|!Punctuation|!Location|!Function|\n|{{{@@...@@}}}|surrounding text|@@highlighted text@@|\n|{{{//...//}}}|surrounding text|//italicized text//|\n|{{{==...==}}}|surrounding text|==strikethrough text==|\n|{{{''...''}}}|surrounding text|''boldfaced text''|\n|{{{__...__}}}|surrounding text|__underlined text__|\n|{{{[[text|url]]}}}|around text/url pair|[[text|http://gri.gallaudet.edu/]] link to url|\n|{{{ {...} }}}|''__tripled__'' surrounding text|{{{in-line literal text}}}|\n|{{{ {...} }}}|''__tripled__'' surrounding ''__lines__''|literal block|\n|{{{<<<}}}|surrounding ''__lines__''|blockquotes|\n|{{{!}}}|at start of line|subheading|\n|{{{|...|...|}}}|line sectioned by vertical bars|table row|\n|{{{!}}}|in a table|!table heading|\n|{{{----}}}|alone on line|horizontal rule|\n|{{{*}}}|at start of line|bulleted list item|\n|{{{#}}}|at start of line|numbered list item|\nsource: Kevin Cole, January 2007
TTiddlyWiki uses Wiki style markup, a way of lightly "tagging" plain text so it can be transformed into HTML. Edit this Tiddler to see samples.\n\n! Header Samples\n!Header 1\n!!Header 2\n!!!Header 3\n!!!!Header 4\n!!!!!Header 5\n\n! Unordered Lists:\n* Lists are where it's at\n* Just use an asterisk and you're set\n** To nest lists just add more asterisks...\n***...like this\n* The circle makes a great bullet because once you've printed a list you can mark off completed items\n* You can also nest mixed list types\n## Like this\n\n! Ordered Lists\n# Ordered lists are pretty neat too\n# If you're handy with HTML and CSS you could customize the [[numbering scheme|http://www.w3schools.com/css/pr_list-style-type.asp]]\n## To nest, just add more octothorpes (pound signs)...\n### Like this\n* You can also\n** Mix list types\n*** like this\n# Pretty neat don't you think?\n\n! Tiddler links\nTo create a Tiddler link, just use mixed-case WikiWord, or use [[brackets]] for NonWikiWordLinks. This is how the GTD style [[@Action]] lists are created. \n\nNote that existing Tiddlers are in bold and empty Tiddlers are in italics. See CreatingTiddlers for details.\n\n! External Links\nYou can link to [[external sites|http://google.com]] with brackets. You can also LinkToFolders on your machine or network shares.\n\n! Images\nEdit this tiddler to see how it's done.\n[img[http://img110.echo.cx/img110/139/gorilla8nw.jpg]]\n\n!Tables\n|!th1111111111|!th2222222222|\n|>| colspan |\n| rowspan |left|\n|~| right|\n|colored| center |\n|caption|c\n\nFor a complex table example, see PeriodicTable.\n\n! Horizontal Rules\nYou can divide a tiddler into\n----\nsections by typing four dashes on a line by themselves.\n\n! Blockquotes\n<<<\nThis is how you do an extended, wrapped blockquote so you don't have to put angle quotes on every line.\n<<<\n>level 1\n>level 1\n>>level 2\n>>level 2\n>>>level 3\n>>>level 3\n>>level 2\n>level 1\n\n! Other Formatting\n''Bold''\n==Strike==\n__Underline__\n//Italic//\nSuperscript: 2^^3^^=8\nSubscript: a~~ij~~ = -a~~ji~~\n@@highlight@@\n@@color(green):green colored@@\n@@bgcolor(#ff0000):color(#ffffff):red colored@@\n
a maple sugar devopment on ubuntu development area...
! Steps Necessary to Develop Sugar operating on the Ubuntu Platform\n\n* [[Bazaar for the slow...]]\n* [[launchpad]]\n* [[architecture resolution]]\n* [[sugar dependencies]]\n* [[Packaging 101]]\n* [[debian effort]]\n* [[sugar a stick]]\n* [[sugar on the hat]]\n* [[Ubuntu Packaging with Sugar]]
Colin has loaded a VMware region with Ubuntu 9.04 and loaded the [[git source]] tree.
! Bazaar for the slow is a page to help us remedially use bzr.\n\nThe whole trick with Bazaar is to realize that you make local commits and then push these to a central repository.\n\n\nSOURCES:\nhttp://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/mini-tutorial/index.html\nhttp://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/user-reference/bzr_man.html\n\n# get the server working\n# get the client working\n# get the two to talk.\n\nConfiguring the server.\n{{{\nEXAMPLE:\nbzr init-repository [LOCATION]\n\nAPPLIED: \nbzr init-repository .\n}}}\n\nThis [[guidance | http://bazaar-vcs.org/Bzr_and_SSH]] suggests configuring the public/private key pairing so that one push his/her local repository commits to the remote repository.\n\n\n\n[[Here's how from Colin]]\n
\nA common requirement is to prevent the need to enter a password for each and every Bazaar command when using bzr+ssh:// or sftp:// transports. On Unix, bzr is able to use the same settings as the system-installed 'ssh' client. Thus, using bzr+ssh:// or sftp:// transport to access a remote branch follows the same procedure as for setting up authorization for a shell login.\n\nThere are two ways to configure your SSH client to prevent the need to enter a password for each login:\n\n 1. Login to the remote machine with a master connection - future logins will reuse this existing master connection.\n 2. Use the ssh-agent program to cache public/private key authentication details. \n\nThe first approach is somewhat easier to setup as you do not need to configure your ssh-agent program or generate a public/private key pair, if you don't already have one. It also means a new connection to the server does not need to be established for each and every command so it gives a speed boost.\n\nUsing a master connection\n\nBefore you can use a master connection you will need to configure your client so that it knows how to communicate with the master connection. This is done by specifying the path to a socket that will be used for communication purposes. Add the following lines to the ~/.ssh/config file (or create the file if it does not exist):\n\n# Where to find the control path, if we have one\nHost *\n ControlPath ~/.ssh/master-%r@%h:%p\n\nYou can then open a master connection to the server using the -M option:\n\nssh -M user@host.com\n\nAs long as this master connection is not closed (i.e you do not exit the shell) you will be able to login to the machine without a password. It is also possible to configure ssh such that it always opens a master connection if there isn't already one open. This means you do not even need to pass the -M option to ssh. To do this add the following option to ~/.ssh/config:\n\nControlMaster auto\n\nGenerate Public/Private key pair\n\nIf you have not done so previously, on the client use 'ssh-keygen':\n\n$ ssh-keygen\nGenerating public/private rsa key pair.\nEnter file in which to save the key (/home/example/.ssh/id_rsa): \nEnter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):\nEnter same passphrase again:\nYour identification has been saved in /home/example/.ssh/id_rsa.\nYour public key has been saved in /home/example/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.\nThe key fingerprint is:\n49:c7:90:63:82:34:be:94:d5:ce:c9:ec:15:e7:06:c8 example@localhost\n\nUpload your public key\n\nIf the ssh-copy-id command is installed then using that is the easiest way to upload your key to the server. You just need to enter:\n\nssh-copy-id user@example.com\n\nIf this command is not installed then you can also upload the key manually:\n\n * Log into the host containing the remote branch.\n * On the remote host, edit the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.\n o Each line of this file contains the public half of the public/private key pair which is authorized to log in. \n * Use a text editor to copy the contents of your local /home/example/.ssh/id_rsa.pub to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the remote server. Ensure that there are no line breaks, the key must all be on a single line. Save the file. \n\nTest that your client is now authorized by logging in again via ssh to the account. Assuming that works, you should now be able to use bzr+ssh:// and sftp:// to access branches on the remote host without requiring a password.
Monday, began day with walk. Worked on system for some time. Had Adult Swim event, ended at 8:00
Sunday Colin had his friend over. Rick came over.\n\n
Saturday Colin arrives at about 20:15 via Amtrack
! The TADA behind BZR\n\non the local machine bring the branch down with this\n{{{\nbzr branch http://docbox.flint.com/bazaar/Maple\n}}}\n\nFool with this, and with each file you fool with the following must be done\n{{{\nbzr commit <filename>\n}}}\nor \n{{{\nbzr add <filename>\n}}}\n\nTo move the stuff up the following works:\n{{{\nbzr commit\nbzr push sftp://flint@docbox.flint.com/home/flint/public_html/bazaar/Maple\n}}}\n
! Debian effort\n\n* Install Debian\n* Do not use fixed size disk image, use variable\n<<<\n\nI had the following error whilst installing Debian on an Ubuntu 9.04 VirtualBox:\n\n"The 'grub' package failed to install into /target/." \n\nWell, it turned out that the install ran out of disk space... alt <f2> told the tale.\n\n<<<\n\n* Do not use multi paritiions \n* Pick your softwware sources carefully\n* Do not use graphic installation.\n* Using mirror.rit.edu sources\n* Only getting 37 percent configuring apt\n* 05/08/2009 12:04:11 43 percent done...\n
Got [[ BZR | Bazaar for the slow...]] working...\n\nSpent afternoon trying to get working debian\n\nwent swimming at quarry...\n\n\n
Spent first part of the morning trying to find space to do virtuals\nSpent second part of the day trying to download the
Went to Burlington\n\nWent to North Beach\n\nHad steak for dinner
\n\nAlways remember to enable the audio for sugar applications.\n\nsoas will not install on a virtual.\n\n
! Sugar on the Hat\n\nActually as a Fedora Base, use this: LiveCD with an option to clone to HD. 1gb-ish install. \n[[64-bit bootcd | http://torrent.fedoraproject.org/torrents/Fedora-11-x86_64-Live.torrent]] \n[[32-bit bootcd | http://torrent.fedoraproject.org/torrents/Fedora-11-i686-Live.torrent]]\nwill locally mirror when ISOs in hand\n\nlocal mirror:\n[[32-bit bootcd |]]\nInstall here on an 8 Gb flexable virtual with 1 Gb virtual ram.\ntry from root command line:\nyum install sugar\nawaiting results...\n\ndeprecated this is a complete fedora install: \nTo install this...\n# Install base fedora system [[boot.iso | ftp://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/releases/11/Fedora/i386/os/images/boot.iso]]\n# dhcp and no extras...\n\nhttp://wiki.laptop.org/go/LiveCd
[[fundamental problems that must be addressed to complete jelkner's deliverable: | http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Talk:Community/Distributions/Ubuntu]]\n\npackage available in two days or less. with directions on how to build.
got fedora working on virtual box.\n\n
\n\n{{{\n[root@localhost etc]# vi sudoers\n[root@localhost etc]# yum install sugar\nLoaded plugins: refresh-packagekit\nfedora/metalink | 16 kB 00:00 \nfedora | 3.8 kB 00:00 \nfedora/primary_db | 8.4 MB 00:13 \nupdates/metalink | 6.8 kB 00:00 \nupdates | 4.4 kB 00:00 \nupdates/primary_db | 2.8 MB 00:04 \nSetting up Install Process\nResolving Dependencies\n--> Running transaction check\n---> Package sugar.i586 0:0.84.5-1.fc11 set to be updated\n--> Processing Dependency: matchbox-window-manager for package: sugar\n--> Processing Dependency: sugar-toolkit for package: sugar\n--> Processing Dependency: python-telepathy for package: sugar\n--> Processing Dependency: sugar-artwork for package: sugar\n--> Running transaction check\n---> Package matchbox-window-manager.i586 0:1.2-5.20070628svn.fc11 set to be updated\n--> Processing Dependency: libmb.so.1 for package: matchbox-window-manager\n---> Package python-telepathy.noarch 0:0.15.7-2.fc11 set to be updated\n---> Package sugar-artwork.i586 0:0.84.1-3.fc11 set to be updated\n---> Package sugar-toolkit.i586 0:0.84.4-1.fc11 set to be updated\n--> Processing Dependency: gnome-python2-rsvg for package: sugar-toolkit\n--> Processing Dependency: gettext for package: sugar-toolkit\n--> Processing Dependency: hippo-canvas-python for package: sugar-toolkit\n--> Processing Dependency: python-simplejson for package: sugar-toolkit\n--> Processing Dependency: sugar-datastore for package: sugar-toolkit\n--> Processing Dependency: python-json for package: sugar-toolkit\n--> Processing Dependency: sugar-base for package: sugar-toolkit\n--> Processing Dependency: sugar-presence-service for package: sugar-toolkit\n--> Running transaction check\n---> Package gettext.i586 0:0.17-12.fc11 set to be updated\n---> Package gnome-python2-rsvg.i586 0:2.26.0-3.fc11 set to be updated\n---> Package hippo-canvas-python.i586 0:0.3.0-5.fc11 set to be updated\n--> Processing Dependency: hippo-canvas = 0.3.0-5.fc11 for package: hippo-canvas-python\n--> Processing Dependency: libhippocanvas-1.so.0 for package: hippo-canvas-python\n---> Package libmatchbox.i586 0:1.9-5.fc11 set to be updated\n---> Package python-json.noarch 0:3.4-6.fc11 set to be updated\n---> Package python-simplejson.i586 0:2.0.9-2.fc11 set to be updated\n---> Package sugar-base.i586 0:0.84.1-1.fc11 set to be updated\n---> Package sugar-datastore.i586 0:0.84.0-1.fc11 set to be updated\n--> Processing Dependency: python-cjson for package: sugar-datastore\n--> Processing Dependency: xapian-bindings-python for package: sugar-datastore\n---> Package sugar-presence-service.noarch 0:0.84.0-2.fc11 set to be updated\n--> Processing Dependency: telepathy-salut for package: sugar-presence-service\n--> Processing Dependency: telepathy-gabble for package: sugar-presence-service\n--> Running transaction check\n---> Package hippo-canvas.i586 0:0.3.0-5.fc11 set to be updated\n---> Package python-cjson.i586 0:1.0.5-3.fc11 set to be updated\n---> Package telepathy-gabble.i586 0:0.7.26-1.fc11 set to be updated\n--> Processing Dependency: telepathy-filesystem for package: telepathy-gabble\n---> Package telepathy-salut.i586 0:0.3.9-1.fc11 set to be updated\n--> Processing Dependency: libavahi-gobject.so.0 for package: telepathy-salut\n---> Package xapian-bindings-python.i586 0:1.0.11-2.fc11 set to be updated\n--> Processing Dependency: libxapian.so.15 for package: xapian-bindings-python\n--> Running transaction check\n---> Package avahi-gobject.i586 0:0.6.25-3.fc11 set to be updated\n--> Processing Dependency: avahi-glib = 0.6.25-3.fc11 for package: avahi-gobject\n---> Package telepathy-filesystem.noarch 0:0.0.1-3.fc11 set to be updated\n---> Package xapian-core-libs.i586 0:1.0.11-1.fc11 set to be updated\n--> Running transaction check\n---> Package avahi-glib.i586 0:0.6.25-3.fc11 set to be updated\n--> Processing Dependency: avahi = 0.6.25-3.fc11 for package: avahi-glib\n--> Running transaction check\n---> Package avahi.i586 0:0.6.25-3.fc11 set to be updated\n--> Finished Dependency Resolution\n\nDependencies Resolved\n\n================================================================================\n Package Arch Version Repository\n Size\n================================================================================\nInstalling:\n sugar i586 0.84.5-1.fc11 fedora 619 k\nInstalling for dependencies:\n avahi-gobject i586 0.6.25-3.fc11 updates 29 k\n gettext i586 0.17-12.fc11 updates 2.4 M\n gnome-python2-rsvg i586 2.26.0-3.fc11 fedora 14 k\n hippo-canvas i586 0.3.0-5.fc11 fedora 94 k\n hippo-canvas-python i586 0.3.0-5.fc11 fedora 37 k\n libmatchbox i586 1.9-5.fc11 fedora 51 k\n matchbox-window-manager i586 1.2-5.20070628svn.fc11 fedora 101 k\n python-cjson i586 1.0.5-3.fc11 fedora 14 k\n python-json noarch 3.4-6.fc11 fedora 31 k\n python-simplejson i586 2.0.9-2.fc11 updates 146 k\n python-telepathy noarch 0.15.7-2.fc11 fedora 179 k\n sugar-artwork i586 0.84.1-3.fc11 fedora 164 k\n sugar-base i586 0.84.1-1.fc11 fedora 59 k\n sugar-datastore i586 0.84.0-1.fc11 fedora 49 k\n sugar-presence-service noarch 0.84.0-2.fc11 updates 139 k\n sugar-toolkit i586 0.84.4-1.fc11 fedora 337 k\n telepathy-filesystem noarch 0.0.1-3.fc11 fedora 3.5 k\n telepathy-gabble i586 0.7.26-1.fc11 fedora 328 k\n telepathy-salut i586 0.3.9-1.fc11 fedora 247 k\n xapian-bindings-python i586 1.0.11-2.fc11 fedora 419 k\n xapian-core-libs i586 1.0.11-1.fc11 fedora 547 k\nUpdating for dependencies:\n avahi i586 0.6.25-3.fc11 updates 292 k\n avahi-glib i586 0.6.25-3.fc11 updates 19 k\n\nTransaction Summary\n================================================================================\nInstall 22 Package(s) \nUpdate 2 Package(s) \nRemove 0 Package(s) \n\nTotal download size: 6.3 M\nIs this ok [y/N]: y\nDownloading Packages:\n(1/24): avahi-0.6.25-3.fc11.i586.rpm | 292 kB 00:00 \n(2/24): avahi-glib-0.6.25-3.fc11.i586.rpm | 19 kB 00:00 \n(3/24): avahi-gobject-0.6.25-3.fc11.i586.rpm | 29 kB 00:00 \n(4/24): gettext-0.17-12.fc11.i586.rpm | 2.4 MB 00:04 \n(5/24): gnome-python2-rsvg-2.26.0-3.fc11.i586.rpm | 14 kB 00:00 \n(6/24): hippo-canvas-0.3.0-5.fc11.i586.rpm | 94 kB 00:00 \n(7/24): hippo-canvas-python-0.3.0-5.fc11.i586.rpm | 37 kB 00:00 \n(8/24): libmatchbox-1.9-5.fc11.i586.rpm | 51 kB 00:00 \n(9/24): matchbox-window-manager-1.2-5.20070628svn.fc11.i | 101 kB 00:00 \n(10/24): python-cjson-1.0.5-3.fc11.i586.rpm | 14 kB 00:00 \n(11/24): python-json-3.4-6.fc11.noarch.rpm | 31 kB 00:00 \n(12/24): python-simplejson-2.0.9-2.fc11.i586.rpm | 146 kB 00:00 \n(13/24): python-telepathy-0.15.7-2.fc11.noarch.rpm | 179 kB 00:00 \n(14/24): sugar-0.84.5-1.fc11.i586.rpm | 619 kB 00:01 \n(15/24): sugar-artwork-0.84.1-3.fc11.i586.rpm | 164 kB 00:00 \n(16/24): sugar-base-0.84.1-1.fc11.i586.rpm | 59 kB 00:00 \n(17/24): sugar-datastore-0.84.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm | 49 kB 00:00 \n(18/24): sugar-presence-service-0.84.0-2.fc11.noarch.rpm | 139 kB 00:00 \n(19/24): sugar-toolkit-0.84.4-1.fc11.i586.rpm | 337 kB 00:00 \n(20/24): telepathy-filesystem-0.0.1-3.fc11.noarch.rpm | 3.5 kB 00:00 \n(21/24): telepathy-gabble-0.7.26-1.fc11.i586.rpm | 328 kB 00:00 \n(22/24): telepathy-salut-0.3.9-1.fc11.i586.rpm | 247 kB 00:00 \n(23/24): xapian-bindings-python-1.0.11-2.fc11.i586.rpm | 419 kB 00:00 \n(24/24): xapian-core-libs-1.0.11-1.fc11.i586.rpm | 547 kB 00:00 \n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTotal 354 kB/s | 6.3 MB 00:18 \nRunning rpm_check_debug\nRunning Transaction Test\nFinished Transaction Test\nTransaction Test Succeeded\nRunning Transaction\n Updating : avahi 1/26 \n Updating : avahi-glib 2/26 \n Installing : avahi-gobject 3/26 \n Installing : gettext 4/26 \n Installing : hippo-canvas 5/26 \n Installing : hippo-canvas-python 6/26 \n Installing : libmatchbox 7/26 \n Installing : matchbox-window-manager 8/26 \n Installing : sugar-base 9/26 \n Installing : sugar-artwork 10/26 \n Installing : xapian-core-libs 11/26 \n Installing : xapian-bindings-python 12/26 \n Installing : python-cjson 13/26 \n Installing : sugar-datastore 14/26 \n Installing : gnome-python2-rsvg 15/26 \n Installing : python-simplejson 16/26 \n Installing : telepathy-filesystem 17/26 \n Installing : python-telepathy 18/26 \n Installing : python-json 19/26 \n Installing : telepathy-salut 20/26 \n Installing : telepathy-gabble 21/26 \n Installing : sugar-presence-service 22/26 \n Installing : sugar-toolkit 23/26 \n Installing : sugar 24/26 \n Cleanup : avahi-glib 25/26 \n Cleanup : avahi 26/26 \n\nInstalled:\n sugar.i586 0:0.84.5-1.fc11 \n\nDependency Installed:\n avahi-gobject.i586 0:0.6.25-3.fc11 \n gettext.i586 0:0.17-12.fc11 \n gnome-python2-rsvg.i586 0:2.26.0-3.fc11 \n hippo-canvas.i586 0:0.3.0-5.fc11 \n hippo-canvas-python.i586 0:0.3.0-5.fc11 \n libmatchbox.i586 0:1.9-5.fc11 \n matchbox-window-manager.i586 0:1.2-5.20070628svn.fc11 \n python-cjson.i586 0:1.0.5-3.fc11 \n python-json.noarch 0:3.4-6.fc11 \n python-simplejson.i586 0:2.0.9-2.fc11 \n python-telepathy.noarch 0:0.15.7-2.fc11 \n sugar-artwork.i586 0:0.84.1-3.fc11 \n sugar-base.i586 0:0.84.1-1.fc11 \n sugar-datastore.i586 0:0.84.0-1.fc11 \n sugar-presence-service.noarch 0:0.84.0-2.fc11 \n sugar-toolkit.i586 0:0.84.4-1.fc11 \n telepathy-filesystem.noarch 0:0.0.1-3.fc11 \n telepathy-gabble.i586 0:0.7.26-1.fc11 \n telepathy-salut.i586 0:0.3.9-1.fc11 \n xapian-bindings-python.i586 0:1.0.11-2.fc11 \n xapian-core-libs.i586 0:1.0.11-1.fc11 \n\nDependency Updated:\n avahi.i586 0:0.6.25-3.fc11 avahi-glib.i586 0:0.6.25-3.fc11 \n\nComplete!\n}}}'
Finally have sugar running on a virtual booting off a disk. See [[sugar on the hat]]\n\n
Colin got the [[launchpad site | https://launchpad.net/sugar-jaunty]] up. I need to know how to use it.\n
Planned trip to Canada in morning.\n\n1. Discover that Colin's Apple system cannot read ext 3 usb hard drive\n2. discover that my laptop display (IBM Levono T60) is dying...
Monday\n\nHad regular meeting of Adult Swim
Create chroot environment with pbuilder --distribution jaunty\n\nhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto\nhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide\nhttp://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/ch-first.en.html\nhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers#Ubuntu%20Developers%20(MOTU)
*** Installing read *** [26/38]\npython setup.py install --prefix /home/colin/sugar-jhbuild/install\n*** Error during phase install of read: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/colin/sugar-jhbuild/source/read' *** [26/38]\n\n [1] Rerun phase install\n [2] Ignore error and continue to next module\n [3] Give up on module\n [4] Start shell\n [5] Reload configuration\nchoice: 1\n\nFixed by checking out the mainline for read and manually putting them in the proper directories. Then presented this:\n\n*** Installing read *** [26/38]\npython setup.py install --prefix /home/colin/sugar-jhbuild/install\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n File "setup.py", line 19, in <module>\n from sugar.activity import bundlebuilder\nImportError: No module named sugar.activity\n*** Error during phase install of read: ########## Error running python setup.py install --prefix /home/colin/sugar-jhbuild/install *** [26/38]\n\n [1] Rerun phase install\n [2] Ignore error and continue to next module\n [3] Give up on module\n [4] Start shell\n [5] Reload configuration\nchoice: \n\nI'm building with http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/DevelopmentTeam/Jhbuild\n\nHad to remove one invalid dependency in modulesets earlier for it to even build.\n
Building with:\nhttp://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/DevelopmentTeam/Jhbuild\n\n + Installing read *** [26/38]\n\npython setup.py install --prefix /home/colin/sugar-jhbuild/install\n\n + Error during phase install of read: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/colin/sugar-jhbuild/source/read' *** [26/38]\n\n\n[1] Rerun phase install\n[2] Ignore error and continue to next module\n[3] Give up on module\n[4] Start shell\n[5] Reload configuration\nchoice: 1\n\nFixed by checking out mainline and manually putting the source in the right directory.\n\n + Installing read *** [26/38]\n\npython setup.py install --prefix /home/colin/sugar-jhbuild/install\nTraceback (most recent call last):\nFile "setup.py", line 19, in <module>\nfrom sugar.activity import bundlebuilder\nImportError: No module named sugar.activity\n\n + Error during phase install of read: ########## Error running python setup.py install --prefix /home/colin/sugar-jhbuild/install *** [26/38]\n\n\n[1] Rerun phase install\n[2] Ignore error and continue to next module\n[3] Give up on module\n[4] Start shell\n[5] Reload configuration\nchoice:\n\nFixed an invalid dependency in modulesets earlier for compilation to even occur.
\n\nThe last time the geeks built a sugar on a stick using these two techniques [[flint's |http://docbox.flint.com:8081/geekland#bootable_stuff]] or [[dtg's | http://docbox.flint.com:8081/geekland#unetbootin]] unetboot technique...\nAnother approach is [[here | http://www.howtoforge.com/installing-sugar-on-a-stick-strawberry-release-on-a-usb-stick]]\nKevin Cole has this as the way [[kjcolesoas]]\n
Kevin and I are making sugar on a sticks for Vivian...\n\nColin gets on the train at 8:30 AM.
Got back from Bennington\n\nVivian not happy about not getting stick from bender\n\n\nBuy Sticks
Recover from conference...
Hold [[Barre Chautaqua | http://docbox.flint.com:8081/maple#ucb]]
Frantically prepare for Chautaqua\n\nCheck Air Conditioning\n\nCheck Electrical\n\nBuy Food
Swim at the Gravel pit
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'
{{{\n\n\n$ # Captian's Log, Stardate: 2009.08.24\n$ # Last edited by Kevin Cole <kjcole@ubuntu.com> 2009.08.24\n$ #\n$ # Herein lies the disassembled wisdom for putting Sugar on a Stick (SoaS)\n$ # on a stick. How redundantly droll. These instructions appear to be for\n$ # Ubuntu (9.04 Jaunty) and the Strawberry edition (2009.06.22).\n$ #\n$ # See:\n$ # http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_on_a_Stick\n$ # http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_on_a_Stick/Strawberry#Linux_Users\n$ # http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_on_a_Stick/Linux#Put_SoaS_onto_a_stick_using_Fedora_and_Ubuntu\n$ #\n\n$ wget http://download.sugarlabs.org/soas/releases/soas-strawberry.iso\n$ # 41b08c93a65cc1e38286b9f8980f51528a36761d is the checksum we seek.\n$ sha1sum soas-strawberry.iso\n41b08c93a65cc1e38286b9f8980f51528a36761d soas-strawberry.iso\n\n$ wget http://download.sugarlabs.org/soas/releases/livecd-iso-to-disk.sh\n$ chmod +x livecd-iso-to-disk.sh\n\n$ dpkg -l | egrep "(syslinux|isomd5sum|cryptsetup|unetbootin)"\nii syslinux 2:3.63+dfsg-2ubuntu3 Bootloader for Linux/i386 using MS-DOS floppies\n\n$ sudo apt-get install isomd5sum\n$ sudo apt-get install cryptsetup\n$ sudo apt-get install unetbootin\n\n$ dpkg -l | egrep "(syslinux|isomd5sum|cryptsetup|unetbootin)"\nii cryptsetup 2:1.0.6-7ubuntu7 configures encrypted block devices\nii isomd5sum 1:1.0.4-1ubuntu2 ISO9660 checksum utilities\nii syslinux 2:3.63+dfsg-2ubuntu3 Bootloader for Linux/i386 using MS-DOS floppies\nii unetbootin 304-1 installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or\nii unetbootin-translations 304-1 translations for unetbootin distribution installer\n\n$ sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1\n$ df -h\n/dev/sdb1 3.8G 384M 3.4G 11% /media/sdb1\n\n$ sudo umount /dev/sdb1\n$ sudo fdisk -l\n$ sudo umount /dev/sdb1\n$ sudo fdisk -l\n\nDisk /dev/sdb: 4009 MB, 4009754624 bytes\n145 heads, 48 sectors/track, 1125 cylinders\nUnits = cylinders of 6960 * 512 = 3563520 bytes\nDisk identifier: 0xc3072e18\n\n Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System\n/dev/sdb1 * 1 1126 3915752 c W95 FAT32 (LBA)\n\n$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=446 count=1\n1+0 records in\n1+0 records out\n446 bytes (446 B) copied, 0.00963286 s, 46.3 kB/s\n\n$ sudo ./livecd-iso-to-disk.sh --overlay-size-mb 300 --home-size-mb 160 --delete-home --unencrypted-home soas-strawberry.iso /dev/sdb1\nVerifying image...\n/home/kjcole/soas-strawberry.iso: 2408e82d522599bfed47272bbba7e0b5\nFragment sums: 4ed71691b81c6c443f1ba9ad98ce9d262a1ef4ae3a4272f3f44956d3d998\nFragment count: 20\nChecking: 100.0%\n\nThe media check is complete, the result is: PASS.\n\nIt is OK to use this media.\nMBR appears to be blank.\nDo you want to replace the MBR on this device?\nPress Enter to continue or ctrl-c to abort\n\nAlready set up as live image.\nDeleting old OS in fifteen seconds...\nCopying live image to USB stick\nUpdating boot config file\nInitializing persistent overlay file\n300+0 records in\n300+0 records out\n314572800 bytes (315 MB) copied, 41.0878 s, 7.7 MB/s\nInitializing persistent /home\n160+0 records in\n160+0 records out\n167772160 bytes (168 MB) copied, 24.215 s, 6.9 MB/s\nAlready set up as live image.\nDeleting old OS in fifteen seconds...\nCopying live image to USB stick\nUpdating boot config file\nInitializing persistent overlay file\n300+0 records in\n300+0 records out\n314572800 bytes (315 MB) copied, 41.0878 s, 7.7 MB/s\nInitializing persistent /home\n160+0 records in\n160+0 records out\n167772160 bytes (168 MB) copied, 24.215 s, 6.9 MB/s\nFormatting unencrypted /home\nmke2fs 1.41.4 (27-Jan-2009)\nFilesystem label=\nOS type: Linux\nBlock size=1024 (log=0)\nFragment size=1024 (log=0)\n40960 inodes, 163840 blocks\n8192 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user\nFirst data block=1\nMaximum filesystem blocks=67371008\n20 block groups\n8192 blocks per group, 8192 fragments per group\n2048 inodes per group\nSuperblock backups stored on blocks:\n 8193, 24577, 40961, 57345, 73729\n\nWriting inode tables: done\nCreating journal (4096 blocks): done\nWriting superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done\n\nThis filesystem will be automatically checked every 26 mounts or\n180 days, whichever comes first. Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.\ntune2fs 1.41.4 (27-Jan-2009)\nSetting maximal mount count to -1\nSetting interval between checks to 0 seconds\nInstalling boot loader\nUSB stick set up as live image!\n\n$\n\n}}}
The [[amd64 version | https://code.launchpad.net/sugar-jaunty ]] for jaunty on launchpad
Building with:\nhttp://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/DevelopmentTeam/Jhbuild\n\nFrom the command line I executed (in /home/colin)\n\nsudo apt-get install git-core dpatch debhelper pbuilder fakeroot\ngit clone git://git.sugarlabs.org/sugar-jhbuild/mainline.git sugar-jhbuild\ncd sugar-jhbuild\n./sugar-jhbuild depscheck\nsudo apt-get install [all reported missing packages required for build process]\nsudo nano debian/changelog [updated the changelog reporting that I packaged up sugar 0.86 for amd64, first attempt]\nsudo fakeroot debian/rules binary\nwaited for everything to compile and VIOLA sugar-jhbuild_0.86_amd64.deb was produced.\n\nIn order to install the .deb I had to:\nsudo apt-get install xorg git python-numeric-ext gnuit xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xinput\nto fulfill dependency requirements\n\nafter installing the package i invoked sugar-jhbuild run at the command line as user colin. sugar fired right up. i had some display issues but i suspect this is due to my currently whacked out NVIDIA driver situation. i will fix that and the display issues should then be resolved. the package is up at http://www.launchpad.net/sugar-jaunty\n\nDeprecated:\nProvided a working build from source by Jhbuild I am confident in my ability to debianize Sugar. I am unaware of alsroot's methodology as he has sugar packages in his PPA at https://launchpad.net/~alsroot/+archive/sugar-0.86 and https://launchpad.net/~alsroot/+archive/ppa\nI could not get the 0.84 packages to work on 9.04 x64. I haven't tried the others. more VMs to make. :P\nI've conversed with alsroot before and he and I are apparently taking the same approach but he has success and I don't. Time to find out what.
Ubuntu Packaging with Sugar\n\nDone by [[alsroot | https://launchpad.net/~alsroot]]\n\n[[Sugarteam | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SugarTeam/ ]]\n\nhttp://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Community/Distributions/Ubuntu\n\nhttp://ppa.launchpad.net/alsroot/sugar-0.86/ubuntu/dists/karmic/\n\n
Type the text for '18 September 2009'