Welcome to docbox.flint.com port 1982

Home of


Flint Family Website

Resource Website for Flint Research

"Fixing it for you...since 1982"
Telephone (202) 537-0480 (off for now will return) or (802) 595-9365

The Items Presented Below are based on the research of Dame Judith Bramlich.

Please expect revision of our site soon.

Alice Brady Flint (Source Wikitree)

Paul Lester Flint Jr (Sorce Wikitree)

Flint Family Tree, a work in progress

Flint Family Tree, a work in progress

Photo Memorabilia (needs rehoming...:^)

Below is the old FEC Site...

Home of


Flint Enterprises Corporation

Information Assurance Consultants

Sample Work Products


Paul Flint's Vita

Please contact flint@flint.com