|!Punctuation|!Location|!Function|\n|{{{@@...@@}}}|surrounding text|@@highlighted text@@|\n|{{{//...//}}}|surrounding text|//italicized text//|\n|{{{==...==}}}|surrounding text|==strikethrough text==|\n|{{{''...''}}}|surrounding text|''boldfaced text''|\n|{{{__...__}}}|surrounding text|__underlined text__|\n|{{{[[text|url]]}}}|around text/url pair|[[text|http://gri.gallaudet.edu/]] link to url|\n|{{{ {...} }}}|''__tripled__'' surrounding text|{{{in-line literal text}}}|\n|{{{ {...} }}}|''__tripled__'' surrounding ''__lines__''|literal block|\n|{{{<<<}}}|surrounding ''__lines__''|blockquotes|\n|{{{!}}}|at start of line|subheading|\n|{{{|...|...|}}}|line sectioned by vertical bars|table row|\n|{{{!}}}|in a table|!table heading|\n|{{{----}}}|alone on line|horizontal rule|\n|{{{*}}}|at start of line|bulleted list item|\n|{{{#}}}|at start of line|numbered list item|\nsource: Kevin Cole, January 2007
TTiddlyWiki uses Wiki style markup, a way of lightly "tagging" plain text so it can be transformed into HTML. Edit this Tiddler to see samples.\n\n! Header Samples\n!Header 1\n!!Header 2\n!!!Header 3\n!!!!Header 4\n!!!!!Header 5\n\n! Unordered Lists:\n* Lists are where it's at\n* Just use an asterisk and you're set\n** To nest lists just add more asterisks...\n***...like this\n* The circle makes a great bullet because once you've printed a list you can mark off completed items\n* You can also nest mixed list types\n## Like this\n\n! Ordered Lists\n# Ordered lists are pretty neat too\n# If you're handy with HTML and CSS you could customize the [[numbering scheme|http://www.w3schools.com/css/pr_list-style-type.asp]]\n## To nest, just add more octothorpes (pound signs)...\n### Like this\n* You can also\n** Mix list types\n*** like this\n# Pretty neat don't you think?\n\n! Tiddler links\nTo create a Tiddler link, just use mixed-case WikiWord, or use [[brackets]] for NonWikiWordLinks. This is how the GTD style [[@Action]] lists are created. \n\nNote that existing Tiddlers are in bold and empty Tiddlers are in italics. See CreatingTiddlers for details.\n\n! External Links\nYou can link to [[external sites|http://google.com]] with brackets. You can also LinkToFolders on your machine or network shares.\n\n! Images\nEdit this tiddler to see how it's done.\n[img[http://img110.echo.cx/img110/139/gorilla8nw.jpg]]\n\n!Tables\n|!th1111111111|!th2222222222|\n|>| colspan |\n| rowspan |left|\n|~| right|\n|colored| center |\n|caption|c\n\nFor a complex table example, see PeriodicTable.\n\n! Horizontal Rules\nYou can divide a tiddler into\n----\nsections by typing four dashes on a line by themselves.\n\n! Blockquotes\n<<<\nThis is how you do an extended, wrapped blockquote so you don't have to put angle quotes on every line.\n<<<\n>level 1\n>level 1\n>>level 2\n>>level 2\n>>>level 3\n>>>level 3\n>>level 2\n>level 1\n\n! Other Formatting\n''Bold''\n==Strike==\n__Underline__\n//Italic//\nSuperscript: 2^^3^^=8\nSubscript: a~~ij~~ = -a~~ji~~\n@@highlight@@\n@@color(green):green colored@@\n@@bgcolor(#ff0000):color(#ffffff):red colored@@\n
With a side of Vanilla Ice Cream
The DHT 11 is a $5 Temperature and humidity sensor bought from adafruit.com\n\n[img[http://www.adafruit.com/images/medium/dht11_MED.jpg]]\n\n|! Pinout|!for |!DHT|!11|\n|+5v|Data|unused|Gnd|\n| 10kR+ | 10kR- | | |\nAttach a 10k resistor between the +5v and Data pins.\n\n\n\n[img[http://learn.adafruit.com/system/assets/assets/000/000/578/medium800/dhtwiring.gif?1340983667]]\n\n\n! Use on a Raspberry Pi, \n\nYou must have wiring pi installed. \n{{{\n#include <wiringPi.h>\n#include <stdio.h>\n#include <stdlib.h>\n#include <stdint.h>\n#define MAX_TIME 85\n#define DHT11PIN 7\nint dht11_val[5]={0,0,0,0,0};\n\nvoid dht11_read_val()\n{\n uint8_t lststate=HIGH;\n uint8_t counter=0;\n uint8_t j=0,i;\n float farenheit;\n for(i=0;i<5;i++)\n dht11_val[i]=0;\n pinMode(DHT11PIN,OUTPUT);\n digitalWrite(DHT11PIN,LOW);\n delay(18);\n digitalWrite(DHT11PIN,HIGH);\n delayMicroseconds(40);\n pinMode(DHT11PIN,INPUT);\n for(i=0;i<MAX_TIME;i++)\n {\n counter=0;\n while(digitalRead(DHT11PIN)==lststate){\n counter++;\n delayMicroseconds(1);\n if(counter==255)\n break;\n }\n lststate=digitalRead(DHT11PIN);\n if(counter==255)\n break;\n // top 3 transistions are ignored\n if((i>=4)&&(i%2==0)){\n dht11_val[j/8]<<=1;\n if(counter>16)\n dht11_val[j/8]|=1;\n j++;\n }\n }\n // verify cheksum and print the verified data\n if((j>=40)&&(dht11_val[4]==((dht11_val[0]+dht11_val[1]+dht11_val[2]+dht11_val[3])& 0xFF)))\n {\n farenheit=dht11_val[2]*9./5.+32;\n printf("Humidity = %d.%d %% Temperature = %d.%d *C (%.1f *F)\sn",dht11_val[0],dht11_val[1],dht11_val[2],dht11_val[3],farenheit);\n }\n else\n printf("Invalid Data!!\sn");\n}\n\nint main(void)\n{\n printf("Interfacing Temperature and Humidity Sensor (DHT11) With Raspberry Pi\sn");\n if(wiringPiSetup()==-1)\n exit(1);\n while(1)\n {\n dht11_read_val();\n delay(3000);\n }\n return 0;\n}\n}}}\n\n! Use on Arduino\n\nTake a look at [[https://github.com/adafruit/DHT-sensor-library|https://github.com/adafruit/DHT-sensor-library]]
The Raspberry Pi's GPIO pins require you to be root to access them. That's totally unsafe for several reasons. To get around this problem, you should use the excellent gpio-admin.\n\nDo the following on your raspberry pi:\n{{{\ngit clone git://github.com/quick2wire/quick2wire-gpio-admin.git\ncd quick2wire-gpio-admin\nmake\nsudo make install\nsudo adduser $USER gpio\n}}}\n
{{{sudo apt-get install nodejs npm}}}
A simple node.js-based GPIO helper for the Raspberry Pi\n\n{{{npm install pi-gpio}}}\n\nhttps://npmjs.org/package/pi-gpio
\nImagine a world where you can write JavaScript to control blenders, lights, security systems, or even robots. Yes, I said robots. That world is here and now with node-serialport. It provides a very simple interface to the low level serial port code necessary to program Arduino chipsets, X10 wireless communications, or even the rising Z-Wave and Zigbee standards. The physical world is your oyster with this goodie. For a full break down of why we made this, please read NodeBots - The Rise of JS Robotics.\n\n\n\n\nhttps://github.com/voodootikigod/node-serialport
I have my Serial Wacom tablet I want to add it to the pi to make a Pi-ablet
How to broadcast FM radio from raspberry pi with no additional hardware.\n\nhttp://www.icrobotics.co.uk/wiki/index.php/Turning_the_Raspberry_Pi_Into_an_FM_Transmitter\n
{{{\n# Automated raspian wheezy installer\n# released under GPLv3\n# copyright 2013 cpyarger.com\n\n\nif [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then\n echo "Sorry, you are not root. please re-run as root"\n exit 1\nfi\n\ndfile='rpi.zip'\nolddir=$(pwd)\ntmpdir='/tmp/rpii'\n#exfile=outputfile of unzip\nmkdir $tmpdir\ncd $tmpdir; echo moved to $(pwd)\n\nwget -c -nv http://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspbian_latest -O $dfile\n\nunzip -f $dfile &&\n\nimgfile=$(ls |grep n.img)\n\n\necho -e $imgfile\n\n\n\necho "start function 'Write'"\n\n#sudo dd if=$imgfile of=tst.img& #Test case\n\ndd if=$imgfile of=/dev/mmcblk0& # run case\n\n#watch -x 'clear; sudo kill -USR1 `pgrep ^dd`'\n\n#sudo kill -USR1 `pgrep ^dd`\n\necho "end function Write"\n\n\nwhile [ '`pgrep ^dd`' != '' ]; do\nclear\nsudo kill -USR1 `pgrep ^dd`\n#echo hi\nsleep 5s\n\ndone\n}}}
The [[Raspberry Pi|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raspberry_Pi#History]] is simply amazing...\n* [[Raspbian SD Card Setup |https://elinux.org/RPi_Easy_SD_Card_Setup]]\n* [[xbmc tiddler|http://docbox.flint.com:8081/raspberry/xbmc]]\n* [[pifm tiddler|http://docbox.flint.com:8081/raspberry/pifm]]\n* [[Bloggery Area|http://blogory.org/raspberry-pi]]\n* [[Pi Display|PIDisplay]]\n* [[Pi Temp Sensor|http://docbox.flint.com:8081/tsp]]\n\n13 May 2016\n* PiTch-Box\n12 May 2016\n* Pi3BlueTooth\n* GPIOPinOuts\n* Canakit\n\n11 May 2016\n* RPIDualDisplay\n\n29 May 2016\n* [[Login Via USB|https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruits-raspberry-pi-lesson-5-using-a-console-cable/overview]]\n\n11 July 2016\n* [[Source of much technical wisdom|https://books.google.com/books?id=pdWQAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA15&lpg=PA15&dq=vcgencmd+board+voltage&source=bl&ots=8qBt-Mwf-X&sig=VheeltnIo7cCYUbJrEwqlqUjg68&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiLiLK90-vNAhWLLyYKHeZCDs0Q6AEIRjAF#v=onepage&q&f=false]]\n\n30 August 2017\n[[TSP2|http://docbox.flint.com:8081/tsp#RaspberryPiTemp]]
!Introduction\n\nIn addition to the familiar USB, Ethernet and HDMI ports, the R-Pi offers lower-level interfaces intended to connect more directly with chips and subsystem modules. These GPIO (general purpose I/O) signals on the 2x13 header pins include SPI, I2C, serial UART, 3V3 and 5V power. These interfaces are not "plug and play" and require care to avoid miswiring. The pins use a 3V3 logic level and are not tolerant of 5V levels, such as you might find on a 5V powered Arduino. Not yet software-enabled are the flex cable connectors with CSI (camera serial interface) and DSI (display serial interface), and a serial link inside the HDMI connector called CEC. (consumer electronics control)\n\n!General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)\n\nGeneral Purpose Input/Output (a.k.a. GPIO) is a generic pin on a chip whose behavior\n (including whether it is an input or output pin) can be controlled (programmed) \nthrough software.\n\nThe Raspberry Pi allows peripherals and expansion boards (such as the Rpi Gertboard)\n to access the CPU by exposing the inputs and outputs.\n\nFor further general information about GPIOs, see: the wikipedia article.\nFor further specific information about the Raspberry Pi's BCM2835 GPIOs, \n\nThe production Raspberry Pi board has a 26-pin 2.54 mm (100 mil) expansion header,\n marked as P1, arranged in a 2x13 strip. They provide 8 GPIO pins plus access to I²C, \nSPI, UART), as well as +3.3 V, +5 V and GND supply lines. Pin one is the pin in the\n first column and on the bottom row. \n\nGPIO voltage levels are 3.3 V and are not 5 V tolerant. There is no over-voltage protection on the board - the intention is that people interested in serious interfacing will use an external board with buffers, level conversion and analog I/O rather than soldering directly onto the main board.\n\nAll the GPIO pins can be reconfigured to provide alternate functions, SPI, PWM, I²C and so. At reset only pins GPIO 14 & 15 are assigned to the alternate function UART, these two can be switched back to GPIO to provide a total of 17 GPIO pins[3]. Each of their functions and full details of how to access are detailed in the chipset datasheet [4].\n\nEach GPIO can interrupt, high/low/rise/fall/change.[5][6] There is currently no support for GPIO interrupts in the official kernel, howewer a patch exists, requiring compilation of modified source tree.[7] The 'Raspbian "wheezy"' [8] version that is currently recommended for starters already includes GPIO interrupts.\n\nGPIO input hysteresis (Schmitt trigger) can be on or off, output slew rate can be fast or limited, and source and sink current is configurable from 2 mA up to 16 mA. Note that chipset GPIO pins 0-27 are in the same block and these properties are set per block, not per pin. See GPIO Datasheet Addendum - GPIO Pads Control. Particular attention should be applied to the note regarding SSO (Simultaneous Switching Outputs): to avoid interference, driving currents should be kept as low as possible.\n\nThe available alternative functions and their corresponding pins are detailed below. These numbers are in reference to the chipset documentation and may not match the numbers exposed in Linux. Only fully usable functions are detailed, for some alternative functions not all the necessary pins are available for the funtionality to be actually used.\n\nThere is also some information on the Tutorial on Easy GPIO Hardware & Software.\n\nKernel boot messages go to the UART at 115200 bit/s.\n\nR-Pi PCB Revision 2 UPDATE: According to Eben at [1] the R-Pi Rev.2 board being rolled out starting in September 2012 adds 4 more GPIO on a new connector called P5, and changes some of the existing P1 GPIO pinouts. On Rev2, GPIO_GEN2 [BCM2835/GPIO27] is routed to P1 pin 13, and changes what was SCL0/SDA0 to SCL1/SDA1: SCL1 [BCM2835/GPIO3] is routed to P1 pin 5, SDA1 [BCM2835/GPIO2] is routed to P1 pin 3. Also the power and ground connections previously marked "Do Not Connect" on P1 will remain as connected, specifically: P1-04:+5V0, P1-09:GND, P1-14:GND, P1-17:+3V3, P1-20:GND, P1-25:GND. According to this comment [2] (and confirmed in this post [3]) the P1 pinout is not expected to change in future beyond the current Rev.2 layout. \n\n\n[[http://elinux.org/Rpi_Low-level_peripherals|http://elinux.org/Rpi_Low-level_peripherals]]
{{{\nwget http://downloads.raspberrypi.org/NOOBS_latest\n}}}\n\n{{{\ndd bs=4M if=2014-01-07-wheezy-raspbian.img of=/dev/sdb\n}}}
This Code is used read from an RFID reader authenticate with a remote server and produce a couple outputs based on weather or not the authentication was successful. it also demonstrates basic usage of the GPIO pins from python. \n\nTHIS is still a WIP. ~~Chris \n\n\n{{{sudo apt-get install python-httplib2}}}\n{{{\n\nimport serial,sys\nimport RPi.GPIO as GPIO\nGPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)\n\n# set up GPIO output channel\nGPIO.setup(12, GPIO.OUT)\nGPIO.setup(16, GPIO.OUT)\n\nser = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyAMA0",9600) #open first serial\n\ndef setup():\n ser.write(chr(0x02)) # initialize the RFID Reader and get ready to read input from RFID Reader\n ser.setDTR()\n ser.flushInput()\n loop_count = 4\n newstr = ''\n str1 = ''\n N=0\n\n\n\n\n\n\ndef read():\n count = 0\n \n str1 = ''\n N=0\n #z=''\n #y = ser.read()\n #print ''.join([hex(ord(y)) for x in xrange(loop_count)])\n while N < 4:\n N = N + 1\n y = ser.read()\n str1 += `y`\n \n if N > 3:\n str2 = str1.replace("'\s\sx", "")\n newstr = str2.replace("'", "")\n #print newstr\n #print str1\n return newstr\n newstr = ""\n N =0\n str1=""\n str2=""\n return newstr\n\ndef verify_id():\n print "Hello World!"\n\n\ndef grant_action():\n GPIO.output(12, GPIO.HIGH)\n GPIO.output(16, GPIO.LOW)\ndef deny_action():\n GPIO.output(12, GPIO.LOW)\n GPIO.output(16, GPIO.HIGH)\ndef stopper():\n GPIO.output(16, GPIO.LOW)\n GPIO.output(12, GPIO.LOW)\n ser.close() #close port\n quit()\n\n\n# Main Run\nsetup()\nprint read()\ndeny_action()\n\n}}}
! How to install the Asterisk PBX on a Raspberry Pi with a Google Voice Trunk\n\n!! Setting up the back-end\n\n* First burn the current Raspbian Wheesy image to your SD card\n**The image may be found at [[http://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads|http://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads]]\n\n** Burn the image to your SD Card with the following command\n{{{sudo dd if=/path/to/image/imagename.img of=/dev/mmcblk0}}}\n\n If you need further information on this process it may be found at the[[Raspberry Pi Wiki|http://elinux.org/RPi_Easy_SD_Card_Setup#Copying_an_image_to_the_SD_card_in_Linux_.28command_line.29]]\n\n* After your image is burned follow the basic guides to getting to the desktop. also Ensure that you set your KeyMaps\n\n* Make sure you are connected to the internet\n# Make sure a ethernet cable is plugged into the pi\n# try {{{ping google.com}}}\n# if it does not work then {{{sudo dhclient -v eth0}}}\n# if the ping still does not complete successfully check that your network is turned on and working correctly\n\n\n* Update your system\n\n** In a terminal do the following\n\n{{{sudo apt-get update&&sudo apt-get upgrade -y}}}\n\n\n\n
* The host Pi is the model ''B'' (__not__ the ''B+'').\n* Phillipp Wagner's [[stand-alone Firefox OS|http://www.philipp-wagner.com/ffos-for-rpi/manual/index.html]] is now ancient, and buggy. __''NOT''__ recommended!\n* The current recommendation is to [[run Firefox OS from within Raspbian|https://wiki.mozilla.org/Foxberry_Pi_Demo]].\n* Apparently, there's now only one Raspbian image... The image works on all iterations of the Pi??? Doubtful, but we shall see.\n* Torrents suck. I have ''never'' had a torrent that worked faster than a direct download. Today's adventure comparison: Torrent: fluctuating between 20 hours and 2 days, 14 hours. Direct download: 15 minutes.\n* foxberry-pi-demo-0.0.tar.gz no longer resides at people.mozilla.org/~pscanlon/. Sigh.\n* Look at [[WebIOPI|http://webiopi.trouch.com/]] -- the Raspberry Pi Internet of Things framework.\n* We may be forced to use the [[Firefox OS Simulator for the Pi, a.k.a. b2g|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox_OS/Building_the_Firefox_OS_simulator]] which is documented at [[b2g|https://wiki.mozilla.org/Hacking_b2g_on_Raspberry_Pi]].\n* There's a #raspberrypi channel on irc.mozilla.org...\n* Wow! This is becoming circuitious! ~WebIOPi leads to "oh what a tangled world-wide web we've [[Weaved|https://api.weaved.com/portal/members/iot_downloads.php]]".\nIt may be time to rename this tiddler.\n\nThe operating system in this case is [[B2G or "Boot 2 Gecko"|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firefox_OS]] pre release. Platform Version 36.0a1 Git commit build 2014-11-07.\n\n[[To access the firefox OS try ADB|https://wiki.mozilla.org/Hacking_b2g_on_Raspberry_Pi#Preparing_a_development_environment]]\n
raspi-config is a configuration editor for the essential Raspberry Pi configurations.\n\nIt is run automatically during your first boot\n\nTo use it after the first boot, in a terminal do\n{{{sudo raspi-config}}}
\n\n[[A $5.00 Linux System|http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2015-11/30/raspberry-pi-zero-starter-guide]]
\n\n[[Noobs|https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/noobs/]]\n[[ISO for PI3| wget https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspbian_latest]]
\n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[noob |https://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=noob+raspberry+pi+3&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8]]||\n|[[zdnet |http://www.zdnet.com/article/raspberry-pi-3-raspbian-linux-and-noobs-distributions-updated/]]||\n|[[download |https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/]]||\n|[[download |https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/]]||\n|[[noobs installation |http://raspberrypihq.com/noobs-raspberry-pi-os-installation-made-easy/]]||
Type the text for '11 May 2016'\n\n''Acquire''\n* [[Adafruit $79.00|https://www.adafruit.com/product/2718]]\n* [[Newark Element 14 $60.00|https://www.element14.com/community/docs/DOC-78156/l/raspberry-pi-7-touchscreen-display]]\n\n''Getting Started''\n* [[video overview|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HvWXQsBeHk]]\n\n''Installation In Display Packing Box (PiTch-Box|)'' \n* [[Template|http://docbox.flint.com/~flint/pi/touchpi.template.html]]\n* [[PiTch-Box|http://docbox.flint.com/~flint/pi/pitch-box.jpg]]\n\n''Support''\n* [[Troubleshooting|https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/hardware/display/troubleshooting.md]]\n* [[Pi Foundation|https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/hardware/display/]]\n* [[Mechanical Diagram|https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/hardware/display/7InchDisplayDrawing-14092015.pdf]]\n\n''Power Connections''\n* [[4 wire|https://thepihut.com/blogs/raspberry-pi-tutorials/45295044-raspberry-pi-7-touch-screen-assembly-guide]]\n* [[Money Shot|https://startingelectronics.org/articles/raspberry-PI/touchscreen/rpi-power-pins.jpg]]\n[img[https://startingelectronics.org/articles/raspberry-PI/touchscreen/rpi-power-pins.jpg]]\n* [[Money Shot|http://www.modmypi.com/blog/raspberry-pi-7-touch-screen-assembly-guide]]\n[img[http://www.modmypi.com/image/data/tutorials/raspberry-pi-7-touch-screen-assembly-guide/16.jpg]]\n\n''Ehnhancement''\n* [[screen AND the hdmi outpu|]]\n* [[RPi HDMI Mirroring|https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=91764]]\n\n''Notes:"\n* Power supply current is critical to operation. If unit reboots repeatedly, then you need |a better power supply||http://forums.pimoroni.com/t/official-7-raspberry-pi-touch-screen-faq/959]].\n** The screen on its own pulls between 450 and 470mA\n** Combined with a Pi 2 with an Ethernet connection and running stress -c 100 to load the CPU brings it up to 925mA.\n* [[Model 'B' schematics|https://www.raspberrypi.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Raspberry-Pi-Schematics-R1.0.pdf]] \n* While there is a USB connector on the PI-Display, it does not appear to supply power.\n* Lady Ada built and documented a [[2.5" touchscreen|https://cdn-learn.adafruit.com/downloads/pdf/adafruit-pitft-28-inch-resistive-touchscreen-display-raspberry-pi.pdf]]
[[Source|https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/the-eagerly-awaited-raspberry-pi-display/]]\n\nDual display usage\n\nIt is possible to use both display outputs at the same time, but it does require software to choose the right display. Omxplayer is one application that has been modified to enable secondary display output.\n\nTo start displaying a video onto the LCD display (assuming it is the default display) just type:\n\n# omxplayer video.mkv\n\nTo start a second video onto the HDMI then:\n\n# omxplayer --display=5 video.mkv\n\nPlease note, you may need to increase the amount of memory allocated to the GPU to 128MB if the videos are 1080P, adjust the gpu_mem value in config.txt for this. The Raspberry Pi headline figures are 1080P30 decode, so if you are using two 1080P clips it may not play correctly depending on the complexity of the videos.\n\nDisplay numbers are:\n\nDISPMANX_ID_FORCE_LCD 4\n\nDISPMANX_ID_FORCE_TV 5\n\nDISPMANX_ID_FORCE_OTHER 6 /* non-default display */\n\n
The PiTch-Box is an enclosure built out of the shipping case the Raspberry Pi Touch Display comes in. I am very happy with how this is coming along. As the current Pi Touch Screen boxes come with printing on them, we are\nworking instead on 1.) the idea of instead of getting sticker kits made up that youj can adorn you PiTchBox with, as well as 2.) a PiTchBox LunchBox.\n\nThe PI Touch Box is a good way to package: \n* the Raspberry PI \n* the Touch Screen.\n* velcro covered platform with protoboard\n* ATA ribbon Cable\n* 40 Pin Adapter (currently homemade)\n\nHere are Pictures:\n* [[Template|http://docbox.flint.com/~flint/pi/touchpi.template.html]]\n* [[PiTch-Box Outside|http://docbox.flint.com/~flint/pi/pitch-box.jpg]]\n* [[PiTch-Box Inside |http://docbox.flint.com/~flint/pi/pitch_exp.jpg]]\n* [[PiTch-Box Inside 2015-05-18 |http://docbox.flint.com/~flint/pi/pitchbox_inside_2016-05-118.jpg]]\n* [[Interconnect Cable Detail|http://docbox.flint.com/~flint/pi/pitch_cable.jpg]]\n* [[Interconnect Connector Detail|http://docbox.flint.com/~flint/pi/pitch_connector.jpg]]\n* [[Prototype in Developer Mode|http://docbox.flint.com/~flint/pi/pitch_hw_developer.jpg]]\n\n\nSo far:\n* [[Blink 1 Led Test works|LightThatLED]]\n\n[[Alternative Enclosure Design|https://www.amazon.com/Aquarius-Boombox-Large-Tin-Fun/dp/B008GQ1PTA/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1468242587&sr=8-3&keywords=+Metal+Lunch+Box]]\n* Measures 7.75" x 6.75" x 4.125"\n
'12 May 2016'\n\n[[canakit|http://www.canakit.com/]]
Type the text for '12 May 2016'\n\n\n[[GPIO Pin Out|http://raspi.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Raspberry-Pi-GPIO-pinouts.png]]\n\nold:
Type the text for '12 May 2016'\n\n[[Setup |https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=138145&f=28]]\n\n{{{\nsudo apt-get install pi-bluetooth \nsudo service bluetooth status\nsudo apt-get install bluetooth bluez blueman\napt-get update\nsudo apt-get install bluetooth bluez blueman\nreboot\n}}}\n\n{{{\nroot@raspberrypi:/home/pi# hciconfig\nhci0: Type: BR/EDR Bus: UART\n BD Address: B8:27:EB:79:A9:F2 ACL MTU: 1021:8 SCO MTU: 64:1\n UP RUNNING \n RX bytes:717 acl:0 sco:0 events:42 errors:0\n TX bytes:1532 acl:0 sco:0 commands:42 errors:0\n\n}}}\n\n\n[[Bluetooth Keyboard on Pi|https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=189710]]\n
'17 May 2016'\n\n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[Pythonic |http://www.thirdeyevis.com/pi-page-1.php#gpio-setup]]| Start with This set of instructions below|\n|[[GPIO Example |https://projects.drogon.net/raspberry-pi/gpio-examples/tux-crossing/gpio-examples-1-a-single-led/]]||\n|[[Turn On Led w/ PI|https://thepihut.com/blogs/raspberry-pi-tutorials/27968772-turning-on-an-led-with-your-raspberry-pis-gpio-pins]]||\n|[[Easiest LED Project Ever|http://www.instructables.com/id/Easiest-Raspberry-Pi-GPIO-LED-Project-Ever/]]||\n\nUsing the [[IDE cable|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_ATA]] Pin 20 is unavailable. Pin 20 is a Ground in the poinout. The layout of the box is shown [[here|http://docbox.flint.com/~flint/pi/pitchbox_ledpy_2016-05-118.jpg]].\n\n\n{{{\nsudo bash\nsudo apt-get update\nsudo apt-get install git-core\nwget http://raspberry-gpio-python.googlecode.com/files/RPi.GPIO-0.4.1a.tar.gz\ntar zxvf RPi.GPIO-0.4.1a.tar.gz\ncd RPi.GPIO-0.4.1a\nsudo python setup.py install\n}}}\n\nResult:\narm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -pthread -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O2 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -fno-strict-aliasing -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -g -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -fPIC -I/usr/include/python2.7 -c source/py_gpio.c -o build/temp.linux-armv7l-2.7/source/py_gpio.o\nsource/py_gpio.c:23:20: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory\n #include "Python.h"\n ^\ncompilation terminated.\nerror: command 'arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc' failed with exit status 1\n\nThis, on the other hand, works...\n{{{\n# Tue 17 May 2016 03:54:10 PM EDT pflint\n# Working Code\n#\nimport RPi.GPIO as GPIO\nimport time\nGPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)\nGPIO.setwarnings(False)\nGPIO.setup(17,GPIO.OUT)\nprint "LED on"\nGPIO.output(17,GPIO.HIGH)\ntime.sleep(1)\nprint "LED off"\nGPIO.output(17,GPIO.LOW)\n}}}
Type the text for '17 May 2016'
'18 May 2016'\n\nThe [[40 Pin header|http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/cw-industries/CWN-370-40-0000/CHW40G-ND/9754]] must be of the wire wrap type as you need to bend the pins to straddle the gap between the opposit rows on the breakout board.
'22 May 2016'\n\n[[rtkgpio|https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ryanteckltd/rtkgpio-a-usb-raspberry-pi-compatible-gpio-header/description]]
'27 May 2016'\n[[SOURCE|https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/wireless/wireless-cli.md]]\n\nLook in\n/media/flint/p7/etc/wpa_supplicant\nfor \nwpa_supplicant.conf \n\nAdd\n{{{\nnetwork={\n ssid="The_ESSID_from_earlier"\n psk="Your_wifi_password"\n}\n}}}\n
'27 May 2016'\n\n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[Wireless Configuration |https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/wireless/wireless-cli.md]]||\n|[[Download |https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/]]||\n|[[Download Raspbian |https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/]]||\n|[[Installation README |https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/README.md]]||\n|[[Installing Images |https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/linux.md]]||
'17 June 2016'\n\nBuilding Six Pitch Boxes\n\n\n \n49Y1712\n\nRoHS compliant\n \n\nRASPBERRYPI-DISPLAY\n $60.00
'3 July 2016'\n\n! Preparation\n* Get a Raspberry Pi\n** Test that this Raspberry pi has a working audio chain!\n* Get an 8 Gigabyte SD card (or micro SD card - whichever fits)\n* Test pi with working chip.\n! Download\n* get the nu-compresor\n{{{\nsudo apt-get install xz\n}}}\n* Set a directory to put Jarvis\n{{{\ncd ~\nmkdir jarvis\ncd jarvis\nmkdir mp\n}}}\n* Use the following command to download jarvis from docbox server\n{{{\nwget http://docbox.flint.com/~kjcole/jarvis*\n}}}\n* uncompress the file\n{{{\nunxz jarvis.iso\n}}}\n(This takes hours... Take a nap:^)\n! Installation - Prep SD Card\n* Mount SD card\n* Find name of SD device\n{{{\nsudo bash\nfdisk -l\n}}}\nNote the device that shows up as your SD card. For this example we are using:\n{{{/dev/mmcblk0}}}\n* Burn the file to the SD using dd\n{{{\ndd bs=4M if=jarvis.iso of=/dev/mmcblk0\n}}}\n* check that all is well\n{{{\nfdisk -l\n}}}\nYou should see to new partitions. Example:\n/dev/mmcblk0p1 - Fat 32\n/dev/mmcblk0p2 - Linux\n* Mount linux partition\n{{{\nmount /dev/mmcblk0p2 ./mp\ncd ~/jarvis/mp/\nls\n}}}\nYou should see linux-y file stuff\n\n! Operation\n\n* Plug in SD card \n* plug in USB Microphone \n* plug in speaker or headphone\n* Power Pi - see output on 7" touch or HDMI screen\n* login with user "pi", password flint's favorite fruit\n* Type to start ssh client\n{{{\nsudo /etc/init.d/ssh start\n}}}\n* Test Output Systems\n* Type\n{{{\naplay --list-devices\n}}}\nThis should show you devices in the following format:\n{{{\n**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****\ncard 0: ALSA [bcm2835 ALSA], device 0: bcm2835 ALSA [bcm2835 ALSA]\n Subdevices: 8/8\n Subdevice #0: subdevice #0\n Subdevice #1: subdevice #1\n Subdevice #2: subdevice #2\n Subdevice #3: subdevice #3\n Subdevice #4: subdevice #4\n Subdevice #5: subdevice #5\n Subdevice #6: subdevice #6\n Subdevice #7: subdevice #7\ncard 0: ALSA [bcm2835 ALSA], device 1: bcm2835 ALSA [bcm2835 IEC958/HDMI]\n Subdevices: 1/1\n Subdevice #0: subdevice #0\ncard 1: Device [USB PnP Sound Device], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]\n Subdevices: 1/1\n Subdevice #0: subdevice #0\n}}}\nOnce you validate a playback device then listen on that device and...\n* Type:\n{{{\nespeak "hello world"\n}}}\nYou should hear the system say these words. This tests the audio output chain.\n* Get hardware parameters\nWe are going to use the command "[[aerecord|AlsaCommandLine]]" and "[[aeplay|AlsaCommandLine]]"\n{{{\narecord --list-devices\n}}}\n* Test recording from command line type\n{{{\narecord -f S16_LE -r 48000 -D hw:1,0 -d 5 test.wav\n}}}\n* Play test recording back\n{{{\naplay test.wav\n}}}\n* Test the Jarvis Code\nyou do not need to be root\nbut be aware that this code will work on the pi but Jarvis can speak to you but not hear you...\n/jarvis\njarvis.py\nrun and it will say ''say something''\nspeak to it and it will say "I heard you say" and repeat back what you said\n\njarvis_buzz - runs buzzer\n\njarvis_led - turn on led\n\ninstall mpg123\n
We will use these Alsa command line tools:\n\narecord --list-devices\naplay --list-devices\n\n{{{\narecord -f S16_LE -r 48000 -D hw:1,0 -d 5 test.wav\n}}}\nWhere\n''arecord'' is\n''-f S16_LE'' is signed 16 bit Little Endian\n''-r 48000'' is sample rate\n'' -D hw:1,0'' device you are recoring on\n'' -d 5'' is duration in this case 5 seconds \n''test.wav'' is the file name
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'\n\nMassive compressor....\n\n
'10 July 2016'\n\n* Getting [[Little Rainbow Square|LittleRainbowSquare]] in corner...\n* [[Raspberry Pi Documentation|https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/hardware/display/troubleshooting.md]]\n* [[Troubleshooting PI power|http://elinux.org/R-Pi_Troubleshooting#Troubleshooting_power_problems]]\n* [[More talk about the power supply|https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=82373]]
The Little Rainbow Square is a low voltage warning...\n\n[[SOURCE|https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=82373]]\nThe B+ has an under voltage detect trigger which results in the power led going off when voltage drops below about 4.65V.\nThe signal is also available on a gpio line ({{{GPIO35}}}).\n\n[[GPIO 35 Discussion|http://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/33479/read-status-of-power-led-using-sysfs]]\n[[GPIO mapping|http://elinux.org/RPi_BCM2835_GPIOs]]\n[[GPIO to Header Pin Mapping|https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/iot/win10/samples/pinmappingsrpi2]]\n\n[[Programmatic Under Voltage Warning|http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33129869/measure-input-voltage-of-raspberry-pi-b-running-ubuntu]]
'11 July 2016'\nThe [[vcgencmd|http://www.elinux.org/RPI_vcgencmd_usage]] allows you to among other things read temperature and voltages\n\nHere is sample program:\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash\n# pflint Mon 11 Jul 14:10:10 UTC 2016\n# Monitor Voltates\n# Source http://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/7414/is-it-possible-to-detect-input-voltage-using-only-software\n#\n# Must be run as root!\nif [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then\n echo "This script must be run as root, you are not root" 1>&2\nfi\n#\nfor id in core sdram_c sdram_i sdram_p\ndo\n echo -e "$id:\st$(vcgencmd measure_volts $id)"\ndone\necho "That's All Folks!"\n\n}}}\n\nTADA [[run as root|http://llancaster.com/2013/08/raspberry-pi-vchiq-beatdown/]]
This is a PitchBox with PC Power, coming off a standard PC peripheral connector (old school Molex 4 pin Molex 8981 connector called the AMP MATE-N-LOK.)\n\n[[PitchBox Outside|http://docbox.flint.com/~flint/pi/pitch_box_pcp.jpg]]\n[[PitchBox Inside|http://docbox.flint.com/~flint/pi/pitchbox_pcp_inside.jpg]]\n\nThere are two voltages available at the Connector. The 5 volt (nominally 4.7 volts) goes to the display. The 12 Volt goes to a [[Qunqi 5pack MP1584EN ultra Small DC-DC 3A power Step-Down Adjustable Module Buck Converter 24V To 12v 9V 5V 3V for Arduino|https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B014Y3OT6Y/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1]] Converter which allows you to adjust the Raspberry Pi processor voltage to acceptable limits.
Type the text for '15 September 2016'\n\nHow to DD (dd) images under Linux.\n\nYou really need to be root to do this.\nExample sucking it onto a hard drive.\nDevice name find with fdisk -l as root\n/dev/mmcblk0:\n\n{{{\ndd bs=4M if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=2016-09-15_pitchbox.img \n}}}\n\nBlowing it off the hard drive back onto an sd card\n\n{{{\ndd bs=4M if=2016-09-15_pitchbox.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 \n}}}\n\n\nProgram would:\n# Check if you are root\n# Find the target or source device\n# Either read or write based upon argument\n
''19 September 2016''\n\n[[Mag Pi Magazine|https://www.raspberrypi.org/magpi/]]
PiGarden\n''27 September 2016''From Michelle.Koeth@USPTO.GOV Tue Sep 27 11:21:13 2016\n\n!'' The Links for Raspberry Pi plant watering project''\n The original links I sent you were obsolete anyway since they used a different soil moisture sensor as it turns out. \n* The analog output of the soil moisture sensors need to be used and converted to a digital form. \n* So I used a [[MCP3008 Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)|https://www.adafruit.com/product/856]] to do this, and the breadboard has all the proper connections to input the signals into the Rasp. Pi using the SPI interface \n** Here is the [[tutorial explains what I did |https://computers.tutsplus.com/tutorials/build-a-raspberry-pi-moisture-sensor-to-monitor-your-plants--mac-5287]] . \n** The pinouts are better shown in [[this tutorial |http://www.instructables.com/id/Wiring-up-a-MCP3008-ADC-to-a-Raspberry-Pi-model-B-/]] \n* There is a difference in GPIO mapping between the different pi models, here's a [[mapping including the SPI mapping for Pi 3: |https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/iot/docs/pinmappingsrpi]]\n* There is a python script on the Pi already that I wrote that reads in the soil moisture sensor values from the [[MCP3008 (it is an 8-channel ADC)|https://www.adafruit.com/product/856]]. One of the sensors is already connected - that's all we need for an MVP since connecting up all the other sensors is as simple as\n* connecting their grounds and power cables \n* connecting the analog output to one of the ADC channel inputs. \n\n!So whats left to do is to write the code that will write the sensor values to a database. \n#) write the python code that will write a value (assume the soil moisture value is already present) to a database.\n#) set up a database on the Code for NoVA server or somewhere - we need a database to write to.\nI'll be at the meetup on Thursday so can help out.\nBest\nMichelle\n\n{{{\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Hill, Randy \nSubject: RE: Links for Raspberry Pi plant watering project\n\nMichelle,\n\nResend the links to this project again...\n\nI looked for it but cannot find it...\n\nRandy\n}}}\n\n{{{\n-----Original Message-----\nFrom: Jeff Elkner \nSubject: Links for Raspberry Pi plant watering project\n\nHi All,\n\nCould someone please send me the links needed for me to wrap my head around the Raspberry Pi plant watering project? I want to be prepared for Thursday. I will need:\n\n1. An understanding of the hardware involved (the moisture sensor, the I/O pins on the Pi, etc.) 2. An understanding of the science (what are we measuring? how to we interpret the data?)\n\n}}}
'5 October 2016'\n\nShrinking images before dd\n\nThe 8GB SD cards were reporting that:\n{{{\ntime dd bs=1M if=2016-10-04_pitchbox.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 \ndd: error writing '/dev/mmcblk0': No space left on device\n}}}\nwhen being dd'd from an 8GB image.\n\nIt turns out that what you need to do is to [[make the source sdcard image smaller|http://softwarebakery.com/shrinking-images-on-linux]]\n\nWe shaved 2 GB of Blank off the last partition and are now cutting the test.\n\nAnother way out is [[gnome-disks|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME_Disks]]\n\n
* https://github.com/sparkfun/Soil_Moisture_Sensor\n* http://www.electroschematics.com/6519/simple-soil-moisture-sensor-arduino-project/\n
Great sources of Fritzing parts to import:\n\n|!Official Fritzing|[[git@github.com:fritzing/fritzing-parts.git|https://github.com/fritzing/fritzing-parts]]|\n|!~AdaFruit|[[git@github.com:adafruit/Fritzing-Library.git|https://github.com/adafruit/Fritzing-Library]]|\n|!~SparkFun|[[git@github.com:sparkfun/Fritzing_Parts.git|https://github.com/sparkfun/Fritzing_Parts]]|\n|!~DFRobot|[[git@github.com:DFRobot/Fritzing-library.git|https://github.com/DFRobot/Fritzing-library]]|\n|!Digilent|[[git@github.com:kaitlynfranz/Digilent_Fritzing_Parts.git|https://github.com/kaitlynfranz/Digilent_Fritzing_Parts]]|\n|!nagaranudit|[[git@github.com:nagaranudit/fritzing.git|https://github.com/nagaranudit/fritzing]]|\n|!Seeed Studios|[[git@github.com:fritzing/fritzing_parts.git|https://github.com/fritzing/fritzing_parts]]|\n\nThe most useful files are the ~AdaFruit shared bins, file extension @@''{{{.fzbz}}}''@@. Start Frizing, and open these (and any other shared bin files) one at a time. Then after each import, click pull-down menu in the parts browser -- the small set of horizontal lines in the upper right corner of the group of imported images -- and select @@''{{{Save Bin}}}''@@\n\nThere are other files that can be imported from these repositories, but they tend to be individual part (@@''{{{.fzpz}}}''@@) files. The bin files, on the other hand, import multiple parts in one "swell foop".\n\nImporting the hundreds of individual part files, one at a time, gets old, and is only truly useful when you know the specific part you want to import.
Type the text for '21 October 2016'\n\nhttp://www.electroschematics.com/6519/simple-soil-moisture-sensor-arduino-project/
Type the text for '21 October 2016'\n\n\n[[DIYmall Soil Hygrometer Detection Module Soil Moisture Sensor For arduino Smart Car |https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01GZIPUT6/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1]]\n\n''Pinout''\nOrientation: Circuit board with components facing you and pins down in N-S direction. Pins left to right\n# AO: analog output interface\n# DO: digital output interface(0 and 1)\n# GND: GND\n# VCC: 3.3V-5V\n
Type the text for '21 October 2016'\n\n[[Spark Fun Moisture Sensor|https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/soil-moisture-sensor-hookup-guide]]
Type the text for '3 November 2016'\n\n[[Yocto Project|https://www.yoctoproject.org/about]]
Type the text for '3 November 2016'\n\n[[I-carus|http://i-carus.com/]]
\n\n[[Cruchfield|http://www.crutchfield.com/S-E9g3mrA6r4j/learn/2005-2012-nissan-xterra.html]]\n\n[[Proposed as a Project|http://www.clubxterra.org/forums/showthread.php?t=39299]]\n\n[[Youtube install|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoJ3grPT3JQ]]
Type the text for '5 November 2016'\n\n\n[[ICarus Raspberry Pi based|http://i-carus.com]]\n\n[[Connector/bezel Kit|http://i-carus.com/woulditfit/?model=392]]\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoWQycTXXOs
Type the text for '23 December 2016'\n\nYarger built two and possibly three versions of the looper:\n# First used in art project at \n# Second version for Pellergy\n# Third version with working vfat partition.\n\n* [[Adafruit Video Looper |https://learn.adafruit.com/raspberry-pi-video-looper/overview]]\n* [[Promising Video Looper |http://curioustechnologist.com/post/118279299189/rpilooper-v3-image-for-raspberry-pi-2-available]]\n* [[Steve Hickson's Version|http://stevenhickson.blogspot.com/2014/05/rpi-video-looper-20.html]]\n* [[Tim Schwartz' Version|http://www.timschwartz.org/raspberry-pi-video-looper/]]\n
Type the text for '25 December 2016'\n\nDifferent elf files:\n\n* This machine works on version 1 machine:\n{{{\noot@core2_duo:~/clients/pellergy/dos# ls -alt\ntotal 19116\ndrwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Dec 25 19:13 ..\ndrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun 26 2015 video\ndrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun 23 2015 System Volume Information\n-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 137 May 7 2015 issue.txt\n-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 120 May 7 2015 cmdline.txt\n-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1584 May 7 2015 config.txt\ndrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 May 7 2015 overlays\n-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4423 Apr 27 2015 bcm2708-rpi-b.dtb\n-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4702 Apr 27 2015 bcm2708-rpi-b-plus.dtb\n-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5690 Apr 27 2015 bcm2709-rpi-2-b.dtb\n-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 17900 Apr 27 2015 bootcode.bin\n-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 18693 Apr 27 2015 COPYING.linux\n-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2366 Apr 27 2015 fixup_cd.dat\n-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6161 Apr 27 2015 fixup.dat\n-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 9216 Apr 27 2015 fixup_db.dat\n-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 9214 Apr 27 2015 fixup_x.dat\n-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3930004 Apr 27 2015 kernel7.img\n-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3974884 Apr 27 2015 kernel.img\n-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1447 Apr 27 2015 LICENCE.broadcom\n-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 567672 Apr 27 2015 start_cd.elf\n-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4644712 Apr 27 2015 start_db.elf\n-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2664088 Apr 27 2015 start.elf\n-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3621768 Apr 27 2015 start_x.elf\n-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 18974 Sep 25 2013 LICENSE.oracle\ndrwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Dec 31 1969 .\n}}}\n\n\nThis is a current NOOBS disk which works on the pI3\n{{{\n\n}}}
Type the text for '26 December 2016'\n\n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[Pi Boot Process |http://wiki.beyondlogic.org/index.php?title=Understanding_RaspberryPi_Boot_Process]]||\n|[[Burn a dvd iso |http://askubuntu.com/questions/174626/how-do-i-burn-a-dvd-iso-using-the-terminal]]||\n|[[RPi_Easy_SD_Card_Setup |http://elinux.org/RPi_Easy_SD_Card_Setup]]||\n|[[Flashing_the_SD_Card_using_Linux |http://elinux.org/RPi_Easy_SD_Card_Setup#Flashing_the_SD_Card_using_Linux_.28including_on_a_Raspberry_Pi.21.29]]||\n|[[Coloured_splash_screen |http://elinux.org/R-Pi_Troubleshooting#Coloured_splash_screen]]||\n|[[onedrive |https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21AMlmBWrgdU21QA4&cid=0E0F17BD2B1FFE81&id=E0F17BD2B1FFE81%21403&parId=E0F17BD2B1FFE81%21366&action=locate]]||\n|[[Raspberry Pi |https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/]]||\n|[[youtube |https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IQjV2zeWHk]]||\n|[[reference|http://www.hivmr.com/db/73fp3m8mm8fx797a8xdadfzp1pxp97jf]]||\n|[[tims chwartz |http://www.timschwartz.org/raspberry-pi-video-looper/]]||\n|[[Berry Boot|http://www.berryterminal.com/doku.php/berryboot]]|Could this be the answer?|\n
Type the text for '26 December 2016'\n\n[[berryboot |http://www.berryterminal.com/doku.php/berryboot]]\n[[berryboot video|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScMIgyYu_Bo]]\n[[Getting Berryboot to boot|https://github.com/maxnet/berryboot/issues/279]]\n
Some simple rules of Raspberryt Pi are in order:\n1. Always Use a high current power supply.\n2. Be aware of the bios differences.\n3. Always shrink before duplication to same size media.\n4. Format MS Dos regions on a real Micro$oft machine.\n\n\nType the text for '27 December 2016'\n\n* [[Raspberry Pi Boot process|http://wiki.beyondlogic.org/index.php?title=Understanding_RaspberryPi_Boot_Process]]\n* [[Yet another installer|https://github.com/RayViljoen/Raspberry-PI-SD-Installer-OS-X]]\n* [[Maybe Partimaged is the answer|https://github.com/RayViljoen/Raspberry-PI-SD-Installer-OS-X]]\n\n
'18 January 2017'\n\n\n\n* [[PiTchLunchBox Inside|http://docbox.flint.com/~flint/pi/pitchbox_inside_2016-05-118.jpg]]\n* [[PiTchLunchBox Outside |http://docbox.flint.com/~flint/pi/LunchBox_open_20160919_135435.jpg]]\n\n[img[http://docbox.flint.com/~flint/pi/LunchBox_open_small_20160919_135435.jpg]]
'18 January 2017'\n\nGreetings Ben Heck,\n\nThis is my take on a way to do this:\n\nhttp://docbox.flint.com:8081/raspberry#PiTch-Box Overview\nhttp://docbox.flint.com/~flint/pi/pitch-box.jpg Outside\nhttp://docbox.flint.com/~flint/pi/pitchbox_inside_2016-05-118.jpg Inside\n\nThe actual PiTch Lunchbox version is here:\n\nhttp://docbox.flint.com:8081/raspberry#PiTchBoxLunchBox\n\nThe important bit is use Bluetooth Keyboards...
Type the text for '3 June 2017'\n\n* [[Getting Started with resin.io|https://docs.resin.io/raspberrypi3/nodejs/getting-started/]]\n* [[resin.io_2017-05-31]]\n* [[resin.io_2017-06-03]]\n
Type the text for '3 June 2017'\n\n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[My Current Resin Applications |https://dashboard.resin.io/apps]]||\n|[[Support Web site |https://resin.io/support/]]||\n|[[Resin Introduction |https://docs.resin.io/introduction/]]||\n|[[Resin Getting Started |https://docs.resin.io/raspberrypi3/nodejs/getting-started/]]||\n|[[Gitter resin.io chat |https://gitter.im/resin-io/chat]]||\n|[[reference|https://www.sbf5.com/~cduan/technical/git/git-1.shtml]]||\n|[[Rsapberry Pi website|http://docbox.flint.com:8081/raspberry]]||
Type the text for '31 May 2017'\n\nFrom flint@flint.com Wed May 31 13:53:45 2017\nDate: Wed, 31 May 2017 13:53:45 -0400 (EDT)\nFrom: Paul Flint <flint@flint.com>\nTo: apostolis@resin.io, Lorenzo Stoakes <lorenzo@resin.io>\nCc: marcus@resin.io, lifeeth@resin.io\nSubject: yaest\n\nGreetings Petros Angelatos and Lorenzo Stoakes,\n\nI hope things are profitable for you.\n\nThis morning I came to the epiphany that your product could really \nrevolutionize how Mainframes are provisioned.\n\nI believe that we could craft Yet Another Easy Setup Tool (yaest) this \nwould be a Raspberry PI that would load via the Mainframe FTP port a \nmaster zLinux binary which would then be used to create destroy and \nmanage additional linux images (think hundreds of thousands.). Much of \nthis functionality is already built into a product called Z Object \nOriented Management (zoom). Zoom is comprised of hundreds of Bash \nscripts, which was what originally interested me.\n\nIBM Mainframes have some quaint predispositions, one of which is the \nability to accept "Remote Job Entry" (think punch cards) via classic FTP.\nOur goal would be to attach a Raspberry PI electrically to the z series \nMainframe, via a local network hookup, add a destination IP and some \ncredentials, and then have the PI "boot" the zoom master under IBM zVM.\n\nI intend to continue research on the feasibility of this idea. I would \nappreciate at very least the discretion of the resin.io organization, and \nat the very most some help with getting this idea off the ground.\n\nPlease see:\nhttp://docbox.flint.com:8081/vm#YaEST\n\nOn this topic, I will be attending and speaking the first week of June at \nOhio State University in Columbus at the IBM vmWorkshop 2017 on the topic \nof Visual Bash. Subsequently in August, I will be giving a similar talk \nat IBM SHARE in Providence Rhode Island. Could I represent such a thing \nas possible?\n\nAgain I eventually need to visit my Sister in Windsor, this may be as good \nreason as any to meet with you at Crown Works.\n\nSincerely,\n\n\nFlint\n\n On Thu, 10 Nov 2016, Paul Flint wrote:\n\n> As much as I love drones, HVAC and refrigerators, I love money more.\n\n> Keep in mind when these zVM's spin up, the virtuals typically \n> number in the thousands or tens of thousands. Examples include ADP, the US \n> payroll company, which is heavily invested in this IBM zVM/zLinux Mainframe \n> architecture along with many other institutional financial and assurance \n> agencies, is currently doing some devops testing with a mere five hundred \n> virtuals running Docker, and the results are quite interesting.\n>\n> So, the question really is how do I, after my introduction through this less \n> than encouraging application process, continue to develop knowledge and \n> foster relationships within resin.io? At this particular stage of my life, \n> living and travel resources are not the issue. The constraints I deal with \n> are knowledge and skill, both predicated upon time, which brings us right \n> back to where you are Mr. Stoakes, constrained by the ticking of the clock.\n>\n> In summary, I hope to find that the minor theatrical drama of the job \n> application was merely a rather awkward preamble to some test projects, good \n> business, and maybe a shot at the big show. Your ability to deliver the \n> resources I need, knowledge and skill, equates to time on both our parts, and \n> is, in summary, the investment we must both carefully consider. After my \n> sincere application and subsequent rejection (sniff:^), but based upon your \n> kind response as well as the merits of the vision and accomplishments \n> involved, I may want to continue to work with your enterprise. Does resin.io \n> have the resources?\n>\n> Where can we go from here?\n>\n> Sincerely,\n>\n>\n> Paul Flint\n> (802) 479-2360\n> (802) 595-9365 Cell\n>\n\nKindest Regards,\n\n\n\n☮ Paul Flint\n(802) 479-2360 Home\n(802) 595-9365 Cell\n\n/************************************\nBased upon email reliability concerns,\nplease send an acknowledgement in response to this note.\n\nPaul Flint\n17 Averill Street\nBarre, VT\n05641\n\n
Type the text for '3 June 2017'\n\n* [[etcher|https://etcher.io/]]\n* [[etcher cli|https://etcher.io/cli/]]
Type the text for '16 July 2017'\n\n[[Quick Linke to J Core|http://j-core.org/]]\n[[Wikipedia J Core|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SuperH#J_Core]]
'20 July 2017' \n\nGot Two Lapdocs, one works and the other doesn't.\n\nThe one that doesn't work is a LAPDOC 100 CSD-8115 sn SJYN0918A\nUPC B605382EC000000 138\n\nThe one that works is SJYN0922A B60723158
Type the text for '20 July 2017'\n{{{\nGreetings,\n\nWhile I have received the LAPDOC 100 CSD-8115 sn SJYN0918A\nUPC B605382EC000000 138 try as I might I cannot get the unit working. I know my interface to the pi is correct since I have a Motorola Lapdock for Atrix 4g that works directly. If you have any support instructions I would be happy to try them. Otherwise I would be interested in an exchange.\n\nRegards,\n\nPaul Flint\n}}}
Type the text for '20 July 2017'\n\nEarlier versions of the PI os boot only as far as the rainbow on later PIs... E.G.:\n\n{{{\ncat os-release \n\nPRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)"\nNAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"\nVERSION_ID="8"\nVERSION="8 (jessie)"\nID=raspbian\nID_LIKE=debian\nHOME_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/"\nSUPPORT_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianForums"\nBUG_REPORT_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianBugs"\nroot@raspberrypi:/etc# \nroot@raspberrypi:/etc# \n\n}}}\n\nAppears to boot fine on a PI 2011.12, but will not boot on a more modern unit
Type the text for '29 August 2017'\n\n[[Techradar |http://www.techradar.com/how-to/computing/how-to-get-wi-fi-and-bluetooth-working-on-raspberry-pi-3-1316938]]
Type the text for '29 August 2017'\n\n[[SOURCE|https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=91&t=33730]]\n{{{\n#!/bin/bash\n# pfint Tue 29 Aug 17:47:48 UTC 2017\n# kill tablet on raspberry\nxinput set-prop 8 "Device Enabled" 0\nxinput --set-prop " USB Cordless Mouse" "Device Enabled" 0\n}}}
Type the text for '28 September 2017'\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1mLqDlUj48\n\nhttps://www.raspberrypi.org/learning/getting-started-with-minecraft-pi/
\nType the text for '12 October 2017'\n\n* [[Getting Started Minecraft PI|https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/projects/getting-started-with-minecraft-pi]]\n\nType the text for '9 October 2017'\n\nCan this be used with [[LakeCraft|http://www.lakecraft.net/]]?\n\n* [[Full Version of Minecraft on Raspberry pI article|https://www.cnet.com/how-to/get-the-full-version-of-minecraft-running-on-raspberry-pi/]]\n* [[Full Version of Minecraft How To|https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=137279]]
Type the text for '12 October 2017'\n\n* [[RFID on PI|https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-nfc-rfid-on-raspberry-pi]]\n* [[RFID on PI pdf|https://cdn-learn.adafruit.com/downloads/pdf/adafruit-nfc-rfid-on-raspberry-pi.pdf]]\n\n|!Reference HTML|! Description|\n|[[raspberry-pi-nfc-minecraft-blocks |https://learn.adafruit.com/raspberry-pi-nfc-minecraft-blocks]]||\n|[[getting-started-with-minecraft-pi |https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/projects/getting-started-with-minecraft-pi]]||\n
Type the text for '14 January 2018'\n\n* [[Pimoroni|https://core-electronics.com.au/pimoroni-cluster-hat-v2-0.html]]
Type the text for '12 November 2018'\n\n* [[Develop OS on PI|https://elinux.org/RPi_Distributions]]\n\n* [[Music on PI|https://volumio.org/]]
Type the text for '20 December 2019'\n\n[[RaspberryPiZerioV1.1|https://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=Raspberry+Pi+Zerio+V1%2C1&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8]]\n\n[[Command Line Download NOOBS|https://howtoraspberrypi.com/create-sd-card-raspberry-pi-command-line-linux/]]
Type the text for '18 February 2020'\n\n[[Good Howto |https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/27082/how-to-stream-raspivid-to-linux-and-osx-using-gstreamer-vlc-or-netcat]]\n\n
Type the text for '4 February 2021'\n\n[[Wiring Diagram for eth0|http://forum.banana-pi.org/uploads/default/original/2X/5/53966c47f31026920e1b4d59f089a884f4f76587.jpg]]\n\n{{{BPI-M2 zero}}}\n\n[[wikipedia|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_Pi#Banana_Pi_BPI-M2_Zero]]\n\n[[no antenna?|http://forum.banana-pi.org/t/bpi-m2-zero-no-wifi/11261/5]]\n\n[[eth0 connection|http://forum.banana-pi.org/t/getting-ethernet-working-with-banana-pi-m2-zero/6137]]\n\n[[Wlan not associated|https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/50967/raspi-3-wlan0-not-associated]]
Type the text for '16 February 2021'\n\n- A library called pyrobotics.py\n\n[[Example System|https://youtu.be/-XhMT4wXSG4]]
Type the text for '24 February 2025'\n\n[[Install NVME Drive|https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentation/accessories/m2-hat-plus.html]]\n\n[[Hard Drive Format |https://www.raspberrypi.com/software/]]\n\n[[Download Software|https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/imager/imager_latest_amd64.deb]]