : Once the kindle will be restart please select English language and then enter your Amazon account email address and password.\n06:57 PM PST chris: ravinder, is there any chance you can forward me on to the engineering team? \n06:58 PM PST Ravinder : Chris if you will still face the same issue after factory reset then we will replace your device.\n06:59 PM PST chris: I cant even boot into the recovery, or bootloader, or OS. none of those methods will factory reset the device. \n06:59 PM PST Ravinder : Okay.\nPlease allow me two minutes.\n06:59 PM PST chris: Thank you. \n07:01 PM PST Ravinder : I appreciate your patience.\n07:03 PM PST Ravinder : Chris as you have already tried all the basic troubleshooting steps and still your kindle device is not working fine, so I will go ahead and process the free replacement of the kindle device and I will send the return mailing label email for returning the current kindle to Amazon and you don't have to pay the return shipping charges. Is that fine?\n07:04 PM PST chris: I would prefer to talk to someone who knows what issue I am having and have a hand fixing it myself, \n07:04 PM PST Ravinder : I have checked with my supervisor and we have to replace your device.\n07:05 PM PST chris: What is the time limit on this offer? \n07:05 PM PST Ravinder : If you wish, I can arrange the call back for you right now.\n07:06 PM PST chris: I meant, I would like to keep trying to figure out if I can fix it, before having to send it in for replacement\n07:07 PM PST chris: I prefer to think of my things as something that can be fixed when broken, and normally I am able to do so, instead of just throwing it out and getting a new one,\n07:07 PM PST Ravinder : I understand Chris.\nPlease allow me two minutes.\n07:08 PM PST chris: Thank you\n07:10 PM PST Ravinder : I appreciate your patience.\n07:11 PM PST Ravinder (Amazon): I'm sorry we were disconnected. I can pick up where we left off.\n07:13 PM PST Ravinder : Chris I have checked with my supervisor and this might be the technical glitch and replacement is the only option we have because as your kindle device is frozen completely.\n07:14 PM PST chris: It is showing the MTK preloader which according to MediaTEK allows for reflashing the entire device. \n07:14 PM PST Ravinder : You will receive the new device from Amazon and all your contents will be transferred in new device automatically.\n07:15 PM PST chris: That is why I asked to speak to one of the engineers, as they would know the proper process to do that safely. without risking bricking the device\n07:16 PM PST Ravinder : Did you try to route the device?\nroot*\n07:16 PM PST chris: No, I know that rooting the device is currently impossible.\n07:17 PM PST chris: I was not a fan of the latest updates, so I tried going back to the previous version of FireOS. \n07:18 PM PST Ravinder : How did you try to do that?\n07:19 PM PST chris: the normal process for downgrading android a version. \nusing an official update I got from amazon's site\n07:21 PM PST Ravinder : Chris, your kindle is on highest update from which you cannot go back, can I get the link you used to downgrade the software because there is no such way to downgrade Kindle software when device is running on\n07:21 PM PST chris: I had a copy from before the update came out\n07:23 PM PST Ravinder : Please press the Power button for 2 seconds and then tap Power off to turn off the device. \nLet me know once it is completely turned off.\n07:24 PM PST chris: <.< The device doesnt turn completely off anymore, It is stuck in a mt65xx preloader boot loop awaiting commands. \n07:24 PM PST Ravinder : Oh okay.\n07:25 PM PST chris: not to mention, you know I cant tap power off since I never get as far as the OS\nSigh, If I cant talk to one of the engineers, I am sorry for wasting your time. \nHave a great day\n07:26 PM PST Ravinder : Chris, you're currently connected with Kindle Technical support and this cannot be forwarded further as the engineers doesn't have chat support. We can only forward information to them so that they can look into this.\n07:27 PM PST chris: Please do, I would Like to converse with them, Even if only via email\n07:28 PM PST Ravinder : They will give the update to us and we will notify you via email if there is any fix for this issue, because as far as I know you tried something which shouldn't be done and may be that has corrupted the software of the device. \nIn order for me to forward the issue, I may need some more information from you, I would appreciate if you could stay on chat while I forward it.\n07:29 PM PST chris: If it is quick, It is getting rather late, and I am starting to fall asleep\n07:30 PM PST Ravinder : Give me a minute, I'll be real quick. \n07:31 PM PST Ravinder : Thanks for waiting.\nI've got enough information that I''ll forward it to the engineers and I'll send an email with the Case ID which you can use a reference for future communication. \n07:32 PM PST chris: Thank yo u\n07:32 PM PST Ravinder : Thank you for your patience, and I truly apologize for the inconvenience this has caused to you. \n07:32 PM PST chris: Not a problem, I admit this is an issue I caused myself. Have a good night\n07:33 PM PST Ravinder : I'm sure our technicians will find a fix. \nYou too have a great time ahead. \n07:33 PM PST chris: Thanks\nBye\nThank you.\nAmazon.com\n}}}
The text for '13 March 2017'\n\nKINDLE LIBERATION FRONT\n\nAs you recall Brett managed to root his new kindle, and now needs a \nmicroSD card in order to load a new OS on the beast. DTG did his kindle \njust because he was bored one cold night last month. Effin managed to \nget Amazon to mail him a new unit. He has even posted his chat with \ntech support for your analysis here:\n\nhttp://docbox.flint.com:8081/kindle#AmazonChat\n\nIn my humble opinion this puts Effin back in the good graces of the \nKindle Liberation Community. Everyone loves an excellent social hack.\n\nI will follow Brett's lead as soon as I can!\n\nhttp://docbox.flint.com:8081/kindle\n\nFollowing Effin's example, we need to get whatever he did up on the site \nASAP,. Now that this is on the table I am gonna have to try it myself.\n\nI remain convinced that there could be a commercial opportunity in \ncustomizing kindles. You would think that maybe Effin would be \ninterested...\n\nI remain really want a version of the Universal Insight Virtual Realty \nGlasses for the Kindle. 3d Teleconferencing way cool! Anybody see such a \nthing? I am thinking about trying to fabricate one based upon the \noriginal cardboard.\n
From soulifix@gmail.com Mon Mar 13 20:23:09 2017\nDate: Mon, 13 Mar 2017 20:23:08 -0400\nFrom: Soulifix . <soulifix@gmail.com>\nTo: Joseph Hart <jfhart085@gmail.com>, Paul Flint <flint@flint.com>\nSubject: Fire Resume\n\nAll right, before I actually go into this a bit further. I've gotten the\nmicroSD courtesy of Flint.\n\nThere seems to be a bit of a conflict here in regards to Kingroot. While it\nwill actually root your tablet and phone, it appears to negate both\nFlashFire and SuperSu. So, say any option that requires flashing a tablet\nusing FlashFire, it's not gonna work simply because Kingroot has it's own\nroot functionality that differs than SuperSu's.\n\nAlso, this discovery is making me iffy on KingRoot itself, you may want to\nlook into:\n\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/3vmspw/thoughts_regarding_kingroot/\n\nSo, right now, I'm actually looking into alternatives. SuperSu will now not\nproceed because Kingroot isn't there anymore. Beforehand, when Kingroot was\non, SuperSu would run and it'd tell you to update binaries but you can't\nbecause Kingroot has it's own. Now with Kingroot gone, SuperSu is now\nsaying there's no binary installed.\n\nPlot thickens.\n
Type the text for '14 March 2017'\n\n[[klf_dispatch_sgt_soulfix_2017-03-14]]
'21 March 2017'\n\n[[Wikipedia on Kindle|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kindle_Fire]]\n2016-07-19 Latest Kindle version 5.1.3 Build Mardch 31, 2016 1:26 AM\n\n[[Inside Kindle Fire|http://forum.xda-developers.com/amazon-fire/general/macro-photo-amazon-fire-2015-motherboard-t3227808]]\nFor starters, [[which one do you have?|http://www.lovemyfire.com/kindle-fire-tablet.html]]\n* Kindle Fire 2nd Ed.(otter2) / \n* Kindle Fire HD 7" (2012)(tate) and \n* Kindle Fire HD 8.9" (jem) devices only!\n\nHow to get a decent operating system on it. \n\n''Kindle Fire 7 5th generation'' is what we have...\n\nunder serial number...\n\n[[android development bridge|http://docbox.flint.com:8081/samsung#AndroidDeveopmentBridge]]\n\n[[The XDA Forum is kinda the most authoritative place|https://forum.xda-developers.com]]
klf_dispatch_sgt_soulfix_2017-03-21\n\n*Note: In my case, I had to root the tablet twice. It might've been because I wasn't convinced that it was properly rooted so I did twice as a reassurance. I will point out that if you do root your device with the app first, both SuperSu and FlashFire WILL NOT WORK! So it is recommended that you uninstall the Kingroot app that is provided by the desktop version and THEN root it again using RootJunky's SuperTool. By then, SuperSu and FlashFire should be acknowledged. I swapped steps 1 and 2 because of this whereas, originally, it was the opposite.\n\n1st: Rooting the tablet using Kingroot (Desktop) (V3.4)\n2nd: Rooting the tablet using SuperTool (App) (V4.2.9)\n3rd: Download and install Flash Fire from Google Playstore (NOT THE SUPERTOOL'S VERSION) Must be latest version (V0.55.1)\n4th: Use FlashFire to flash the ROM of choice.\n5th: Verify all permissions are granted to FlashFire via SuperSu, confirm permissions when prompted, Kingroot will also throw up permission prompts, accept those\n6th: Followed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZjD4ME4wlI Instructions\n7th: Flashed the Tablet and Viola! FireNexus\n\n32017-03-14\n\nFrom soulifix@gmail.com Mon Mar 13 20:23:09 2017\nDate: Mon, 13 Mar 2017 20:23:08 -0400\nFrom: Soulifix . <soulifix@gmail.com>\nTo: Joseph Hart <jfhart085@gmail.com>, Paul Flint <flint@flint.com>\nSubject: Fire Resume\n\n"All right, before I actually go into this a bit further. I've gotten the\nmicroSD courtesy of Flint.\n\nThere seems to be a bit of a conflict here in regards to Kingroot. While it\nwill actually root your tablet and phone, it appears to negate both\nFlashFire and SuperSu. So, say any option that requires flashing a tablet\nusing FlashFire, it's not gonna work simply because Kingroot has it's own\nroot functionality that differs than SuperSu's.\n\nAlso, this discovery is making me iffy on KingRoot itself, you may want to\nlook into:\n\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/3vmspw/thoughts_regarding_kingroot/\n\nSo, right now, I'm actually looking into alternatives. SuperSu will now not\nproceed because Kingroot isn't there anymore. Beforehand, when Kingroot was\non, SuperSu would run and it'd tell you to update binaries but you can't\nbecause Kingroot has it's own. Now with Kingroot gone, SuperSu is now\nsaying there's no binary installed."\n\nPlot thickens.\n\nOriginally posted by Paul Flint\nEdits by Brett M\n
Type the text for '1 January 2018'\n\n01/01/2018 05:39:38 PM \n\nfire 7 \n! Operating Systems\n5.4.0.0 current \n5.4.0.1 ready to install\n\n[[Script to remove bloatware|https://www.reddit.com/r/kindlefire/comments/7m43lt/remove_all_the_bloatware_off_a_new_50_amazon_fire/]]\n
Type the text for '1 January 2018'\n\n#. go to serial number tap 7 times to get access to adb\n#. go to settings in developer land and turn on adb\n#. plug into pc and check fire7 screen to allow adb\n#. on pc type:{{{adb devices}}}. Should see a serial number\n#. type adb shell and see if you can get on.\n#. leave shell\n#. Run script below:\n\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash\n# SOURCE: https://www.reddit.com/r/kindlefire/comments/7m43lt/remove_all_the_bloatware_off_a_new_50_amazon_fire/\n# \n# My sister got a Amazon Fire 7 tablet for Christmas that she intends to use almost solely for watching TV (Netflix, Hulu, HBO Go, etc) and was complaining about all the bloat it came with that she didn't need. I created a Bash script to remove all the bloat for her via ADB . If you copy the following lines into a text editor, save it as a .bat file, and then run on a computer with ADB, it removed all the Amazon bloat...\nadb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.amazon.parentalcontrols\nadb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.android.calendar\nadb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.amazon.photos\nadb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.amazon.kindle\nadb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.android.email\nadb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.android.music\nadb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.goodreads.kindle\nadb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.amazon.kindle.personal_video\nadb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.amazon.geo.client.maps\nadb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.amazon.cloud9.systembrowserprovider\nadb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.amazon.cloud9\nadb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.amazon.csapp\nadb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.amazon.weather\nadb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.amazon.ags.app\nadb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.amazon.h2settingsfortablet\nadb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.android.contacts\nadb shell pm uninstall --user 0 amazon.alexa.tablet\nadb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.amazon.kindle.kso\nadb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.audible.application.kindle\nadb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.amazon.mp3\nadb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.amazon.tahoe\nadb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.amazon.photos.importer\nadb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.amazon.zico\nadb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.amazon.dee.app\n}}}
Type the text for '9 April 2018'\n\n[[arkadia |https://github.com/thearkadia/The_Ark]]\n\n[[fix the fire7|https://boingboing.net/2017/10/11/quickly-add-the-google-play-st.htm]]
Type the text for '16 April 2018'\n\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash\n# This installs the play store on an \n# kindle fire7 5.1.1\n#\nfor i in 1 2 3 4\n do\n echo "Downloading $i"\n wget http://docbox.flint.com/~flint/kindle/fire7/apks/step$i.apk\n done\n#\nln -s "com.google.android.gsf.login_5.1-1743759-22_minAPI21(nodpi)_apkmirror.com.apk" step1.apk\nln -s "com.google.android.gsf_5.1-1743759-22_minAPI22(nodpi)_apkmirror.com.apk" step2.apk \nln -s "com.google.android.gms_10.2.98_(230-146496160)-10298230_minAPI21(armeabi-v7a)(nodpi)_apkmirror.com.apk" step3.apk\nln -s "com.android.vending_7.4.25.L-all_0_PR_145823605-80742500_minAPI14(240,320,480dpi)_apkmirror.com.apk" step4.apk\n#\nadb install step1.apk\nadb install step2.apk\nadb install step3.apk\nadb install step4.apk\n}}}
Type the text for '23 April 2018'\n\n[[An (On The Go) OTG Cable|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB_On-The-Go]] \n\n[[A USB Micro Cable|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB#Micro_connectors]]
Type the text for '11 September 2023'\n\nTo: mail@ashik.cc\nFrom:\n\nRe Greater Detail on Shorting Amazon 5 & 7\n\nGreetings Ashik Ishtiaque Emon,\n\nWe at the Barre Open Systems Institute BOSI want to upgrade several Amazon 5 & 7 Tablets in order to run Lineage OS.\n\nThank you for the excellent article.\nhttps://ashik.cc/amazon-fire-7-hacking-twrp-lineageos-5th-7th-gen/\n\nThe pictures you included in your web post indicate that we need " to short the market pin". If you could direct us to another more detailed picture or diagram of this particular hardware operation I would be most appreciative.\n\nThanks in advance!\n\nKindest Regards,\n\nPaul Flint\nDirector,\nBarre Open Systems Institute\n\n
Type the text for '21 August 2023'\n\n* Prerequisites\n** Device Must be Rooted\n** Unlocked Bootloader\n** Working [[TWRP|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TWRP_(software)]]\n\n\nLineage OS\n\n* [[how to Lineage OS|https://ashik.cc/amazon-fire-7-hacking-twrp-lineageos-5th-7th-gen/]]\n* [[Boot Loader Unlock|https://liliputing.com/bootloader-unlock-and-root-for-amazon-fire-7-tablets-5th-gen-and-7th-gen/]]\n* [[Hacking the Amazon Fire 7|https://ashik.cc/amazon-fire-7-hacking-twrp-lineageos-5th-7th-gen/]]
Type the text for '2 October 2023'\n\n* [[XDA Root Kindle|https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/tut-how-to-root-fire-hd-7-8-and-10-6th-7th-and-8th-generation.3946480/]]\n* [[Fire 6 4th generation Kindle|https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/2017-root-kindle-fire-hd-6-4th-gen-tutorial.3677600/]]\n* [[Fire OS|https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/help-with-rooting-kindle-fire-5th-gen-version-5-7-0-0.4497467/]]\n* [[Boot Guidance|https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/unlock-root-twrp-unbrick-downgrade-fire-7-ford-and-austin.3899860/]]
! This Kindle Has Been Liberated!!!\n\n2015-12-23\n\nGreetings,\n\nPaul has mofified this Amazon Kindle.\n\nTurn it on and register the unit with Amazon, that you really cannot avoid.\n\nOn the main menu, use your finger to scroll up and you will get a new screen with the "Amazon Play Store" on it.\n\nUse this to load software, and if you like put the stuff Amazon Gave you in a folder for later use.\n\nEnjoy,\n\nflint@flint.com